My brief rebuttal to Abhisit’s letter to UN

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

  • Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva tells the United Nations that letter of Cambodia’ Prime Minister Hun Sen to the UN concerning Preah Vihear controversy is “misquoted, taken out of context and misunderstood.”

    Abhisit Vejajiva and Pang Sokheoun

Doesn’t Thailand have  any law to guarantee press, media in order to secure freedom of press, expression and at the same time to secure social and political order, reliable information, reputation, and culture?  Hun Sen often quoted his sources from the Nation and Bangkok Post which are the pro-Abhisit’s media and Abhisit always accuses him of being misinformed and misunderstood. So if it is misquoted, it is not Hun Sen’s mistake, but it must be the media that disseminate the wrong information with purposes and they must be held responsible for their crimes as stated by Thailand’s Constitution, Article III pertaining to the Rights and Liberties of the Thai People in Section 36. Or Abhisit must ask them to publish correction for it is a very sensitive issue. But he always fails to do so which makes Sawai Boonma’s Guide to the Perfect Thai idoit perfectly correct about Thai people..

  • Abhisit said in his letter signed on August 10 to Vitaly Churkin, President of the United Nations Security Council, that the current border problem between both countries arises from Cambodia’s encroachment of Thailand’s territory in violation of international law. Read more of this post

Siam psychopath: Abhi-shit demands Cambodians leave from Cambodian lands!

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Abhishit the Fasist

After denying the fact he said that he would use both diplomatic and military means to retake Preah Vihear temple and its surrounding lands he then softened his stance to Cambodia by declaring that he would stick to peaceful and bilateral resolution on border conflicts with Cambodian. But immediately he again bullied Cambodia by DEMANDING that Cambodians must leave from his so-called created  disputed areas.

“We have to tell them (Cambodians) to leave,” Abhisit told reporters. “They have trespassed so we are trying to evict them.

“The problem happened because Cambodia intruded into Thai territory so we have the right to protect our sovereignty and we will do everything possible through peaceful means.”

NOTE: To be civilized, I want to ask him that:

  • Please tell us from which area must we leave? Please show us where Siamese lands  have we trespassed? Please let us know which map does he use to prove that the lands that we live around Prasat Preah Vihear belong to Siam? Please show us from which document/ treaty/reference does he use to prove that those areas are under Siamese sovereignty?
  • How can he be willing to solve the border conflicts peacefully, while he arrogantly demands another sovereign nation to accept his unilateral drawn map  by ignoring the spirits of international treaty, MoU, law, verdict, and agreements?
  • It is even more ridiculous, self-contradicted, and nonsensical to listen to him because how can he say that we trespassed Siamese lands while he call it a disputed areas? He must be insane!!!

So think about this if  it is acceptable for any nation on earth.

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Siam psychopath: This land is mine!

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Extremist Siam (PAD) who try to retake Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer

Wow! So you all scumbag people mean God always give Cambodia to you? Or you Siam mean you never shame on yourselves?  And if you scumbag people don’t trust  WHC, so why do you stinky people try to become the member of WHC? Shame on you, psychopathic Siam!

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Siam psychopath: Abhi-shit said no third party needed!

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Abhi-shit the Arrogance

Now the flip-flopping and insane PM Abhishit of Thailand clearly declared that he didn’t need the third party help ormultilateralparty for negotiation in solving the ongoing border dispute with Cambodia after his country has invaded Cambodian territory since 2008 over Preah Vihear temple and its surrounding lands.

THAILAND’S Prime Minister said on Tuesday he would strive to peacefully resolve a bitter border dispute with Cambodia, and outside mediation, as Cambodia has sought, was not needed.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Cambodia’s recent appeal to the United Nations to help negotiate is unnecessary because a 2000 agreement between the countries provides the framework for a solution.

NOTEWhy does he always  refuse to accept the intervention from the third party like UN, Asean Nations, and the 19 signatory members of the Paris Peace Accord if he is not a robber and invader and committed to solving the conflicts peacefully? Why does he keeps bullying Cambodia again and again without pushing for practical resolution through the Joint Border Committees established by the two nations under the 2000 MoU?

Siam psychopath: Siamese schoolboys

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

I just come across this twitter BKKApologist which tweeted as follow:

Siamese monkey ( Siam King monkey )

Now editing video of 10-year-old Thai schoolboys near Phra Viharn shouting, “The Khmers stole our land!” before giggling their heads off.

Well, I also have just edited the voice of a Khmer schoolboy who approached Siamese soldiers who evidently as the invaders now are stationing at Khmer pagoda just 300 meters away from Prasat Preah Vihear and asked them  that:

“Hey, where were you when we built our temple?”,  and then hopelessly turned back without getting the answer.

NOTE: …Do we think that they can answer this question? Historically, Khmer people know how to build the temple since the first century while Tai/Siam/Thai  established their first state in the 14th century. So when we Khmer built the first temple – Prasat Angkor Borei  in Angkor Borei district, Takeo province, in the first century, the Tai/Siam/Thai might be still  a monkey winging on the tree and when we started to build our Prasat Preah Vihear in the early 9 th century, Tai/Siam/Thai  might  just have developed to be human and live a life as tribe like barbarians.

Sacravatoons no 1803 : ” Vejja of the Tongue without Bone “

Siam psychopath: The greedy Siam call us Khmer the greedy now!

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

2006_1223Dec060201.jpg image by robitusson

Siamese Nazi Chick

It is unbelievable that now many stupid Siamese people have shown off to compete among themselves for “Their Love of the Nation of Siam.” Below is the excerpt fromThai-Asian Network News.

After the televised discussion session has concluded, Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen has sent a letter to the president of the United Nations Assembly and United Nations Security Council, protesting against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva for saying that the memorandum of understanding signed between Thailand and Cambodia could be revoked and Bangkok will use diplomacy along with military force in settling the border dispute.


It will not be easy for Thailand to deal with the issue through diplomacy or military force, for that matter, because Cambodia is experienced in making its grievances known to a global forums.Phnom Penh has been attempting to turn the international community against Thailand without considering the assistance Thailand had given to it in the past or the sake of the cross-border relationship. Instead, Cambodia has been greedily trying to steal Thailand’s natural resources on land and in the sea. It has also arrogantly, appointed a fugitive criminal wanted by the Thai authority to be its national economic adviser. The Thai government must view this as an urgent matter to prevent Thailand from losing its sovereignty over the land in which has historically and geographically belonged to Thailand.

NOTENow the greedy called us the greedy, the arrogant called us the arrogant, the thief accused us of stealing their land, and the aggressor called themselves the victim.

Moreover, they reminded us about their past assistance to us, but at the same time they forgot to tell us how they suffered our people in the past during the Pol Pot regime (e.g. how they dumped ten of thausand of our people down the Preah Vihear cliff in1979 through land-mines)  and how they helped the Pol Pot regime to continue to kill us.

And incredibly, these scumbag people have been repeatedly striking us for weeks and when we fight back once they accused us of “Now Cambodia strikes again!” WOW….amazing Siamese land!

Needless to say, it seems that these people are becoming more insane and  insatiable for instigating the conflicts and stealing other’s property. Now LET’S GO FOR IJC ‘CLARIFICATION AND MULTILATERAL TABLE, then we’ll see who is the right guy, You Stinky Siam?