Stop playing cool with Siamese troops

By Khmerization
Source: RFI

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 19, 2010 at 4: 55 pm

Cambodian commander (L) and Thai commander (R) held talk on top of Phnom Trop mountian (EPA)

14 Thai troops who moved in to occupy a strip of Phnom

Trop Mountain on Friday, the 16th, had steadfastly refused to withdraw from the area, despite strong protest from Cambodian troops, reports Radio France Internationale.

Those 14 Thai troops had sneaked in to occupy the area when Cambodian troops were preparing to celebrate the Khmer New Year.

Gen. Chum Socheat, spokesman for the Cambodian Defence Ministry, said local commanders from both sides were holding talks, but up to Sunday afternoon those Thai troops still refused to withdraw. Local Cambodian commanders said they will resolve the issue locally first before sending the case to the national level. Gen. Chum Socheat said those 14 Thai soldiers said they are ready to withdraw if given orders by their top commanders. However, experience in the past show that this is just a ploy, he said.

Note: This act is clearly the act of provoking conflict or invasion. Cambodia soldiers must tighten their stand in protecting the territorial integrity of the country by not allowing the siamese troops to move anywhere at will. So pls stop playing soft or negotiating with them if they trespass into our territory  or any disputed areas without informing us. Just shoot at them since commanders of the two sides have met many times and already made clear conditions and agreements  for  the troop movements and the banned areas along the borders.