The Pepper Project for Cambodia

June 9, 2011 

387877094_5fa96ce432_z[1]The Pepper Project is a nonprofit organization committed to establishing a market for Cambodian products in the United States. Founders Cris Peterson and Tom Gordon decided to pursue this project as a means to help Cambodian pepper farmers reestablish themselves after the civil war.

Kampot black pepper is an intense pepper with a strong aroma. According to the Pepper Project, the pepper is grown organically and each pouch is traceable to the grower. Kampot pepper is the only Cambodian product that is protected by geographical indication, a sign of an authentic product.

The project is currently working with other nonprofits such as Daughters of Cambodia and theInternational Princess Project.  Both of these organizations provide job training to former sex workers so that they can live and work independently in their communities. The Pepper Project purchases bags, pouches and punjammies (100% cotton pajamas made in India) from them.

For more information on this organization or to purchase products, visit

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I am a new generation of the Khmer people. We love our country and our cultures.

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