Hor 5 Hong asks another invader of Cambodia to help solve border row with Thailand

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Hor 5 Hong

We just heard that recently Hun Sen sent a letter to UN complaining about Abhishit’s threat of war to solve Prasat Preah Vihear issues and then after  his return from Iran Hor 5 Hong sent a letter from his own ministry to Vietnam asking for help, too.

In a letter to his Vietnamese counterpart and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Mr Hor Namhong said the two countries would not be able to reach a deal without outside support.

‘As the current stalemate has extinguished any hope of further bilateral negotiations and in order to avoid any large scale armed conflict… I earnestly seek assistance,’ he said in the letter.

NOTEMr. Hor 5 Hong  must include the border conflicts with Vietnam  in the letter, too,for these conflicts  cannot be solved through bilateral talk just like the cases with Thailand

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Life in the Chek Pong Moan kindoom: The extraordinary development era

Originally posted at: KI-Media

A funny banana

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Cee Pheuk Phom party, a meeting of Party members is held in a village. Chreb, the Chairman of the local CeePheukPhom party chapter gives a speech: “Dear friends! Let’s look at the amazing achievements of our Party after the liberation from the Pol Pot regime. For example, here sits Srey Net. Who was she before? An illiterate peasant woman, she had but one dress and no shoes. And now? She is an exemplary farmer known over the entire region. Or look at Chan Kdeb. He was the poorest man in this village, had no buffalo, no cow, and even no axe. And now? He is a motodoop driver, and has two pairs of flip flops! Or look at Hoon Hen. He was a nasty hooligan, a lowest drunkard, a dirty gadabout living in Wat Botum. Nobody trusted him even with a drop of water in rainy season, as he would steal anything his gaze fell upon. And now he’s a vice president of the Party!”

The next day, Chreb disappeared and never to be seen again. The village police chief claimed that he was sent to development re-education…

Which hell you said?

A banana-imitating human

Cambodian dictator Hun Xen dies after ruling the kingdoom until he is 99 years old, one day short of his 100th birthday. He then goes to the gate of heaven, where he is met by a Tevoda (angel). Tevoda tells Mr. Hun Xen that he cannot enter, but he can choose between two hells.

They travel down to take a look. The first is full of pretty girls, tons of free sarongs, million bags of free MSG, gazillion bags of free rice, and every food, karaoke bars one can think of. The second is full of devils dressed as cops telling the poor souls sent there that they did not have the proper paper, thus they are destined to torture in vats of hot oil and boiling waters.

“I’ll take the first please,” says Mr. Hun Xen. He has a wonderful time, but after a few days he is called up to Tevoda.

“I’ve got bad news for you, Xen,” he says. “You are going to the second hell.”

“Why? What did I do wrong?” he asks plaintively.

“Nothing. But that was the electoral campaign hell. Now comes the election fraud hell.”

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Sok AN: China’s assistance benefits whole society of Cambodia

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Chinese assistance to Cambodia has so far led to the strengthening of Hun Xen's autocratic and dictatorial regime, as well as to the demise of democracy in Cambodia. The same Chinese assistance to the Khmer Rouge regime in the 70s led to the killing of more than 2 million Cambodians!!!

With the ease access to the unconditional loan from China, Sok An in the name of his gangs says that China’s assistance benefits whole society of Cambodia.

China’s aid to Cambodia contributes to the country’s social and economic development, and significant reduction in poverty, said Sok An, deputy prime minister, in a recent interview with Xinhua.

“The relations between Cambodia and China, I could say without hesitation is very good,” Sok An said. “China is one of the main development partners of Cambodia and has provided significant assistance to Cambodia.”

“Most of China’s assistance is for infrastructure development, such as construction and repairs of roads and bridges and for other important development projects such as irrigation system, expansions of river port, electricity distributions, and many others,” said Sok An.

NOTEIn short, with this easy  unconditional loan from China,  we Cambodian people have never have such a dream because:

  • The most corrupt govt of Hun Sen will commit more corruption without control.
  • This loan, as we have known, has helped Hun Xen and his gangs to strengthen their power and encourage more human right abuses, impunity, land grabbing; etc which undermines democratic improvement, solidarity, social and economic justice in our country.
  • Our new generations are ones that bear the burden of this loan and will continue to suffer.

PS: Cambodian have already experienced the unconditional helps from China bestowed to Pol Pot.

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