Happy New Year!

Respected Readers and Contributors,

As the dawn of a New Year and a New Decade is quickly catching up on us, our team would like to take this opportunity to thank all our respected Readers for your continued interest in news and information from Cambodia, irrespective of your political affiliation and inclination. As you probably noticed already, in spite of the large spread of the Cambodian diaspora all over the world, and even with limit Internet access in Cambodia, the Cambodian community worldwide is vibrant in our expression of opinion, and we are no longer a sheepishly silent community.

We, at KI-Media, feel extremely rewarded and blessed that Cambodians and our foreign friends from all over the world pay close attention to the situation in our beloved Cambodia. We sincerely thank you for the time you spent reading the news, providing your suggestions and posting your comments. As the saying goes: “Knowledge is Power”, we hope that KI-Media contributes somewhat to your empowerment process. Please remember that the comments you posted are not in vain, we learnt, to our great surprise, that government officials in Cambodia as well as other parties involved do read regularly your comments.

We also would like to thank all those who contribute articles for posting on KI-Media. We apologize for not naming all of you here, as the list would be very long. Without you, our knowledge would be limited indeed! Therefore, we would like to encourage all of you, as well as our other readers, to keep sending us your opinions in the coming year.

We would like to wish all our Readers, Contributors and Team Members a HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you all be blessed with a prosperous and happy New Year. We hope that this New Year will wash away the misery our Compatriots are currently facing, and we also dare hope that our beloved Cambodia will recover our full sovereignty, territorial integrity and social justice.

With our utmost respect,

About unitedkhmer
I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

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