New Year Zero of Cambodia ឆ្នាំសូន្យសំរាប់កម្ពុជាតាមបែបថ្មី

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 17, 2010 at 10 : 30 pm

Hun Xen

It’s was during the KR regime in the 1970s that drove Cambodia back to the primitive, YEAR ZERO in the world history and every one still has the bad memory affected by the regime. Then  the Viet – installed Cambodian govt  has ruled Cambodia and it has driven Cambodia back to the Year Zero again. The claim is understandable because the question is that do we all really own our  own life  and  our country when :

  • Our freedom is deprived by Hun Xen?
  • Our lands and houses can be robbed away by Hun Xen’s clan and cronies anytime?
  • Most properties, land, on land, under the sea, in water belong to Hun xen’s clan and his cronies?
  • Viet still control Cambodia?
  • Viet can come and live in Cambodia freely?
  • Hun Xen has consolidated power in his tight grip and the culture of personality cult to demand his status is nationwide spread?
  • Health care, education, and other social services are not free and everyone is subjected to corruption under Hun Xen’s leadership?
  • Majority of Cambodian people are visibly poor,  working to feed themselves for a daily basis without savings?
  • Law is not enforced. Social security/personal security for everyone in the country is not safe. Everyone is subjected to robbery by day and by night, killing committed by the powerful, violence, assassination, imprison, eviction, corruption, political threat, and freedom deprivation committed by Hun Xen’s govt anytime and anywhere through out the country?
  • Most of these stuff: roads, bridges, toilets, sport competitions, schools, pagodas, institutes, organizations, and humanity programs donated by and belong to dictator Hun Xen and his corrupt, brutal cronies?
  • Military, police,  media, and court belong to Hun Xen and protect only the interest of Hun Xen, his clan and cronies?

In addition, if compare the physical Cambodian development, with other nations in the world,  with the pour of billion dollar donations and loans from international communities, and other billion dollars of domestic income from  the maximum deforestation, exploitation of ore, mines, fish,  and land grabbing, then we can see clearly  that how far Cambodia has moved forward. In fact,  it is comaparable to a ZERO development.

“This is how we live under the former Khmer leader and the real dictator, Hun Xen of Cambodia”,  which makes me  think that Cambodia today is the YEAR ZERO in the new century…So  please judge this by yourself.

About unitedkhmer
I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

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