Police intercepted 25 tons of sassafras oil for making ecstasy tablets

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Authority pumping sassafras oil from the deck of the truck and (inset) the truck driver.

Pursat provincial police have intercepted a Phnom Penh-bound truck carrying 25 tons of sassasfras oil, an ingredient for making ecstasy tablets, near the Cardamon Mountain ranges in Phnom Krovanh district of Pursat province.

Deum Ampil reported that on the afternoon of Sunday 29th August, police from Pong-ril commune had intercepted a blue truck bearing the number plate C-0233 travelling on Hinghway 56A near Phnom Krovanh district en route to Phnom Penh. A check of the number plate shows that the truck is owned by a man named Khvoeung who live in Doem Chan village in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district. A 26 year-old driver of the truck, Sok Vicheth, was detained on the spot.

Mr. Sin Sophalla, a forestry official from Pursat, told Deum Ampil that the sassafras oil was discovered in a specially-built tanker under the deck. Authority pumped the oil from the specially-built tanker to plastic containers and kept them at the headquarter of Pursat Forestry Department to use as evidence. The truck driver was detained at the place overnight and will be sent to court on Monday, 30th August.