Thai troops’ brutality

Thai troops beat villagers: officer

Cheang Sokha

The Phnom Penh Post

May 13,2010 at 1:35 pm

Mao Kleung injured from Thai soldier shooting (KSN)

A MILITARY commander in Banteay Meanchey province said Tuesday that he is preparing to file a complaint with the Thailand-

Cambodia border relations office in Poipet after Thai soldiers allegedly beat three Cambodian villagers who had crossed the border to work on a sugarcane plantation, causing two to fall unconscious.

Neang Saret, a deputy battalion commander based at Poipet, said that the two villagers had crossed the border illegally into Sa Kaew province on May 7 when they encountered the Thai soldiers.

“After arresting the villagers, [the soldiers] took off their clothes and handcuffed them and beat them with a stick,” he said. “They have kept them since the morning, and released them on the evening of the same day.”

The following day, Neang Saret said, the two men joined another villager in crossing the border to look for vegetables. Again they encountered Thai soldiers, and again they were beaten, he said. He added that two of them suffered serious injuries during the second altercation.

“They live close to the border, and they have nothing to do besides entering Thailand for work, even though they have learned that it is dangerous,” Neang Saret said, and added that he planned to file a complaint with the border relations office soon.

Soum Chankea, Banteay Meanchey provincial coordinator for the rights group Adhoc, identified the two men who were beaten unconscious as Ros Sary, 35, and Nou Ban, 30. He said the man who accompanied them on the second cross-border excursion – and who sustained only light injuries – was known only as Det, 35.

“The information I got is that these villagers entered Thailand to seek rattan and vegetables,” Soum Chankea said.y

Veerachon Sukondhadhpatipak, deputy spokesman of the Royal Thai Army, said Tuesday that he had heard nothing about either altercation.

NOTEThis brutality must be stopped and Thai troops should have understood that those Cambodian people are living close to the border lines of the two countries and they have a very close relation with Thai people who live along the border, too. Their relation and economic dependence are more considerable to push them to work for each another daily without caring about the artificial and bureaucratic permission from the authority. So why don’t these soldiers just let them go in and go out freely to help each another on a daily basis? The thing is the Thai farmers need helpers and the Cambodian farmers can provide forces and when they are cooperated, THEY ALL AT LAST MAKE THE INCOME FOR THEIR LIVING.

Cambodian embassy rejects new Thai border allegations

Phnom Penh Post


May 06,2010 at 7:42 pm

A Cambodian soldier looking at weapons seized from the captured Thai soldiers in Oct 2008 clash.

THE Cambodian embassy in Bangkok has rejected accusations from the Thai

Ministry of Foreign Affairs that repair work completed by Cambodian troops on monks’ quarters at a pagoda near Preah Vihear temple violated Thai sovereignty.

In a letter to the Thai foreign ministry dated Tuesday, the Cambodian embassy said the repair work had been conducted entirely within the territory of Cambodia, calling accusations to the contrary “fabrications”.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Koy Kuong said Wednesday that the statement was prompted by a note sent last month by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Cambodian Embassy in Bangkok.

“They said that the repairs on the monks’ quarters at the pagoda were in their territory,” Koy Kuong said. “They stupidly accused us.”

The embassy’s letter followed a similar communiqué written last Friday, in which it denounced accusations that a construction project near the Ta Krabey temple in Oddar Meanchey province had impinged on Thai territory.

Srey Doek, commander of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Division 3 in Preah Vihear province, said repairs on the dilapidated dormitories at the Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak pagoda began about six months ago and took only a few days.

“Even Thai soldiers who have visited the pagoda and prayed with the monks there have recognised that the monks’ quarters are in disrepair,” Srey Doek said.

Thai troops have periodically occupied the pagoda since tensions erupted in the area in July 2008 over the listing of Preah Vihear temple as a Unesco World Heritage site for Cambodia. Prime Minister Hun Sen mentioned this occupation in February as part of a tirade against the government of Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

“Abhisit, will you swear on having all your family members be killed in a plane crash … that your soldiers did not come to invade Cambodia at Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak?” Hun Sen said in a speech to troops in Oddar Meanchey province.

“Do you dare to swear on magic that could break your neck, on a plane crash or a dissolution of the countries, that your soldiers did not invade Cambodia’s territory on July 15, 2008?”

Officials at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not be reached for comment.

Border Report by Ke Kim Yan

November 23, 2009 by The son of the khmer Empire

Contribution of Hing Soksan

Originally posted at: Let´s Go to Media

The three traitors

Up to now, no a single Cambodian farmer had lost their rice paddy to Vietnam and the border demarcation mechanism is carried basing on the 1985 treaty and the 2005 supplemental treaty.

Well, if you read through the report of Ke Kim Yan, then we will know that those three traitors are right because, “Up to now, no a single Cambodian farmer had lost their rice paddy to Vietnam, but hundreds of families who had lost their rice paddies.”

Border Report by Ke Kim Yan


Please click to download the Border Report 1999  by Ke Kim Yan
This is just a report in 1999 alone there were 31 cases of encroachment -20 encroachments by Vietnam, 10 encroachments by Thailand, and 1 encroachment by Loas. How about the encroachment in the whole 1980s, the encroachment from 1990 to 1998, and the encroachment from 2000 up to today?  We have heard the cases of border invasion reported annually by the opposition, people along the border, and the NGOs, but not a single word from the the government of these three traitors in those years. 
Notice: In the report of Mr. Ke Kim Yan, he told us only the resolutions solved with Thailand, but not a single resolution had pointed out about the encroachments of Vietnam. Or that means all the encroachments invaded by Vietnam have been fully taken by Vietnam?
What should the three traiotrs deserve,  please tell me my beloved countrymen!!!
Thank you brother Sok San