Siam and Their Mental Problem: Abhishit´s Diplomatic Restoration and International Law

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 14, 2009 at 6:19 pm

Bangkok (TNA)


The premier said that the issue should not be politically intensified as Mr Siwarak had pleaded not guilty during the trial and that Thailand had no need for the data as the government had it already.

I want to ask persons who try to magnify the issue what do they need, why they want Thailand to have problems with its neighbour,” said Mr Abhisit. “Mr Siwarak has already been freed and the fact is there, but some people are still trying to politicise the issue“.

The Thai premier added that it is not difficult to restore relations with Cambodia as long as the neighbour listens to Thailand that the problem is caused by Mr Thaksin and solve it at its root.

Mr Abhisit reasserted that Thailand still wants to restore relations with Cambodia, but that relation must be made upon trust and respect between the two kingdoms.

The Thai premier admitted that there is sign from Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urging Thailand to send its ambassador back to Phnom Penh, but Thailand has replied to the Cambodian premier that the diplomatic spat was not caused by recalling the ambassador.

He said Thailand was obliged to express its stance after Cambodia had insulted the Thai judicial process as well as violated international agreement.

SKE: Who else in Siam can  push Siam to have problem with Cambodia if not you and PAD?

The problem will be restored if Cambodia listen to Siam? How about the problem to be restored  if we  Siam and Cambodia listen to each other and respect each other?

Should Camboddia act like Siam in order to be called as having trust and respect? If that is what Siam called it, then instead Cambodia should tighten her stance, commitment, and demand for siamese attention to and respecct  for Cambodia from now on.

Cambodia insulted Siamese judicial process and violated the international agreement? Did Cambodia really insult Siamese judicial process or Did Cambodia civilizedly abide by  the provision of the artice 3 of the extradition treaty?  Doesn´t Abhishit think that to terminate the MoU unilaterally is a violation of the international treaty? Doesn´t he relealize that to use a unilateral map and disrepect the verdict of international court of Hague 1962 are a violation of the international laws and make his country looks uncivilized? Mr. Talk the talk and  Mr. Perfect Arrogance!

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