Siam Psychopath: Another tongued twister speaks out!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Chavanond Intarakomalyasut the twister

After Abhishit denied his own words which publicly published in Siamese media about his threat to settle the border row withCambodia in bothdiplomatic and military means now another Siamese tongued twister, Chavanond Intarakomalyasut,  speaks out to help clean Abhishit´s flip-flopping.

Thailand will settle the border row with the neighbouring country through talks,” the TNA quoted Chavanond as saying. “We neither have any intention to threaten nor intrude militarily into Cambodian territory as earlier claimed by Cambodian authorities.”

He also said the border dispute is a bilateral problem. During the General Assembly meeting in New York in September, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva will clarify the issue to the UN Secretary-General for an improved understanding.

[…] Currently, Thai officials are awaiting a joint parliamentary meeting to approve three documents agreed by Joint Boundary Commission (JBC).

NOTESo you again try to confirm that the conflict will be possibly solved bilaterally  and really don´t need the UN mediator or other third party involvement in the hope to continue to bully Cambodia more in the future?

Please tell your trouble-making parliament to endorse the document as soon as possible and get the JBC to work at once if you are committed to solving the problem. It will be more just when there are multilateral parties involved. And please tell your flip-flopping PM to stop speaking bully so much against us via media if he doesn´t want to receive hell reaction from Hun Sen and Khmer people.

PS: You and  Abhishit must take the lead to  bring the case to UN for help and pls don´t be afraid unless you are real thief.

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