Congratulation to Chea Mony!

Chea Mony elected president of FTUWKC unopposed

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Chea Mony (pictured), the incumbent president of the Free Trade Union of

Chea Mony

Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC) has been re-elected as president of the FTUWKC unopposed for a 5th term, reports Deum Ampil.

Chea Mony was the only candidate and was re-elected unanimously in a congress held on Sunday (27th June) morning.

Earlier in the month, he said he is stepping down and won’t seek re-election due to ill health. However, he said he changed his mind after the majority members of the union wrote letters asking him to continue to represent them.

NOTE: My worry is relieved after receiving this good  news. Of course, he wants to resign from his post for health problem. His resign surely will weaken FTUWCK’ s influence  for only a few whose commitment and qualification are at doubt, besides Bang Rong Chhun,  will dare to stand for the post and continue to commit to serving the workers’ interests  in the most dangerous political situation like in Cambodia.

Cambodia needs  more persons like him and Bang Rong Chhun to continue to fight for the rights of the civil servants and workers of the country for better living standard and dignity!