Hun Xen signed authorization to sue union leader Ath Thun and his group

16 Sept 2010
By Sopheak
Cambodia Express News
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Click here to read the article in Khmer

Ath Thun talking to workers on 13 Sept 2010 (Photo: Reuters)

On 15 September, Ith Sam Heng, the minister of Welfare and Veteran Affairs, sent a report to Hun Xen asking for his decision on Ath Thun, the president of the Cambodian Labor Confederation, who is accused of inciting workers to hold a strike and to demonstrate on 13-15 September to demand for a minimum salary for the workers ranging between $75 and $93 per month.

Hun Xen wrote on 15 September: “Agreed as requested”, thereby authorizing the lawsuit against Ath Thun and his union group. The case will be sent to the court and the Phnom Penh city authority will put down the strike and demonstration.

Rwanda: A parallel to Cambodia’s current political conditions

Efficiency versus freedom

Rwanda and other aid darlings

The West should not be silent when efficient leaders, such as Rwanda’s, squash the opposition

Aug 5th 2010
The Economist

THE differences between tiny Rwanda and the rest of Africa are immediately palpable even to the most casual visitor. The discarded plastic bottles and bags that pollute almost every other country on the continent are nowhere to be seen: the government has banned them. The tarred roads are usually in good shape; speed limits are actually enforced, by smart traffic police who fill out paperwork in exchange for a statutory fine rather than shaking you down for a bribe. Transparency International, an anti-corruption watchdog, rates Rwanda as one of the more honest countries in Africa. The World Bank says it is the fastest-improving as a place to do business. Hotels in the capital, Kigali, brim with Westerners attending conferences. Paul Kagame (above), the president who has overseen all this, is a darling of the aid-giving world. Western governments and prominent religious leaders have hailed him as the sort of man in whom to put their faith—and money.

Considering that Rwanda witnessed one of the most appalling waves of barbarity in history just 16 years ago, when around 800,000 people were hacked to death in three months, the efficiency is extraordinary. So much has gone admirably right in terms of development. But a lot is going depressingly wrong in politics. Mr Kagame has become more ruthless and authoritarian. In the run-up to the election on August 9th the opposition has suffered grievously. So where should the balance between development and freedom lie? Can democracy be shoved aside in the battle against poverty? And what should outsiders do to tilt the balance back? Read more of this post

Hun Xen starts to speak shit again!

Hun Xen

Speaking publicly while presiding over a meeting in Phnom Penh todiscussways on how to protect Tonle Sap Lake, Mr. Hun Sen angered by the rumor against him and claimed he is healthy and strong and hethreatened against any attempt to arrest him.

You dare to arrest Hun Sen? No one has any intentions to arrest Hun Sen, but if you want to arrest [Hun Sen], did you tell your wife and children yet to prepare a burial site to bury your corpse?

NOTE:  Well, there will be whom to arrest him, but not now. If he will be arrested it must be the ECCC, and the International Court of Justice for his crime against humanity committed for his role in Pot Pot regime, the State of Cambodia (1979-1991) and the 1997 coup d´eta.

Now Cambodian people are living in fear under his ruthless rule and everyone is struggling to survive  his daily life. And so what Hun Sen said is just a threat to those who think of toppling him or wining the power from him regardless  it is democratic or military means that he will never  submit himself to them for this is the only way to distance  Cambodian people from joining his opponents  for he psychologically understands that Cambodian people today really don´t want to see Cambodians fight against each others because they have suffered enough already from wars and this is how he can save his skin from his crimes committed.

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Freedom Park or Deprived Freedom Park?

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 7, 2010 at 11:03 pm

This week there are som news about the Freedom Park which Hun Xen govt is planning to establish in order to,  in its claim to quaranttee people’s freedom to assembly,  hold peaceful demontration where the location is to be determined by law at . All posts can be read herehere, and here.

This freedom park is a must to have according to the new Demonstration Law which is passed in June 2009.

NOTE: In my point of view this socialled-freedom park is usless and it will be constitutionally  used as a suppressing instrument for Hun Xen govt to successfully deprive the freedom of the assembly of the people of  Cambodia if the Demonstration Law is not amended. Please read the analysis of the new Demonstration Law made by The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) in order to understand its negative.

I haven’t read the new law yet since i don’t have a copy.

Be aware of WAR Mr Strong Men Chea Dara and Hun Xen! Bangkok is ready!!!

The Nation

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 19, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Siamese soldiers station at border near Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer

The rules of engagement are modelled on an emergency plan

after 2003 when the Thai embassy and businesses run by Thai firms in Phnom Penh were burnt down by a rowdy mob.

Thailand was reportedly ready to go to war with Cambodia, with combat units readied and F-16 fighters put on standby for possible aerial attacks.

Note: So it means that the idea of going to war against Cambodia has been prepared long ago even with such a small conflict, but it is not just designed after the last two year effort that Cambodia applied for the listing of Prasat Preah Vihear in 2007 and 2008 for status of the World Heritage Site? Shame on Thailand!!!

About the event in 2003, Thailand itself, as i know and have conversed with some Siameses, keeps claiming that Cambodian accusation over the incident is baseless even no proper  investigation has been conducted so far.  So if it is a rumor as its claim and the investigation is not probed, Thailand should not worry, prepare for war, and keep painting a bad picture of Cambodia with such a minor problem until today if thailand is truly a civilized  nation and prioritizes friendship since Cambodia also agreed to pay all destruction cost.

Aftr all they are all GANGS!ក្រុមមេដឹកនាំពាល

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 28, 2010 at 10:30pm


The Phnom Penh Post reported:

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday called Minister of Public Works and Transport Tram Iv Tek a “gang minister” after the senior official changed the number of National Road 67 to 66, creating cartographic confusion. Speaking at the opening of construction on National Road 62, which runs from Kampong Thom to Preah Vihear, the premier said Tram Iv Tek had acted recklessly in renaming National Road 67, which links Siem Reap to the border with Thailand in Oddar Meanchey. “The international border gate … calls it number 67, so there is no need to change it,” Hun Sen said. “Why do you need to change so much? I lost the number, and now even the prime minister is confused. I beg you, stop changing the road numbers,” Hun Sen said, adding that the minister was behaving like a gangster by changing numbers without consulting the proper authorities. “I announce today to cancel this and keep 67 as its number,” Hun Sen said.

Just wonder how ​​​should we trust  Hun Xen in ruling  the country if he has such a low brain​ even in remembering the name of the road change?

Just changing the name of the road  Tram Iv  Tek is INCREDIBLY called the “GANG MINISTER“.  However, it convinces me that: ” The gang Prime Minister must be  always surrounded by the gang ministers,” because  for sure the non-gang will not be welcomed in the team at all as John C. Maxwell said:  ” Who you are is who you attract.” And after all they are all GANGS.