RED SHIRT leader get shot!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 14,2010 at 8:32 pm

Seh Daeng (Rueters)

The up-date-news of the RED crack down by the double standard govt is reportedly posted at Political Prisoners in Thailand which interestingly Seh Daeng, the RED SHIRT’S security leader, was seriously shot and now he is being treated at Huachiev Hospital. Please read the collective news here.

Siam and Their Mental Problem: The Stupidity with Past and Present

November 24, 2009 by The son of the Khmer Empire

On November 8, on his return to Cambodia from the inaugural Mekong-Japan leaders’ summit in Tokyo, Hun Sen (the Traitor) recalled how Thailand once gave shelter to two leaders of the infamous Khmer Rouge, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan.

The Khmer Rouge, which ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979, left up to two million people dead.

“Thailand did more than violate international law. It had signed a peace pact. If Thailand does not respect international law, how can you expect us to respect Thai law?” he said.

When the siamese officials as asked about this in an informal chat, then siamese officials were quick to say the episode was in the past.

SE: The Siam think that what Hun Sen (the traitor) said was already happened and it is completely in the past, so it should not be mentioned. However, here come another siam who said the past can´t be forgotten and it still beats his heart and all siamese hearts and memories. And what happened in the past can´t be accepted and forgiven.

Stupid Pirapan

“Thai nationalists consider the 1962 ruling on the temple an injustice. We respect the court ruling but hope to one day have the evidence to prove the temple itself is ours,” Siamese Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga told The Associated Press.

SE: Wow!!! It is really surprising to hear that the Siam know how to spell the word ”INJUSTICE” and understand what they mean. It seems that their effort of  stealing our national property will never end in these thief-born Siams and the loss  of stealing our temple really hurt them and make them lose faces. But these stupid people never understand how we hurt when they support the Khmer Rouge and keep invading our temple- Preah Vihear.  They should know their people are not the builders of this prestigous temple and they don´t have such a competent either.

So if your mental people want to have faces and respect from your neighbors, you must accept the past as well as the present. Or if you don´t accept the past please reject all the past. It is so simple, then you will become a REAL human being.