Experience: I tracked down a [Cambodian] man who killed 14,000 people

He told me he was a ­humanitarian aid worker and lay-preacher.’ Photograph:Joel Redman for the Guardian

'I knew immediately who he was. It was the same face I'd been carrying around with me for over a decade'

  • Nic Dunlop (pictured)
  • The Guardian, Saturday 4 September 2010

As a child growing up in London, I was blissfully unaware of other worlds less safe and secure than my own. That all changed when I was about 12. Leafing through National Geographic, I started reading a feature about some ancient ruins in Cambodia that looked very beautiful. But what really caught my attention was an article next to it about the country waking up from the nightmare of the Khmer Rouge.

Seeing those images of victims’ skulls and mass graves was a defining moment for me. I couldn’t believe there were countries where crimes such as this could happen – what really terrified me was finding out that members of the Khmer Rouge still hadn’t been brought to justice. I started to read up about the country; how Pol Pot’s regime had wanted an agrarian revolution where life would be very simple, which had instead resulted in horror and bloodshed. Nearly 2 million people had been killed outright or died as a result of torture, overwork or starvation in the latter half of the 1970s.

More than half a decade later, still fascinated, I went to art school, but dropped out after a year, realising there was only one thing I wanted to do – to travel to Cambodia to make sense of it myself. Read more of this post

Snipers shot RED Shirts!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 14,2010 at 1:20 pm

Abhishit, the criminal leader of Thailand keeps accusing the RED of being terrorists and plotting to destroy the monarchy in order to justify his violence and power cling. So far what we have seen is that RED SHIRTs have only sticks, staves, and batons, and slingshots and rocks ready to throw towards military.

Snipers aiming gun at red shirts

NOTESo far only the RED who have been killed and they were mostly shot in the heads. With this, we can judge that Abhishit is absolutely like Hun Xen who always cling to power at the cost of people’s life. They are inhuman!

Pls watch CNN report by DAN RIVER.