No reconciliation yet with Thais

Friday, 16 July 2010
By Cheang Sokha
Phnom Penh Post

GOVERNMENT officials have dismissed comments made this week by Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who saidCambodia should take the first steps to restore the two countries’ damaged relationship.

On Wednesday, Thai media quoted Abhisit as saying that the ball was “in the Cambodian court” regarding reinstatement of ambassadors withdrawn by both countries last year.

Cambodian Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong (pictured) said yesterday that an improvement in relations depended on Thailand, which withdrew its ambassador from Phnom Penh after the Cambodian government appointed fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra as a government adviser last year.

He added that Cambodia did not mind waiting for a Thai response. “If Thailand still does not do it, the diplomatic relations will be kept at the level of acting chargé d’affairs, andCambodia will not mind,” he said.

“The stance of the government of Cambodia has not changed. It’s still the same: If Thailand sends back its ambassador first then Cambodia will send [its envoy] 15 minutes later.”

After the withdrawal of Thailand’s ambassador on November 4, Cambodia reciprocated, plunging relations to their worst point in years.

Koy Kuong also critised Thailand’s stated intention to oppose the consideration ofCambodia’s management plan for the disputed Preah Vihear temple at a UNESCO meet in Brazil later this month.

“It reflects Thailand’s unwillingness to restore diplomatic relations between the two nations,” he said.

Court requests parliament to deduct Mu Sochua’s salary to pay the fine

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Mu Sochua

Deum Ampil reports that it has received information from reliable sources from the Phnom Penh Court that the court had sent a request to the parliament to ask it to deductMu Sochua’s salary to pay for her fine, instead of jailing her who has steadfastly maintained that she’d rather go to jail than pay the 16.5 million riels ($4,500) fine for allegedly defaming Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Mr. Cheam Yeap, chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Finance, Audit and Banking, he has not yet received the letter from the court.

Contacted by Deum Ampil today, Mu Sochua (pictured) said he can’t comment on this matter as she has not received information regarding the matter. However, according to officials from her part, the Sam Rainsy Party, Mu Sochua is willing to accept this solution.