All Thai Kings Have Khmer Blood except Taksin

By Touch Bora

Still in the topic of Khmer Royal Family history. Members of the Khmer

King Narai

Royal Family of Cambodia have quite well recorded by various scholars, but it appears to me that an assertion of a 17th century King Narai (Noreay 1657-88) of Siam that he was a member of the Khmer Royal family has not been studied.

King Narai mentioned his Khmer royal relationship/connection to French Ambassador, De La Loubere when they met in 17th century: See Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam by Monfier De La Loubere, Envoy Extraordinary From the French King [Louis XIV], to the King of Siam in the Years of 1687 abd 1688 (year of publication 1705).

Should we trace Narai’s khmer royal family? or you have already done that? Additionally, Thai King Moha Mongkut (1851-68) told a British scholar that his ancestor, the (Chakrei) Rama I, was also a Khmer, but not from a royal family. The current Thai King is Rama 9 of the Chakrei dynasty–:1782-present. If it is true, then the only Thai king who did not have Khmer blood was King Takin, a Chinese War Lord turned King of Siam, who in turn was murdered by Rama 1 in 1782.

Most Thais are mixed with Khmer blood

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

The statement is right since millions of Khmers who are the descendants of the former Khmer Empire which annexed permanently to Thailand in early 2oth century spread through out the country. This cussess is inspired by the Thai behaviors and attytudes which are always in favor of Khmer culture, arts, tradition etc. which make them unconditionally integrated in the Khmer society.