Court requests parliament to deduct Mu Sochua’s salary to pay the fine

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Mu Sochua

Deum Ampil reports that it has received information from reliable sources from the Phnom Penh Court that the court had sent a request to the parliament to ask it to deductMu Sochua’s salary to pay for her fine, instead of jailing her who has steadfastly maintained that she’d rather go to jail than pay the 16.5 million riels ($4,500) fine for allegedly defaming Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Mr. Cheam Yeap, chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Finance, Audit and Banking, he has not yet received the letter from the court.

Contacted by Deum Ampil today, Mu Sochua (pictured) said he can’t comment on this matter as she has not received information regarding the matter. However, according to officials from her part, the Sam Rainsy Party, Mu Sochua is willing to accept this solution.

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