Once Upon a Time of Siamese History

BY The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 13,2010 at 1:44 pm

It is interesting for us as Khmer to read the posts written by Sopheak (សុភ័ក្រ្ត) about the point of views of Thai people toward its recent​​ history after  Cambodia had reclaimed some of its suzerained provinces from Thailand like Koh Kong, Battambang, Siam Reap even Cambodia din’t get back all of Thai suzerained provinces which  has made the Thais to think that such a reclaim of Cambodia as a BIG LOST OF A NATION and UNFORGETTABLE HISTORY.

Please read here:

  1. Once Upon a Time of History គ្រា​មួយ​នៃ​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ
  1. Pachantkiri Khet- Khet Koh Kong បច្ចន្ត​គិរី​ខែត្រ, កោះ​កុង​ក្នុង​ទស្សនៈ​សៀម (ត​ចប់) (End)
  2. Pachantkiri Khet -Khet Koh Kong បច្ចន្ត​គិរី​ខែត្រ, កោះ​កុង​ក្នុង​ទស្សនៈ​សៀម
  3. Battambang Province history​គ្រាមួយនៃប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត
  4. Khet Vibolsangream – Khet Siem Reap ខែត្រ​វិបុលសង្គ្រាម​ខែត្រសៀមរាប

NOTEThais dare to think only from the time that Cambodia became weak and Thailand became the suzerian of most of Cambodian western provinces  for a short time and yet  Thais are cowardly afraid of thinking and recognizing that  the whole country they are living in today had formerly belonged to Cambodia – the KHMERS.

Khmer Empire before Thailand annexed and became the suzerain most of its western territory

Thailand in the late 19th century and the early 20th century in Indochina continent.

Thai troops’ brutality

Thai troops beat villagers: officer

Cheang Sokha

The Phnom Penh Post

May 13,2010 at 1:35 pm

Mao Kleung injured from Thai soldier shooting (KSN)

A MILITARY commander in Banteay Meanchey province said Tuesday that he is preparing to file a complaint with the Thailand-

Cambodia border relations office in Poipet after Thai soldiers allegedly beat three Cambodian villagers who had crossed the border to work on a sugarcane plantation, causing two to fall unconscious.

Neang Saret, a deputy battalion commander based at Poipet, said that the two villagers had crossed the border illegally into Sa Kaew province on May 7 when they encountered the Thai soldiers.

“After arresting the villagers, [the soldiers] took off their clothes and handcuffed them and beat them with a stick,” he said. “They have kept them since the morning, and released them on the evening of the same day.”

The following day, Neang Saret said, the two men joined another villager in crossing the border to look for vegetables. Again they encountered Thai soldiers, and again they were beaten, he said. He added that two of them suffered serious injuries during the second altercation.

“They live close to the border, and they have nothing to do besides entering Thailand for work, even though they have learned that it is dangerous,” Neang Saret said, and added that he planned to file a complaint with the border relations office soon.

Soum Chankea, Banteay Meanchey provincial coordinator for the rights group Adhoc, identified the two men who were beaten unconscious as Ros Sary, 35, and Nou Ban, 30. He said the man who accompanied them on the second cross-border excursion – and who sustained only light injuries – was known only as Det, 35.

“The information I got is that these villagers entered Thailand to seek rattan and vegetables,” Soum Chankea said.y

Veerachon Sukondhadhpatipak, deputy spokesman of the Royal Thai Army, said Tuesday that he had heard nothing about either altercation.

NOTEThis brutality must be stopped and Thai troops should have understood that those Cambodian people are living close to the border lines of the two countries and they have a very close relation with Thai people who live along the border, too. Their relation and economic dependence are more considerable to push them to work for each another daily without caring about the artificial and bureaucratic permission from the authority. So why don’t these soldiers just let them go in and go out freely to help each another on a daily basis? The thing is the Thai farmers need helpers and the Cambodian farmers can provide forces and when they are cooperated, THEY ALL AT LAST MAKE THE INCOME FOR THEIR LIVING.

Number of Cambodian schools and students

May 13, 2010 at 1:19 pm

Xinhua quoted the report filed by Ministry of Education which revealed that  up to date, there are 11, 706 educational institutions or schools and as many as 3,471,867 students are enjoying their education.

The report said, of the total figure, there are 3,410 kindergartens with 186,086 school children, 6,664 primary schools with 2,239,794 students, 1,172 junior high schools with 585,151 students, 383 senior high schools with 323,583 students, and 77 higher educational institutions with 137,253 students.

Hun Xen School


  1. I think  the majority of those 11, 706 educational institutions or schools must have  named under Hun Xen, his wife, Chea Sim, Heng Sam Rin, Saw Kheng, and Sok An and manipulatively boasted to be contructed by their generious donation. For instance, all schools around my hometown now have changed their names to Vityear Lai Ang Brei Hun Xen, Vityear Lai Takeo Chea Sim, Vityear Lai Thnal Torteung Samdech Hun Xen, Vityear Lai Leaybo Sok An etc.
  2. The number of school is increased, being built under a few politician names and generosity (the aboved mentioned people), but not under state agency, with lack of teachers with low paid salary, crowded classrooms, lack of facilities, and low qualified teachers and out of-date- educational system, pounded by corruption. And with thisCambodia is even far behind Laos.

While the census showed the adult literacy rate has shown a fairly good increase during 1998-2008, Cambodia is the lowest in the Southeast Asia region after Laos. Read the full report here.