Siam psychopath: Suthep has just realized that TALK is the best resolution and Abhishit has just waken up that he has not been SINCERE!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Being afraid of multilateral party’s intervention, now the Siam psychopaths need urgent bilateral talk, push for endorsement of documents agreed upon by the two countries’ General Border Committees (GBC), but keep refusing for thirdThailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban gesture during a no-confidence vote at the Parliament in Bangkok June 2, 2010. REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom party’s involvementand talk about demand for sincerity in solving the conflicts.


“If Cambodia wants to raise the dispute alone at the multilateral level, this cannot be done. The consent of both  countries involved is needed,” said Mr Suthep.

“I think that the dispute can be solved through talks between the two countries.”


He said the dispute over the contested 4.6 sq km border area around the cliff-top temple is a big issue and that it will take time to settle the problem.

Meanwhile, Mr Abhisit expressed confidence that the border dispute with Cambodia can be settled through diplomatic channels.

“If we handle the negotiations gently the situation will improve, no one will lose and the people of both countries will benefit,” Mr Abhisit said on Thursday.


here were two essential needs in solving the border row. The Thai and Cambodian governments must each show their sincerity in wanting to solve the issue through peaceful means, and people from both countries must work together to ease the tension along the disputed frontier area.

NOTE: I am sure that our readers may have the same thinkings  like me to these  Siamese people, Suthep and Abhishit:

  1. May be before these people never know that TALK is one of the best weapons in finding solution to any problems and that’s why they sent troop to invade our lands around Prasat Preah Vihear allegedly to protect their three arrested national protesters who arrested by our troops when they entered into our country illegally. it’s ridiculous!
  2. Abhishit talks about SINCERITY and the WILL TO SOLVE THE CONFLICTS, but who  should this be referred to?! Isn’t it Thailand, himself and his gangs? Now Cambodia needs multilateral party’s intervention, so why wait? Come on Mr. arrogant and flip-flopping!

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Abhishit’s dilemma

The Son Of The Khmer Empire


The results of the General Border Committees’ meetings in 2008 and 2009 are now postponed to be debated and endorsed by the Siamese parliament again over the controversy of the MoU among the members of parliament.

Article 190 of the Constitution requires the ministry to submit any negotiation framework, which could lead to changes of borders or territory, so they are approved by Parliament.

The JBC was set up in accordance with a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with Cambodia in 2000 to survey and demarcate the boundary line with officials from the neighbouring country.

Thai nationalists and some senators want the government to revoke the 2000 MoU because they fear losing territory to Cambodia, as the document recognises a French map that suggests areas adjacent to Preah Vihear temple on the border belong to Cambodia.

NOTEIf Hun Sen stands firm with what he said then Abhishit will be pushed to his dilemma:

  • If Abhisit  doesn’t accept the 2000 MoU or if he revokes it as demanded by PAD and other Thai extremists, his govt’s protest against Cambodia must have been completely viewed as irrational, aggressive, unacceptable, groundless, illegitimate, and insincere. Then, Thailand’s objection absolutely would not be listened to and this would allow Cambodia to fulfill her  full rights as the owner according to the verdict of ICJ 1962 without objection which Thailand would forever LOSE  a chance to challenge Cambodia in the future over the claim for Prasat Preah Vihear and its surroundings to satisfy their pride. Read more of this post

Siam psychopath: Only the map recognized by Thailand!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

There are many provocative and aggressive speeches made by Abhishit these

Abhishit the Fasist

few days regarding to Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer. Below is the excerpt from Bangkok Post today which quoted the unacceptable remark of Abhihsit.

Mr Abhisit also told the activist representatives that his government had never accepted the Cambodian map showing a different border between the two neighbouring countries than that recognised by Thailand.

NOTEAbhishit must understand that:

  • Cambodia doesn’t have her own drawn map. The map that Cambodia uses until today is the product of Siamese-French committees who conducted the border research and survey which agreed and signed upon in 1908 in accordance with Siamese-French treaties 1904 and 1907. So why do you refuse your own product? Legally, this map is legitimate in both national and international levels as justified by ICJ 1962 and proved to be more widely recognized in 2008 by the WHC.
  • If you accepts only the map that unilateral drawn and recognized by Thailand, so how about Cambodia? It’s like you are demanding us to accept your robbery of our land and property without fighting back. And if everyone just thinks the way you are, then there will be no peace.  If so, why do we need to have international treaty? And what is the use to have MoU?
  • In fact, MoU clearly states in its article I that the border resolution of the two countries must be surveyed and demarcated basing on the Siamese-French treaties. And therefore, Thailand must live with the facts. However, if I were the leader of Cambodia today, I would warmly welcome the 2000 MoU revocation and you would have no chance to bully around like this.

Siamese psychopath: Kasit vs PAD over 2000 MoU with Cambodia

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

The shameless face of extremist thief: Veera Somkwamkid

Now we have heard the new words from Kasit the Thug and his PAD the terrorist that they are not in the same position in regard tothe Thai-Cambodian MoU signed in 2000. Read it here.

The PAD is concerned that the 2000 MOU recognised the Siam-Franco treaties and the French map as basic documents for boundary demarcation. And, as a result, Thailand may lose many parts of its claim to land by the temple, in accordance with the map, it said.

PAD member Veera Somkwamkid submitted a demand to the government yesterday to revoke the 2000 MOU.

Foreign Minister Kasit said the MOU could not be terminated, as it was the sole legal instrument and framework for boundary negotiation with Cambodia.

“The MOU is not a matter of territory loss. It could not change the boundary line which was already demarcated more than a century ago,” Kasit said.

NOTE: Now we see that they are fighting each other over Khmer property. We also used to hear before that all of them want to revoke all the MoUs with Cambodia and they actually did revoked one of them, the MoU on overlapping waters with Cambodia in November 2009.

But now some of them change their tone and decide to defend the MoU when they realize that MoU will give them advantage in border deal with Cambodia.

Actually, I really welcome  the attention of revoking MoUs as I previously posted this regarding to the revoking of the MoU on overlapping waters. Read it here. And any termination of the MoU 2000 on land borders done would give us  as great   advantage as   the MoU on overlapping waters which we Khmer must warmly welcome since it was unnecessarily signed by Hun Xen’s regime.

Through this we also know that Siamese psychopaths are always flip-flopping and insincere. Once they say they are against the MoU and once they say they are for the MoU. Legally, MoU is internationally signed and before revoking it the party concerned must be diplomatically informed and bilaterally discussed. But Siam never comply with this rule. So  who on earth still trusts these scumbag Siam?

Siamese psychopath: Siam to find evidence to back their invasion of Cambodia

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Prasat Preah Vihrear Khmer

The more they (Siam) talk about the conflicts the more they confess their  aggression on Cambodia over Prasat Preah Vihear. Readthe full article here.

[…]Suwit Khunkitti to chair a committee to oversee the Preah Vihear temple dispute and to examine Cambodia’s development-management plan for the ancient temple, according to a government spokesman.


The committee will also seek evidence to support Thailand’s claim to the contested 4.6 sq km area around Preah Vihear temple, he said.

NOTE: If we carefully read the meaning of the article from what they said it clearly tells us that those extremists, and psychopathic Siam have never had any evidence to back their claim over Prasat Preah Vihear so far except their alone arrogance and aggression to crazily bully around  in order to get what they want.

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