Hun Xen and His Comrades infected by A/H1N1

There are many news reported about Hun Xen included his comrades infected by swine flu. You can read some of them

CPP ministers cursed blessed with Swine flu: Hun Xen, Tao Xeng Huor, Chhay Than

here: SacravaXinhua, and  AP.

The Son Of the Khmer Empire: I just wonder how these stooges get infected by the swine flu for they always stay in the safe places in both priavte and public affairs. As we know  no ordinary people, journalists, etc.,  are allowed to approach them before getting through their thousands of personal bodyguards.

Pls figure it out whether it is a lie to draw media and public  attention away from the present hot issues like the injustice of the defamation case brought by him (Hun Xen) against MP Mu Sochua, the border issues in Takeo and Kampong Cham which recently brought to the front page again by the SRP´s MPs.  Or they get infected because they had sneaked away from their surrounding sycophants during their missions to have fun around somewhere?