Baby Hor’s school of undiplomatic diplomacy

Cambodian Embassy withdraws offer of public debate

Press Release – 24/05/2010

Global Witness is disappointed, but not entirely surprised, to hear that the Cambodian Embassy has withdrawn its offer for a public debate with us. We had responded to their proposal in good faith and saw this as an opportunity for sensible and necessary discussion about issues of public interest. However, it seems they are continuing their policy of opacity in natural resource management, which they appear to be unable to defend or to justify in public. We therefore hope that Cambodia’s international donors will be bringing up issues of accountability, transparency and corruption at the forthcoming government-donor meeting in early June.

NOTE: Hor 5 Bora does put me and Cambodians, except for his family and CPP clan, on shame. So I call Hor 5 Bora,  his father,  Hun Sen, and other CPP’s clan are “BARSTARD” and “DICKHEAD”.  We have taken note every word that you have insulted us.

About unitedkhmer
I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

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