Abhisit urged to oppose to Preah Vihear administration plan

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 11, 2010 at 2:30pm

It has been quiet for a while concerning  with the conflict between Siam and Cambodia over the Siamese invasion on Preah Vihear Khmer temple. Now it starts again when Cambodia is cheduled to submitt its administrative and conservative plan to UNESCO.”  The Nation has it below:

Since Cambodia was to propose the administration and conservation plan for Preah Vihear on February 1, PM Abhisit Vejjajiva should express Thailand’s stance that Thailand has never agreed and joined in the plan making, an academic said Monday.

Well, we Khmer know that the theift never gives up stealing. So it doesn’t need you to reassure it to us. However, you Siamese people should also know that Cambodia has never asked you to join the plan or care whether you Siam agree or not with it, because Preah Vihear khmer temple has nothing to do with you Siam.

ML Wanwipa Charoonroj of Thammasat University’s Thai Studies Institute said the Cambodian plan would be submitted to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to seek the World Heritage Committee approval in the 34th general meeting in Brazil’s Brasilia City.

So what is matter with you, Charoomroj? We dosn’t propose the 300 khmer temples built by our Khmer ancestors which nowasday are in Siam to be shared yet.

She urged Abhisit to notify the World Heritage Center in Paris about the Administrative Court ruling that evoked the PM Samak Sundaravej’s cabinet resolution on June 17, 2008 to assign former foreign minister Noppadol Pattama to sign a Thai-Cambodian statement over the matter.

May I susggest you to go back to school and you should know what your countryman, Prasak Siripanich, said regarding to this issue.

The case has lost its validity, he said.

Mr Prasak said the joint communique was no longer valid because the Administrative Court, on June 28 last year, issued an injunction ordering its suspension. The Supreme Administrative Court later upheld the ruling.

In addition, the Constitutional Court ruled the joint communique was unconstitutional because it was not given parliamentary approval as required under Section 190 of the charter.

After the Supreme Administrative Court upheld the injunction, Mr Noppadon sent letters asking Cambodian officials, the Unesco World Heritage Committee (WHC) and related organisations to disregard the joint communique during a meeting on world heritage sites held in Quebec, Canada.

The Unesco director-general then sent a letter on July 8 last year stating that the WHC had not used the joint declaration as a basis for approving the listing of Preah Vihear.

It is clear enough for an ignorant Siam like you to open your eyes and learn how to respect other and live in peace.

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