Cambodia a banana kingdoom????

NOTE: Below is an email I received from Chivan who wrote to me, Khmerization, and KI-Media and my reply to him. And I would like to tell Chivan that Thailand is also “A Banana Kingdom” branded recently. You can read some of the articles here and here.


Suor Sdei,

I don’t know why Sokhoeun Pang, KI and Khmerization keep defending Khmer from Thai aggressors while you all keep insulting mother land Cambodia. You called mother land Cambodia a banana Kingdom that’s what you support Thailand against Cambodia and that’s reflect yourself to what Thailand always insulting Cambodia a banana Kingdom full of crazy bad leaders like Hun Sen, Sok An, Hor Nam Hong etc…. You all don’t need to waste your time calling Thai psychopath because you are yourselves Khmer psychopath as well.

Khmer go in the battle field making war against Thai aggressors for stealing Khmer land and you all telling Thai aggressors in the battle field that Oh! Cambodia is a banana Kingdom full of crazy bad Khmer Yuan leaders!!!

Some Khmer know that Khmer leaders are bad but at least their bad are trying to protect Khmer land from Thai aggressors. We all Khmer need to reunite together fighting against Thai aggressors for stealing Khmer land and when it will be over, you can call Khmer leaders and insult them all you wanted but please just leave mother land Cambodia alone because mother land Cambodia gave birth to you all and you don’t insult mother land Cambodia. And please try not to talk bad about Khmer leaders for a while during this time defending Khmer from Thai aggressors because Thai might think that you are yourself Khmer psychopath not them.

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – Ask what you can do for your country.

Thank you. Read more of this post

Siam psychopath: They use Prasat Preah Vihear to save their nation!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

It seems that our prediction comes true about Prasat Preah Vihear that Siamese elite  politicians  and royal family need to bully and wage war against Cambodia in order to unite Siamese people who are now so divided.

Dark clouds have silver linings. So we hope that the ongoing conflict with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple will help unite all Thai people, many of whom may not share the same political ideology.

Thailand was put on the defensive when Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen complained to the United Nations recently that the Abhisit government may use force to settle its dispute with Cambodia.

Although Cambodia’s management plan for the temple has been postponed by the World Heritage Committee for one year, trouble has been brewing at the border where Cambodian settlers are illegally occupying plots of land in the disputed area around the temple.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has his work cut out in trying to resolve this problem, which Cambodia has been trying to amplify in the global arena.

We urge all Thais, regardless of their political affiliation, to unite and help the government protect our territorial integrity.

Internal conflicts should be cast aside now so that the government can devote its full energy to resolving this longstanding problem. The prime minister needs our support, not criticism.

NOTESo here we clearly see that these brainless and shameless people really use our country and poeple as their scapgoats in order to save their own torn country. With this, they again antically keep accusing Cambodia that:

  • Cambodia has attacked Thailand that makes Thailand acts in defensive. In fact, we all know that these scumbag people have attacked Cambodia for weeks before Hun Xen reacted by peacefully sending a letter to UN for mediation.
  • Cambodia has tried amplifying the issue to international arena. Actually, these brainless people have already amplified the issues to the global arena  for years since the first time of Prasat Preah Vihear application for inscription in 2005. They have shamelessly tried to blocked and attacked Cambodia worldwide until Cambodia runs out of patience.

We Khmer people must know this and Hun Sen must be strategically smart enough or leave it to us to deal with them!

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