Siam psychopath: Siamese MFA accused Cambodia of internationlizing Preah Vihear issues

The Son of the Khmer Empire

Kasit -Siamese MFA

After Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to Asean chair last week asking for Asean mediation, this week Siamese MFA has also sent a letter to Asean, not asking for mediation but protest against Cambodia for sending such a letter and accused Cambodia for internationalizing the Preah Vihear’s conflicts.

The Foreign Ministry has submitted a letter to Vietnam, the current chairman of ASEAN, to protest against the Cambodian government’s attempts to bring a third party into the border dispute surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple.

The Thai government has lodged a letter of protest with Vietnam, the chairman of ASEAN, against the Cambodian government’s attempt to draw international interference in the border dispute surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple.


…Bangkok has expressed its desire for bilateral talks with Cambodia, without any intervention by a third party.

NOTE: Shame on you Siamese people:

  • It’s your people that internationalize this issues by running around to protest against Cambodia since 2005 the first time that Cambodia applied for Preah Vihear’s inscription. And what Cambodia do today is just a commitment to avoid prolonged conflicts and more armed clashes in the future, then Cambodia is accused by your scumbag people.
  • We Cambodians don’t need bilateral talk, and if Hun Sen still prefers this then it is his turn to take responsibility in the future and we will deal with him accordingly.
  • If the commitment for border resolution really for the interests of peace, development, friendship, and respect for the people of the two countries, then please try it with the multilateral party since the bilateral party has not worked so far. So try it  …why afriad Mr. Kasit, unless you, your govt, your gangs are  thieves ?

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Abhisit urged to oppose to Preah Vihear administration plan

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 11, 2010 at 2:30pm

It has been quiet for a while concerning  with the conflict between Siam and Cambodia over the Siamese invasion on Preah Vihear Khmer temple. Now it starts again when Cambodia is cheduled to submitt its administrative and conservative plan to UNESCO.”  The Nation has it below:

Since Cambodia was to propose the administration and conservation plan for Preah Vihear on February 1, PM Abhisit Vejjajiva should express Thailand’s stance that Thailand has never agreed and joined in the plan making, an academic said Monday.

Well, we Khmer know that the theift never gives up stealing. So it doesn’t need you to reassure it to us. However, you Siamese people should also know that Cambodia has never asked you to join the plan or care whether you Siam agree or not with it, because Preah Vihear khmer temple has nothing to do with you Siam. Read more of this post