The cost of a Cambodian life to the Siam is: $927 (30,000 baths)

Thailand recognizes its mistake in the shooting and killing of a Cambodian citizen

29 June 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

An Saray, chairman of the Cambodia-Thailand liaison in Phnom Dey pass, located in Sampov Loun district, Battambang province, told Koh Santepheap in the morning of 28 June that Thailand recognized its mistake in the shooting on Cambodian civilians that caused the death of one man last week. He indicated that Thailand paid 30,000 baths ($927) in compensation to the family of the victim after it sent back the victim’s body to Cambodia on 24 June.

One Cambodian citizen among a group of 4 men is suspected of being shot and killed by Thai black-clad soldiers when they went to Thailand to smuggle motorcycles back to Cambodia. The victim, 44-year-old Dim Doeur, lived in Trapaing Prolit village, Santepheap commune, Sampov Loun district, Battambang province. The other 3 men escaped safely back to Cambodia.

An Saray said that even though these Cambodian men crossed the border illegally, Thailand still shouldn’t use weapons to shoot and kill them like this because it is contrary to the agreement concluded between the two countries whereby no shooting or torture should be inflicted on people illegally crossing the border.

NOTE: The siamese black clad soldiers are known for their brutality and inhuman crimes. They are not different from animals for they shoot and kill the Cambodian civilians almost every week. About the compensation, I think the siams give the price to the poor dead as high as the price of Hun Sen´s head. Here

A guide to the perfect Thai idiot

Entitled  ”A guide to the perfect Thai idiot” the author is trying to reflect Thailand´s moral crisis and mentality  similar to that of ” A guide to the perfect Latin Amrican idiot, 1996.” Please read the key excerpt below in order to understand the Thais. You can also read the whole article HERE.

Ask Thais about the causes of last week’s shameful event – or of any problems in Thailand for that matter – and they will readily point the finger somewhere else, never at themselves.

I am a Thai so I am part of this well-practiced response. But I now believe that if we continue with this long-running charade of self-deception, Thailand is on its way to becoming a failed State shortly.

We present Thailand as the land of smiles full of gentle Buddhists. We regularly give alms to monks and often make donations to temples, believing that those are selfless acts for the welfare of others.

Deep down, however, we do that only because we wish to get something in return – to go to heaven or have a. richer next life. It is a trade, pure and simple,  nothing kind, orselfless about it .

Few of us give for the sake of giving. We are basically very selfish.

Every time we go to the temple or attend a Buddhist ceremony, we duly accept and recite the Five Precepts as a guide to our daily lives, but we leave them there, as we always make promises without ever intending to keep them.

Actually, we understand little about Buddhism.

Even among the ranks of the monks, most do not know the teachings in-depth and lead their lives accordingly – all they know is how to conduct ceremonies from which they earn easy income.

This reflects something deeper – we are generally lazy and like to take short-cuts to the sabai (do-nothing) state. Lottery tickets, therefore, always sell out at premium prices; prostitution is rampant and young women readily marry foreign pensioners.

We love to talk, but rarely listen. Even when we do, we often fail to hear, as we never learn to think critically.

We can not put up with different points of view nor can we work cooperatively.

Many of the over 30,000 Buddhist temples were built next to one another because when we disagreed with one, we just built another.

That the cooperative movement has never been successful here is another Indication of our inability to tolerate different points of view.

We readily forgive, so we believe, as our most common utterance is Mai Pen Rai (it. doesn’t matter) when someone makes a mistake. But that is only a reflection of the culture of indifference and ready rationalization .

We can always cite a well-known proverb, a famous poem or a sage’s sharp utterance to justify everything we do.

We complain so much about corruption. But we do little about it.

Worse, we keep electing the same corrupt politicians because they have money and influence from which we hope to benefit.

Survey after survey shows that the majority of us do not mind corruption as long as we get something out of it.

One of the surveys last year showed that almost 85% of us believed that cheating was a normal business practice, making us practically a nation of thieves.

When I raised the matter in this column, I received the angriest responses from fellow Thais, using colourful expressions so that they should not be printed within earshot of nor uttered. Other humans.

This long-running created self-deception has so much moral deficit, to employ Joseph Stiglitz’s terminology, that Thailand has put into a state of crisis moral for some time now. Some of the symptoms of this State are the economic crisis of 1997th and the protests culminating in last week’s events.

Of course, we will never admit this, for we are perfect and will continue to be very angry when a foreigner utters something non-complementary about us.

NOTE:  We Cambodians are always correct about them, ex. Thailand always point its finger at Cambodia or uses Cambodia as its scapegoat for its bad deed and disgrace. However, it seems to reflect the Cambodian mentality as well if we are to refer to corruption, political toleration, and Buddhism practice.