Cambodia seeks help [over Preah Vihear] to avoid armed conflict in border spat

Channel News Asia
14 August 2010

Cambodian soldiers stand guard on the eagle terrace near the Preah Vihear temple

PHNOM PENH – Cambodia’s foreign minister on Saturday sought regional help in resolving a border dispute with Thailand in order “to avoid any large scale armed conflict”.

In a letter to his Vietnamese counterpart and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Hor Namhong said the two countries would not be able to reach a deal without outside support.

“As the current stalemate has extinguished any hope of further bilateral negotiations and in order to avoid any large scale armed conflict… I earnestly seek assistance,” he said in the letter.

The two countries have stepped up a war of words over the spat recently, with CambodianPrime Minister Hun Sen warning it could lead to fresh bloodshed.

Meanwhile Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva Tuesday called for Cambodian citizens to leave the contested territory.

The neighbouring nations have been locked in a troop standoff at their disputed border since July 2008, when the ancient Preah Vihear temple was granted UNESCO World Heritage status.

The World Court ruled in 1962 that the temple belonged to Cambodia, although its main entrance lies in Thailand. The exact boundary through the surrounding grounds remains in dispute, with occasional gunfights claiming several lives.

Troops from both countries exchanged fire briefly on their border in June, the latest in a series of clashes between the neighbours.

The Thai-Cambodia border has never been fully demarcated, partly because it is littered with landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia.

Siam psychopath: Abhishit warns Hun Sen to be discreet and not to argue via media

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Abhisit: Don't argue via media

It is interesting to read the flip-flopping speech of the shameless MP of theSiamese land.  Without taking responsibility for his stinky speech made he now comes out and warns Hun Sen to be discreet and not to argue via media. Read the whole article here.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has warned his Cambodian counterpart, Hun Sen, to be careful how he interprets information he receives through the media concerning the territorial dispute over the Preah Vihear temple.


…Hun Sen should be careful about interpreting information on such sensitive issues through the media.

He said Thailand would explain the dispute to the global community.

“We want to solve these problems peacefully, without the use of force,” Mr Abhisit said.

However, Mr Abhisit said the government would push out the Cambodian communities who have settled in the 4.6-square-kilometre disputed area surrounding the temple.

NOTE: In fact, I am so tired of giving respsonse to this scumbag PM of Thailand for his endless flip-flopping, irresponsible, and saving face speeches and behaviour.

  • In this sense, Abhishit means that Thai media are unreliable. The Thai media are a source of disseminating the false information, full of sabotage, and uselessness and those who work for the media in Thailand are categorized as cheap, stupid, dumb, troubled-making, untruthful, unprofessional, and irresponsible people, but they (except pro-Red media) are all still permitted to publish for they are  pro-royal family and Bangkok elite. Shame on you Abhishit, Bangkok Post, The nation… Read more of this post

Red-shirt leader Kokaew Pikulthong’s important words

The Nation

May 20,2010 at 7:03 pm

REd shirt woman at gun point

“My message to the red shirts is that our struggle is just and still ongoing, therefore we should not vent our anger by rioting,” he said, urging the reds to conserve their energy for the struggle in the longer term.

For those in power, if your view is the reds are the hired hands of Thaksin Shinawatra, then you should reconsider in light of the prove that the reds stand for an ideological movement which can not be destroyed by framing or killing,” he said.

He concluded his remarks by calling on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to quickly dissolve Parliament and face the legal proceedings related to his role in the crackdown.

If Abhisit keeps on ignoring the red shirts, society, his family included, will never be at peace because the reds will resume protesting with or without their leaders,” he said.

The Son OF the Khmer Empire sayHun Xen should take these words into consideration as well if he is to lead Cambodia for a long term peace, harmony, solidarity, democracy, and social and economic justice.

Abhisit urged to oppose to Preah Vihear administration plan

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 11, 2010 at 2:30pm

It has been quiet for a while concerning  with the conflict between Siam and Cambodia over the Siamese invasion on Preah Vihear Khmer temple. Now it starts again when Cambodia is cheduled to submitt its administrative and conservative plan to UNESCO.”  The Nation has it below:

Since Cambodia was to propose the administration and conservation plan for Preah Vihear on February 1, PM Abhisit Vejjajiva should express Thailand’s stance that Thailand has never agreed and joined in the plan making, an academic said Monday.

Well, we Khmer know that the theift never gives up stealing. So it doesn’t need you to reassure it to us. However, you Siamese people should also know that Cambodia has never asked you to join the plan or care whether you Siam agree or not with it, because Preah Vihear khmer temple has nothing to do with you Siam. Read more of this post

Siam and Their Mental Problem: Abhishit´s Diplomatic Restoration and International Law

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 14, 2009 at 6:19 pm

Bangkok (TNA)


The premier said that the issue should not be politically intensified as Mr Siwarak had pleaded not guilty during the trial and that Thailand had no need for the data as the government had it already.

I want to ask persons who try to magnify the issue what do they need, why they want Thailand to have problems with its neighbour,” said Mr Abhisit. “Mr Siwarak has already been freed and the fact is there, but some people are still trying to politicise the issue“.

The Thai premier added that it is not difficult to restore relations with Cambodia as long as the neighbour listens to Thailand that the problem is caused by Mr Thaksin and solve it at its root.

Mr Abhisit reasserted that Thailand still wants to restore relations with Cambodia, but that relation must be made upon trust and respect between the two kingdoms.

The Thai premier admitted that there is sign from Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urging Thailand to send its ambassador back to Phnom Penh, but Thailand has replied to the Cambodian premier that the diplomatic spat was not caused by recalling the ambassador.

He said Thailand was obliged to express its stance after Cambodia had insulted the Thai judicial process as well as violated international agreement.

SKE: Who else in Siam can  push Siam to have problem with Cambodia if not you and PAD? Read more of this post

Cambodia, Thailand veer closer to collision course

Long-standing dispute escalates dramatically as Phnom Penh hires fugitive former Thai PM as government adviser

Friday, Dec. 04, 2009
Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), KI Media

In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan poured more kerosene on the fire, calling Thailand a failed state and comparing Mr. Abhisit to Benito Mussolini.

PHNOM PENH — The armies of Cambodia and Thailand declared last week that they have no intention of fighting a war with each other. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the escalating dispute between the Southeast Asian neighbours has become so dangerous that such a statement was required. The past 12 months have seen ambassadors expelled, trade disrupted, accusations of espionage and a series of deadly border clashes around an ancient temple in a contested frontier area. Read more of this post

Siamese and their Mental Problem: Abhishit´s unrequested request

November 16, 2009 by The son of the khmer Empire

The Nation

Abhisit said, ” He had been informed about a Thai national being  arrested for “spying” in Cambodia


Then he continued that, “ He has told the Foreign Ministry to seek a formal explanation as to why Siwarak Chothipong, 31, a Thai national working for the Cambodia Air Traffic Service (CATS), had been arrested.”

SE: Well, Abhsit knows that the guy was arrested because he is accused as being a spy. But Abhisit keeps asking why  he is arrested.  Abhisit the Kid has already lost his mind?  Funny PM of Thailand!!!

Siamese and their Mental Problem: Abhisit´s Threat

November 16, 2009 by The son of the khmer Empire

The Nation

Here Abhisit threatens Cambodia again:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Monday threatened to take stronger action against Cambodia, including more cutbacks in financial assistant, should the country refuse to abide by the international norms in handling of suspects.

SE: This is just a new threat that siamese leaders just have made it today after they have threathened Cambodia with numerous threats before like the sealing off border with Cambodia, revoking the 2001- MoU uniterally, and suspending the assistand and loan to Cambodia.

It seems that Cambodia is subjected to and getting everything for free from Thailand. And it shows that Thailand can do whatever at  will and ignore all its wrongdoings and blow the blame on Cambodia alone.

It´s true as Abhisit said here : “It was not Thailand that had started it [the current dispute] – it was the Cambodians. Therefore, it is they who have to review their position. Right now, we are adopting a wait-and-see approach.”

SE: If Hun Sen really serves the country and the Khmer people, he must stop dragging our beloved people to be looked down by those Siamese leaders and he should act more diplomatic and act cautiously by stopping flip-flopping with the bilateral talk with those flip-flopping Siamese leaders and push the issues to the international levels in Asean or UN arena. Then the conflicts beteen the two countries will be ended. Please teach this  Abhist the Kid with your real call as  HUN SEN – Mr. STRONG MAN of CAMBODIA.