Be aware of WAR Mr Strong Men Chea Dara and Hun Xen! Bangkok is ready!!!

The Nation

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 19, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Siamese soldiers station at border near Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer

The rules of engagement are modelled on an emergency plan

after 2003 when the Thai embassy and businesses run by Thai firms in Phnom Penh were burnt down by a rowdy mob.

Thailand was reportedly ready to go to war with Cambodia, with combat units readied and F-16 fighters put on standby for possible aerial attacks.

Note: So it means that the idea of going to war against Cambodia has been prepared long ago even with such a small conflict, but it is not just designed after the last two year effort that Cambodia applied for the listing of Prasat Preah Vihear in 2007 and 2008 for status of the World Heritage Site? Shame on Thailand!!!

About the event in 2003, Thailand itself, as i know and have conversed with some Siameses, keeps claiming that Cambodian accusation over the incident is baseless even no proper  investigation has been conducted so far.  So if it is a rumor as its claim and the investigation is not probed, Thailand should not worry, prepare for war, and keep painting a bad picture of Cambodia with such a minor problem until today if thailand is truly a civilized  nation and prioritizes friendship since Cambodia also agreed to pay all destruction cost.

Siam and their Mental Preoblem: Surakiart Sathirathai´s Senority

November 26, 2009 by The son of the Khmer Empire

Bangkok Post

“The Thai government should organise bilateral talks with  other countries to clarify the Thai-Cambodian situation. The Thai government should also approach Cambodian government first to show its seniority and pressure the Cambodian government to explain different bilateral issues.“  Said  Surakiart.

Mental Siam Surakiart

SE: I´m just happy to see the title of the article that, “ Bangkok should open talk.” But again the content really disappointed me, because the intention of the approach is not a move to stop the conflict but to show who is better than whom and by this to whom who can pressure, and who can be at the great advantage.

 Actually, there is no sign of respect from the Siam and the equal status the Siam will treat Cambodia and its neigbors. I really dont know what to say to these mental people. 

Just my last word, if Siam want to end the conflict, please respect yourself first and respect other. Then we will respect you. Cambodia have nothing to be presured and you Siam must realize this as a  trouble maker and the ignorant. To be straight, your advise would be positive if you suggest your arrogant  and extreme nationalist government to take a due respect approach with Cambodia and stop treating Cambodia like a child. What do you think who you are, Surakiart?