Siam mental problem: Abhishit’s best resolution to Prasat Preah Vihear conflict

The Son Of the Khmer Empire


Regarding to the ongoing conflicts caused by Thailand after Abhisit and his extremist alliance PAD have tried  hard to reclaim Prasat Preah Vihear, demand for joint listing of World Heritage Site for Prasat Preah Vihear and the joint management plan of the temple is that Abhishit shamelessly claims that the best resolution to end the conflict is to co-manage the temple.

On Sunday, Mr Abhisit said the best solution is to change the arrangement, from having Cambodia solely register the temple to  the two countries jointly proposing that the World Heritage site be co-managed.

NOTE: It’s a shame for Abhisit to ask for such a co-management over Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer, the property that you doesn’t belong to you. Does such a thing happen anywhere in the world? Impossible!

I also want to ask Abhisit and Thais people if we Khmer are allowed to join co-management of Prasat Phnom Rong and Prasat Pimai which built by our ancestors-the Khmer Kings?

Actually, the resolution is very easy if Abhisit stop being arrogant and just learn to respect the international treaty, law, agreement, MoU, and agreement, then all the conflicts will be ended.

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