Enemies of the People: The Khmer Rouge, Close-Up

Friday, Aug. 06, 2010

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot's right-hand man from the Khmer Rouge, sits in the dock during his second public appearance at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, Feb. 7, 2008 Chor Sokunthea / Reuters

After three years of paying social visits, Cambodian journalist Thet Sambath finally gets what he wants from his secretive companion: a sign that the old man will discuss his past as second-in-command of the Khmer Rouge. “Finally, he told me one day, ‘Sambath, I believe you, I trust you,'” Thet tells the camera. The candid conversations that follow between Thet and Nuon Chea, now 84, form the core of Enemies of the People, an award-winning documentary about the ultra-Maoist revolution that left nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population dead. Having earned Nuon Chea’s trust, Thet coaxes out a first-of-its-kind public admission: top-level Khmer Rouge leaders ordered purges. It was “the correct solution,” says the regime’s former Brother No. 2, to have traitors “killed and destroyed.”

Nuon Chea is unlikely to speak so openly to the war-crimes court that now is holding him. Created to address Khmer Rouge crimes, the court concluded its first trial last month, convicting a former prison warden known as Duch to 19 more years in prison. In that instance, prosecutors benefited from a cooperative defendant and a lengthy paper trail incriminating him. Nuon Chea’s trial, scheduled to begin next year, will prove more difficult. He and three others are expected to remain mum about their real roles in the regime. Anticipating their silence, investigating judges fought for an advance copy of Enemies. Thet and fellow producer Rob Lemkin, of Britain, rejected the subpoena, citing agreements with the interviewees. It is still unclear whether the footage will be used in court.(See photographs of the rise and fall of the Khmer Rouge.) Read more of this post

Siam psychopath: PAD plans to retake Prasat Preah Vihear

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

The extremist PAD now go too far by declaring that they plan to retake Prasat Preah Vihear without shame.

Another shameless thief: Chamlong

NOTE:  These extremist Siam have revealed their true colour by  not giving up their greed and shame to rob Khmer heritage from generation to generation. Historically, they are tiredlessly not trying to build a temple by themselves, instead they are trying to rob from other’s.

These people should have lived on the mars or in the primitive world.  Of course, they can revoke the 2000  MoU, but they must understand that they can not revoke the Siamese-French treaties, the verdict of the International Court of Justice 1962 and the World Heritage Committee’s decision, 2008.

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World Heritage Decision About Preah Vihea

Friday, 6 August 2010, 3:31 pm
Press Release: UNESCO

Press Release From The World Heritage Committee About Preah Vihear

Brasilia, 29 July 2010 – Members of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meeting in Brasilia, today adopted a decision supported by both Cambodia and Thailand concerning the World Heritage site of Preah Vihear.

The decision, submitted by the World Heritage Committee Chairperson and Brazilian Minister of Culture Juca Ferreira and supported by the delegations of Cambodia and Thailand, welcomed steps taken by Cambodia towards the establishment of an International Coordinating Committee for the sustainable conservation of the Temple of Preah Vihear.

The decision also took note that UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre had received documents submitted by Cambodia, which would be considered by the Committee at its 35th session in 2011.


NOTE: Through this, it proves that  Sok An’s claim is reliable and Suvit is a big liar.

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