Paying respect


WEDNESDAY, 26 MAY 2010 15:04



HIV-positive Cambodians pause for a moment of silence in memory of people who have fallen victim to AIDS. This tribute came during the 11th National Candlelight Memorial Day, held Tuesday at the Nun Many pagoda in Phnom Penh. Ly Po, deputy director of the National AIDS Authority, said at the event that he wanted to “eliminate discrimination against HIV patients” in Cambodia.

Red-shirt leader Kokaew Pikulthong’s important words

The Nation

May 20,2010 at 7:03 pm

REd shirt woman at gun point

“My message to the red shirts is that our struggle is just and still ongoing, therefore we should not vent our anger by rioting,” he said, urging the reds to conserve their energy for the struggle in the longer term.

For those in power, if your view is the reds are the hired hands of Thaksin Shinawatra, then you should reconsider in light of the prove that the reds stand for an ideological movement which can not be destroyed by framing or killing,” he said.

He concluded his remarks by calling on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to quickly dissolve Parliament and face the legal proceedings related to his role in the crackdown.

If Abhisit keeps on ignoring the red shirts, society, his family included, will never be at peace because the reds will resume protesting with or without their leaders,” he said.

The Son OF the Khmer Empire sayHun Xen should take these words into consideration as well if he is to lead Cambodia for a long term peace, harmony, solidarity, democracy, and social and economic justice.

Tell Me Why!

Written by Unitedkhmer

April 25, 2010 at 12:43 pm

Meet Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy in Switzerland on 24 April 2010

KI Media

Click on the flyer to zoom in

Am Rainli 4
8906 Bonstetten/ZH

24 April 2010
From 9:30AM to 5PM