Best Blogs for Thai Political Crisis

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 18,2010 at 8:21 pm

Military crackdown on RED (AP)

If readers want to follow the hot issues in Thailand today besides Bangkok Post, the NationBBCCNN, andAljezeera, these blogs and twitters provide the very best updated events occurred  in Bangkok. Please follow them:

  1. Bangkok Pundit
  2. Bangkok Pundit Twitter
  3. Thai Political Prisoners
  4. New Mandela
  5. Thai Intelligence News
  6. Tan Network
  7. Absolute Bangkok
  8. Siam Politics

Enjoy reading!!!

About unitedkhmer
I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

2 Responses to Best Blogs for Thai Political Crisis

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