Khmerization, Ki-Media and Sacrava sued by Hor Namhong?

It is a big surprise that Khmerization, Ki-Media and Sacravatoons might have been sued by Foreign Minister Hor Namhong (pictured) in secret, yet the parties have not been informed of the lawsuit.
The possible defamation lawsuit against these three blogs was revealed by Khmer Intelligence, an opposition-affiliated news syndicate, recently that Mr. Hor Namhong had took the defamation case to the French court, but his complaints have been thrown out of court.
“The French court in Paris has recently dismissed legal complaints for defamation lodged by Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong against three Web sites particularly critical of the Hun Sen government: KI-media, Khmerisation and Sacrava”, reported the Khmer Intelligence.
This is not the first time Mr. Hor Namhong had used legal lawsuit to intimidate Khmerization and the other two blogs. In May 2008, through his lawyer, David Meas, Mr. Hor Namhong had sent a very strong message to Khmerization and threatened to sue, unless Khmerization deleted all articles critical of his roles in the Khmer Rouge genocide when he was once asenior official. However, the threat failed to materialise, but Khmerization had received a number of strange emails with the aim of trying to identify and to obtain my address. Read more of this post

Police intercepted 25 tons of sassafras oil for making ecstasy tablets

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Authority pumping sassafras oil from the deck of the truck and (inset) the truck driver.

Pursat provincial police have intercepted a Phnom Penh-bound truck carrying 25 tons of sassasfras oil, an ingredient for making ecstasy tablets, near the Cardamon Mountain ranges in Phnom Krovanh district of Pursat province.

Deum Ampil reported that on the afternoon of Sunday 29th August, police from Pong-ril commune had intercepted a blue truck bearing the number plate C-0233 travelling on Hinghway 56A near Phnom Krovanh district en route to Phnom Penh. A check of the number plate shows that the truck is owned by a man named Khvoeung who live in Doem Chan village in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district. A 26 year-old driver of the truck, Sok Vicheth, was detained on the spot.

Mr. Sin Sophalla, a forestry official from Pursat, told Deum Ampil that the sassafras oil was discovered in a specially-built tanker under the deck. Authority pumped the oil from the specially-built tanker to plastic containers and kept them at the headquarter of Pursat Forestry Department to use as evidence. The truck driver was detained at the place overnight and will be sent to court on Monday, 30th August.

Cambodia a banana kingdoom????

NOTE: Below is an email I received from Chivan who wrote to me, Khmerization, and KI-Media and my reply to him. And I would like to tell Chivan that Thailand is also “A Banana Kingdom” branded recently. You can read some of the articles here and here.


Suor Sdei,

I don’t know why Sokhoeun Pang, KI and Khmerization keep defending Khmer from Thai aggressors while you all keep insulting mother land Cambodia. You called mother land Cambodia a banana Kingdom that’s what you support Thailand against Cambodia and that’s reflect yourself to what Thailand always insulting Cambodia a banana Kingdom full of crazy bad leaders like Hun Sen, Sok An, Hor Nam Hong etc…. You all don’t need to waste your time calling Thai psychopath because you are yourselves Khmer psychopath as well.

Khmer go in the battle field making war against Thai aggressors for stealing Khmer land and you all telling Thai aggressors in the battle field that Oh! Cambodia is a banana Kingdom full of crazy bad Khmer Yuan leaders!!!

Some Khmer know that Khmer leaders are bad but at least their bad are trying to protect Khmer land from Thai aggressors. We all Khmer need to reunite together fighting against Thai aggressors for stealing Khmer land and when it will be over, you can call Khmer leaders and insult them all you wanted but please just leave mother land Cambodia alone because mother land Cambodia gave birth to you all and you don’t insult mother land Cambodia. And please try not to talk bad about Khmer leaders for a while during this time defending Khmer from Thai aggressors because Thai might think that you are yourself Khmer psychopath not them.

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – Ask what you can do for your country.

Thank you. Read more of this post

My Demand to PPP´s Editor

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

February 6, 2010 at 1:01 pm

In my previous post  on “The Racist calls Us Racist” as reaction to Mr. Meas Sochea on his article accusing MP Sam Rainsy of Being Racist, I strongly comdemned Mr. Meas Sochea for his ignorance. But   now the matter is clear and incredibly the true inciter is the racist editor of the Phnom Penh Post who has lived and worked in Cambodia, may be for along time , for one of  so-called high professional newspapers in the country. And I cannot tolerate him. Below is the  email of Mr. Meas Sochea´s clarification sent to Khmerization.

Thank you for your criticizing, but I regret that you have not been thoughtful about the news. I recognize that this article was reported by me as a reporter but I did not use the word Yuon and did not add in phrase “racist epithet for the Vietnamese.” This word and this phrase were written by the editor. I have requested him to use the word Vietnam in the bracket [Vietnam] instead of Yuon but he did not listen to me. Read more of this post