They (Siamese elite) call them (RED SHIRT) a terrorist group!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 10, 2010 at 4:27pm

In this picture is the alleged terrorist network the elite and Democrats in Bangkok accused of.

NOTE:  The elite in Bangkok call this network  – the RED NETWORK, as a terrorist group aiming at destroying Thailand.

To my point of view such a negative painting colour to the RED network is unacceptable and will affect Thailand future’s reconciliation since the RED have been deprived of their freedom to democracy, due process before the law, health care, and economic justice, and ignored their dignity. My question is that how can one work without a network? How can this group become  so popular among the majority of Thai people if it is a terrorist group and its oversea branches are not banned by the international communities?  And why don’t  interpol arrest Thaksin if he supports a terrorist group?

The problem today in Thailand is deeply rooted in Thai society created by hierarchical system and monarchism, and the Bangkok elite can’t  solve this issue by accusing its opponent -the RED, of being a terrorist to gain national and international support to justify its handling the country with injustice, violence, and double standard system.  For instance, the crack down on the RED is always carried out with more harsh and violent in both military and legal actions compared to the crack down on the Yellow.

Actually, I am for Thaksin even I am against his friend – Hun Xen of Cambodia, for he did help the North and North Eastern people, not because most of them are descendants of Khmer Empire and Laos, but because he helped improve their living standards and dignity.

Lesson learned: The elite in Bangkok always treat their poor compatriots just like they treat their poorer neighbors – Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.

About unitedkhmer
I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

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