Abhishit’s dilemma

The Son Of The Khmer Empire


The results of the General Border Committees’ meetings in 2008 and 2009 are now postponed to be debated and endorsed by the Siamese parliament again over the controversy of the MoU among the members of parliament.

Article 190 of the Constitution requires the ministry to submit any negotiation framework, which could lead to changes of borders or territory, so they are approved by Parliament.

The JBC was set up in accordance with a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with Cambodia in 2000 to survey and demarcate the boundary line with officials from the neighbouring country.

Thai nationalists and some senators want the government to revoke the 2000 MoU because they fear losing territory to Cambodia, as the document recognises a French map that suggests areas adjacent to Preah Vihear temple on the border belong to Cambodia.

NOTEIf Hun Sen stands firm with what he said then Abhishit will be pushed to his dilemma:

  • If Abhisit  doesn’t accept the 2000 MoU or if he revokes it as demanded by PAD and other Thai extremists, his govt’s protest against Cambodia must have been completely viewed as irrational, aggressive, unacceptable, groundless, illegitimate, and insincere. Then, Thailand’s objection absolutely would not be listened to and this would allow Cambodia to fulfill her  full rights as the owner according to the verdict of ICJ 1962 without objection which Thailand would forever LOSE  a chance to challenge Cambodia in the future over the claim for Prasat Preah Vihear and its surroundings to satisfy their pride. Read more of this post

Siam psychopath: They are committing an illegitimate act against their country’s law and the international treaty 2000MoU

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Extremist Network of Thai Patriots

NOTEI wonder if the man who holds the banner in the picture which demand the 2000 MoU be revoked understands what the content of the 2000 MoU is about.

Look at them, they are freely holding demonstration which is banned by Emergency Degree declared by Abhisit’s govt since  May 2010 during the Red protest in Bangkok. Judging from this, how can we expect these scambag people to respect the international laws while they ignore  the laws in their own country.

With this, I do agree with former Siamese prime minister Chuan Leekpai who clearly said that: ” Siamese people’s disrespect for laws is the root of all country’s current problem.”

Thai man sentenced for killing girlfriend

FRIDAY, 06 AUGUST 2010 15:02


Sarisi Boon Sry is led into Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday. The Thai national was found guilty of killing his girlfriend and given an 11-year prison term.(Photo by: Pha Lina)

PHNOM Penh Municipal Court yesterday convicted a Thai man of killing his girlfriend last year at a guesthouse in Daun Penhdistrict, sentencing him to 11 years in jail and ordering him to pay 30 million riels (US$7,109) in compensation to the victim’s family.

Sarisi Boon Sry, 37, was arrested on October 12 from a construction site after being accused of strangling a Cambodian woman, 22-year-old Voeun Srey Mao, a day earlier at the Ly Hour Guesthouse. According to a police note, the victim’s father, Ho Voeu, requested that the accused be prosecuted and asked for $25,000 in compensation.

Deputy prosecutor Koeur Bunnara said yesterday that the verdict was acceptable.

“The sentence of 11 years for the Thai man really gives justice to the victim,” he said.

But after the verdict was handed down, defence lawyer Touch Chhay described the sentence as “an injustice” for his client.

“There was a lack of evidence, and it was only based on a doctoral examination of the killing,” he said.

“I raised this in the last hearing. If the victim was killed by strangling, there must have been fighting and other rooms in the guesthouse must have heard the struggle.” Read more of this post

Thailand Is Waiting For Appropriate Time To Talk With Cambodia – Suthep

August 05, 2010 15:47 PM

BANGKOK, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said that Thailand is now waiting for an ‘appropriate time’ to hold talks with itsneighbouring Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple dispute, Thai News Agency said Thursday.

“The talks could be held later when both nations are more calm, and that is why Thailand did not reserve the right to begin talks,” he said when asked to comment on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s statement on Wednesday.

Abhisit said he was ready to assign his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban to hold talks with Cambodia on the Preah Vihear dispute if the Khmer leadership gives a positive signal for negotiation.

Tension between Thailand and Cambodia rose after the Thai government’s delegation objected to Cambodia’s unilateral management plan of the ancient temple as the two neighbours could find no common ground to settle the disputed 4.6 sq km of land adjacent to the temple which was granted world heritage status in 2008.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) through its World Heritage Commission (WHC) consequently last week postponed its discussion of the plan until next year when it meets in Bahrain.

On another issue, Suthep urged civil groups to refrain from rallying under a state of emergency. Read more of this post

Siam Mental Problem: Siamese effort on Prasat Preah Vihear

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Another Greedy Face: Suwit

It is amazing to know that Thailand  will put its effort to object Cambodia´s management plan at all cost. Read the whole article here.

Government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said cabinet members instructed Mr Suwit to create a better understanding among WHC members before the next meeting about why Thailand objected to Cambodia’s plan.

“We will continue to ask the WHC to postpone consideration of Cambodia’s management plan until Thailand and Cambodia finish demarcating the disputed zone,” Mr Panitan said.

NOTEThe world know that Siamese people are Buddhists who normally must follow the five moral precepts- no killing or harming of sensitive life, no stealing or taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, and no taking of intoxicants, order to lead a good life. But what we see here Siamese people are not, for they are greedy, like stealing, robbing, cheating, flip-flopping, have no compassion, and tolerance.

Furthermore, it seems that the effort of Siamese people on Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer is not the effort towards positive, solidarity, friendship, respect, peace, development, cooperation, and assistantship, but it is about obstruction, creating conflict and war, aggression and invasion without due respect to Cambodian sovereignty and international laws and treaties.

With this, I just want to ask other Siamese people who love peace, respect and friendship among our nations that please call them to stop such a sinful acts and illegitimate claim over Khmer property so that we can live in peace together. We Khmer don´t want war anymore!

And lastly, I just want to tell Abhisit and Suwit that UNESCO has nothing to do with the border issues, so if you really have the will to solve the border conflicts,  please help faster the work of the Joint Border Committees of Cambodia and Thailand so that they can finish their tasks as soon as possible in order to bring about peace and development in those regions.

Thai King Replies To Harry Nicolaides

To the Queen of Thailand – Please Return the Land

thai king

Siamese Crown Prince The Playboy



Playboy Thai Crown Prince

Plan to hold an “Anger Day” against Thai invasion

29 June 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Thai troop (AFP)

Cambodian NGOs plan to organize a meeting to commemorate and to express the anger against the 2nd anniversary of the Thai invasion of Cambodia along the border near Preah Vihear temple which took place on 15 July 2008. One high-ranking government official welcomed the plan to hold the “Anger Day” against Thai invasion on Cambodia on 15 July. However, this government official also warned the NGOs not to profit from this occasion to serve the interest of Cambodia’s opposition party.

Rong Chhun, representative of the Cambodia Watchdog Council (CWC) and President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA), announced that 15 July is the date for the Anger Day against the Thai invasion of Cambodia and that it will be held in front of the public park located in front of the old building of the National Assembly which now houses the Supreme Court.

Rong Chhun said that at the beginning of July 2010, he will send a letter to the Phnom Penh city authority to inform about them on the commemoration of this date, although, this is not to ask for an authorization from the city.

NOTE: Such an event should be held against the Viet as well because the Viets are also active in invading our lands just like that of Thailand. Here.

Thailand toughens migrant measures


FRIDAY, 18 JUNE 2010 15:03


Thai border police stand guard at the Cham Yeam international border crossing between Cambodia’s Koh Kong province and Thailand’s Trat province last year. We allow them to work, but they have to apply for registration first.

THAILAND has announced a series of measures designed to target migrant workers who have failed to comply with a controversial registration process implemented earlier this year – a group that includes about 43,000 Cambodians, according to statistics provided by a Bangkok-based human rights organisation on Thursday.

The measures were outlined in a June 2 order signed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, and include the establishment of a “special centre to suppress, arrest and prosecute alien workers who are working underground”, according to a translation of the order supplied by the Human Rights and Development Foundation.

In addition to the centre, the government will establish working committees tasked with investigating migrant workers in five different geographic areas covering all of Thailand’s 75 provinces, the order states.

Andy Hall, director of HRDF’s Migrant Justice Programme, said the order marked a more forceful approach to the enforcement of Thailand’s nationality-verification process, wherein migrant workers were to submit documents to their home governments in order to secure new work permits in Thailand.

“We haven’t seen anything quite so organised like this before,” he said Thursday. “This time, there’s no way for migrants to comply – there’s no registration process open, there’s just a threat.”

The deadline for complying with the nationality verification process was March 2.

According to HRDF figures provided later that month, there were 124,902 Cambodian migrant workers eligible to participate. HRDF figures indicate that 81,601 took part, so 43,301 could be subjected to the new enforcement policies.

But because the policies also target workers who lack the documentation necessary for eligibility, it is likely that thousands more Cambodian migrant workers could be targeted.

There were an estimated 1 million undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, according to HRDF, who could not provide country breakdowns for that group.

Hall said that with the new policies in place it is unclear what will happen to migrant workers who are rounded up.

“They say they’re going to ‘suppress, arrest and prosecute’. They usually say they will deport, but this time there is no mention of deportation,” he said.

“We’re quite surprised at the policy. The government’s policy is very strong: It’s threatening and punitive.”

Supat Guukhun, deputy director general of the employment office at the Thai ministry of labour, said Thursday that there was no way for migrant workers who missed the March deadline to register without first returning to their home countries to apply through legal channels.

“We allow them to work, but they have to apply for registration first,” he said.

Thai government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn could not be reached for comment Thursday, nor could spokesmen for the Thai ministry of foreign affairs.

Koy Kuong, a spokesman for the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the two countries have a memorandum of understanding in place that allows for Cambodians working illegally in Thailand to be sent back.

“According to an MoU, Cambodian embassy officials can work with the Thai authorities to send them back to Cambodia,” he said. “We would welcome them back.”

He added that he did not yet know the specifics of the new enforcement policies – the details of which are not spelled out in the June 2 Thai government order – and thus could not say for how long workers could be detained at the “special centre” or in other Thai facilities.
“This is an internal regulation of Thailand,” he said.

In what appears to be one of the first mass arrests carried out under the enforcement policies, a raid on Wednesday in Mahachai, in Thailand’s Samut Sakhon province, netted a total of 145 illegal migrant workers – 30 from Cambodia, 103 from Myanmar and 12 from Laos, according to a translation of a Thai news report provided by the Migrant Justice Programme.

The workers were said to have been detained, and it was unclear how they would be processed, with the report saying only that officials would “proceed with them according to the law”.

Hall said Thursday that he was not aware of any other arrests, but that the MJP would be monitoring the situation closely. He added that comprehensive enforcement of the government’s new policy could well turn out to be unfeasible, as it would result in the loss of a vital part of the Thai workforce.

“The economy is quite dependent on migrant workers from Cambodia, Burma and Laos, so we don’t think it’s realistic,” he said. “There is no system now except for new legal arrivals.”

Why I Don’t Love the King?

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

Thai king is not loved by all Thais as some of Thai people used to  comment here. They would have some reason to reflect if they  have read the article which posted at Time Up Thailand and Here.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Bank note stamped message against Chakri Dynasty!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

The message reads: “Thaksin is an reincarnation of King Taksin the Great who are goign to Overthrow Chakkri Dynasty.”

These stamped banknots are widespreaded in Isan and Nrothern area – a sure sign that this has been done by UDD men even though UDD never claim the respoinsibilities.

What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

It is interesting to read the article by Jessica Olien on  What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?. The article elaborates how the sex trade pumped millions of dollars into Thai economy affected and how the foreigners felt by the riots when Thailand’s most famous sex districts were banned, barbed with razor-wire and signs designating the area a “live-fire zone, and put under the emergency and curfew regulation like Patphong, Nana Plaza, Go Go Bar, and Pattaya. As one of  old farangs said:

I’ve been coming here for years. I’m 75. Where else am I going to find a 25-year-old girl who will sleep with me?


Where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand. There, he says, there are “beautiful Hispanic-looking women with big boobs,” but goes on to cite a high crime-rate and bad food as reasons for not going. As for other countries: Sex tourism is not permitted in Laos or Malaysia, and neither Cambodia nor Vietnam has, to my knowledge, ever been referred to as the “Land of Smiles,” as the popular Thailand slogan goes. Also, the advanced age of many of the men who come to Thailand for sex also means they need to be close to adequate medical care, which much of the rest of Southeast Asia lacks. Thailand has fantastic hospitals for those who have a heart attack or an erection lasting longer than 48 hours.

This also reminds me of Mr. Tony who recently wrote a very challenging article on The Role of Thai Prostitution and the Thai King in Economic Development, which implies that without prostitution Thailand would never have gain its status as today.

We Thais aren’t better than Khmers

and of hypocricy said

Hi anonymous Thai Newspaper.

We Thais aren’t better than the Cambodians. We are more hypocrite than them and than the rest of the world.

Sirikit appeared with her new blue diamond at Bhumibol's fest

King Richard III was standing trial for being accused of killing his two nephews, but we Thais lost one King, who was shot in cold blood by allegedly his young brother, the current King, we dared not to even ask who did it, but we crawling and crowning him.

Not even that we are forced to worship him like god who does no wrong, he and his family are the world richest and created “Les Majesty Laws” upon us in this 21th century. I don’t know how long the poor people can take this.

If the King and his family are good people then why are they afraid of? Why “Les Majesty Laws” need to be used?

We are taught to look down on the Cambodians, the Laos, the Burmese but our crown prince is a playboy has Aid, and his wife billions around the world saw her naked at the pool party known as a porn star. Our Queen supports and funded PAD against Red shirts who also Thais, and our Queen was famously accused by Saudi for stealing its blue diamond (see the diamond here and the stealing of diamond story here). Many people were killed and disppeared. Humm.. I have no idea that the position of King and Queen are so powerful like that in our land of no-more smile.

I too give up my Thai citizenship from this hour. I am so ashamed for being a Thai. Posted In Here

The Future of Thailand

Thai royalist tries to discover a “New Religion”

Originally posted at: Thai Intelligence News

I never really read Daily News, an odd newspaper of total stupid anti-democratic royalist reactionary crap. But I saw in it, one day, as Thailand went deeper and deeper into the crisis-about how Thailand is slowly closing its doors to the globe.

“The solution is to close Thailand for three years, and fix Thailand’s internal problems,” said a very large and serious analysis of Thailand.

I just laughed and laughed and laughed-but then turned real stupid in recent days.

And that is because the anti-democratic royalist worshipers-are like trashing CNN and BBC and foreigners in Thailand-like very big big times-to the extent that a university recently had a meeting that said CNN is biased-towards non-Thai values.

So like after killing the ethnocentric question in Thailand with bullets and massive numbers of dead and injured-in the Bangkok elite vs the rest of Thailand, it is now total talk about ethnocentric war with the foreigners.

“Democracy and freedom are foreign values to Thailand, said an actress that went to the university gathering.

But it is sort of like a total turning away from global “Commonly Accepted” values-like justice, equality, democracy and freedom.

So since Thailand-when it comes to moral and ethical values-it is Buddhism off course. But Buddhism teaches against killings very strongly. But then the royalist does not even care about that-and went slaughtering hundreds. So then off course-Buddhism is non-Thai as well-as it is imported from India.

So Buddhism is out and non-Thai now.

So the logical conclusion are-is Thailand royalist are just totally fucked up and lost-or is Thailand so cutting edge, the royalist are going to “DISCOVER A NEW RELIGION.”

If it is a new religion or philosophy-it will be amazing. Since the rest of the planet-have sort of realized now-that the only thing left to discover is new technology. A new philosophy and religion these days-wow.

So far this quest for a new religion-got Bangkok burning and an insurgent underground movement going. And also so many death and injured. Then the Thai economy suffered. And much of the planet is against the royalist Thais.

But lets say at the end of the road, the royalist Thais discover a brand new religion-what will it be?

  • Well, Thai Intelligence News has been talking about the love of the Thai royalist now for a long time of the Bhutan Model-a peaceful, subsistence and happy country of absolute monarchy.
  • Well, then since the Thai royalist are mass murderers and total mind control-the Thai royalist are also into the Hitler’s Nazi system as well.
  • Well, the Thai royalist is also led by a commoner Sondhi of the Yellow Shirt who believes in the occult-so it is into the “Voodoo” and “Black Magic” of the Caribbean type of stuff.
  • Well, then as we mentioned before, the royalist are anti-freedom of expression, anti-democracy, anti-social justice, anti-equality, anti-ethics, anti-moral-and about a hundred other modern values and norms.

So just combined them together! I think I am starting to see the final picture here-something like a pure Thai Neanderthal age. Here.

The future of Thailand: A mixture between caveman and technology

Cambodian and Burmese accused of involving in Bangkok bloodshed and arson

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 23,2010 at 1:47 pm

Thai military (Thailand's trouble)

The war between the Redd shirts and the elite Bangkok last week did not paint only a bad picture of   Thailand itself, but it even dragged Cambodia  and Burma to the same level of negative image. The  rumours are palying now in both sites of the Thai factions: The Red accuse the Thai elite govt of having Cambodian mercenaries in the Thai military troops for crashing and killing them and yet the Thai elite govt accuses the Red of having Cambodian mercenaries among them for Bangkok arson. You can read them here,  here, here, and  here. Below I just extract fromThailand’s Trouble:

Cambodian mercenaries were manning army positions protesters told me at Bon Kai and Din Daeng during the afternoon on 18 May. The only evidence they could offer was that some of the troops they had tried to talk to could not speak Thai. A young woman, who was still selling drinks outside the Erawan Hotel while her baby perhaps just a year old lay sleeping on the ground as the army was advancing up Ratchaprasong, called from within the refuge of Wat Pathumwanaram to tell me it was too dangerous to outside as there were Burmese troops. Later when I reached Siam Square, where there had apparently been fighting between armed civilians and troops I only met Thai infantry.

Thailand’s  Trouble also gives  analytic questions  below regarding to the allegation of the RED.

Could the government find enough Burmese or Cambodian mercenaries, put them in Thai uniforms and train them with Thai weapons at short notice? What benefits might there be other than increasing numbers of dependable troops in light of rumours of many junior soldiers being red?

Or might it be that these rumors are without substance but spread and are believed because they relieve people of having to accept that they are facing, and being shot by, soldiers who like themselves are Thai? Some may be comforted if it is Burmese or Cambodians who are there to impose the state’s will and defend its interests because of the generally negative stereotypes attached to these nationalities?

NOTE: I don’t want to add any more idea related to this post since I just reacted in my previous post: Thais spread rumors that Khmer mercenaries among the red shirt, regarding to this issue.

The Nation Mourns

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 21,2010 at 9:22 pm

According to the content of Bangkok Post it means the nation mourn for the lost of burnt billion dollar buildings, but not the lost of human life (Partly collapsed Central World)

The Bangkok Post, the biased news of pro-Thai elite and royalist, published an article in the front page titled:The Nation Mourns, on 21 May 2010 which I tried to avoid reading it many times when I surfed the site but at last I decided to read it  and ridiculously found it contradicted to its unique title. Please read the whole article HERE.

The Nation Mourns” doesn’t mean to mourn the lost of the civilian life during the crackdown ranges, but it seems to mourn the lost of elite’s property burnt down in the economic center of Bangkok and to put more blames on the poor RED. Why? Please observe in the followings:

  1. The Bangkok Post of the elite clearly doesn’t specify what they are mourning about. It just states: “Level of chaos catches government off-guard / A nation mourns. Death toll climbs to 52 in 6 days of bloodshed / Arms stockpiles found at abandoned sites”. Here the word “mourn” just appears twice in the whole article: (1) the title and (2) the sub-title with no clue to what it is emphasized on and the rest of the article just goes to something else for its own cause as usual.
  2. It published only pictures of the burnt buildings from the beginning to the end of the article, included some elements that the yellow and Abhisit govt are trying to use as evidence to justify their violence and accusation against the RED shirts as “violence”, “buffalo“, and  ”terrorists” with some pictures of military operation equipped with modern war weapons seemingly confronting an Al-Qaida or a war in Iraq. In this sense it seems that the Bangkok Post values property lost more than the lost of the civilian life in the 6 days bloodshed. And it’s even more ridiculous that Bangkok Post forgets to include dozens of civilian and soldiers killed in the bloodshed on 10 April 2010.

As the voice of human being in the civilized world, in this sense, Bangkok Post should stay out of politics, if not in its nature, but just this one in order to fit with its article’s title and honor the death whether they are RED, multi-color, yellow,  or soldiers because they are all just Thai and even the foreign journalists who died in the cause. To be reasonably correct, it should  focus on the content which express the feeling of “SORRY” or “CONDOLENCE ” as a nation to appease and console the family of the death and voice its concern towards govt to avoid such a lost in any future of political crisis.

For me I’d like to share my condolence to all the families of the death as a friend, a citizen of a neighboring country,  and the same human being, and more than that to the RED, even they were rioting in the last fight which led to torching down some buildings and looting something, I am still sympathy for them because as I have observed the red violence occurred only after military crackdown violently carried out against them, for instance, the event on 10 April 2010 which as we know happened only after militay moved in to retake the rally compound under its so-called emergency law and the event in this moth which surely happened only after threes causes threatened: (1) the govt cut off all supply road to protesters and moved in military, (2) most important factor Seh Daeng was assassinated, and (3) military moved in to crackdown on protesters’ site and more indiscriminate killing carried out by the military. And remarkably not all of the red involved in the violence.

Whereas, the accusation of the Bangkok elite and Abhisit govt that this blast that blast hit by M79 related to RED shirt, that black clad militant,  those snipers shot soldiers and civilians are groundless since they have never been able to produce any reliable evidences except one-sided accusation.


Read more about mourning in Bangkok  slaughter by FACT  here.

Civil disorder grips central Bangkok



May 20,2010 at 7:15 pm

Photo by: AFP

Thai Red Shirt protesters burst into tears Wednesday as leaders announce from a stage within their heavily fortified camp in central Bangkok that they will surrender to authorities, and that the thousands of remaining demonstrators should end their weeks-long rally.

Red-shirt leader Kokaew Pikulthong’s important words

The Nation

May 20,2010 at 7:03 pm

REd shirt woman at gun point

“My message to the red shirts is that our struggle is just and still ongoing, therefore we should not vent our anger by rioting,” he said, urging the reds to conserve their energy for the struggle in the longer term.

For those in power, if your view is the reds are the hired hands of Thaksin Shinawatra, then you should reconsider in light of the prove that the reds stand for an ideological movement which can not be destroyed by framing or killing,” he said.

He concluded his remarks by calling on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to quickly dissolve Parliament and face the legal proceedings related to his role in the crackdown.

If Abhisit keeps on ignoring the red shirts, society, his family included, will never be at peace because the reds will resume protesting with or without their leaders,” he said.

The Son OF the Khmer Empire sayHun Xen should take these words into consideration as well if he is to lead Cambodia for a long term peace, harmony, solidarity, democracy, and social and economic justice.

Best Pics of the Military Crackdown

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 20,2010 at 6:51 pm

Please click HERE.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Thai Political unrest: 27 Buildings Under Fire In Bangkok

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 20,2010 at 5:55 pm

Udon Thani government building on fire

Pictures of Udon Thaini Govt Hall after it burnt down HERE.

Central World (the Second biggest Stock Exchange building in Asia is on fire!

Brief on Central World

Originally posted at: Thai Intelligence News

ASEAN second largest shopping complex is near collapse from being set to blaze-but why?

One of the most hate based newspaper that have been single-mindedly urging the Thai government to crackdown on the protester is the Post group.

That relation with the government is so lucrative the Post group got a big chunk of programing air time with the government TV.

The owner of Post and Central World is off course the Chirathivat family-where things are so cordual with the government, Abhisit, the Thai prime minister who ordered the crackdown today, has a cousin is a big boss at Post Today.

Post Today is off course so anti red and Taksin-it calls taksin and the reds  “BUFFALO”  in its front page all the time.

More pics of Central World HERE.

Best Blogs for Thai Political Crisis

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 18,2010 at 8:21 pm

Military crackdown on RED (AP)

If readers want to follow the hot issues in Thailand today besides Bangkok Post, the NationBBCCNN, andAljezeera, these blogs and twitters provide the very best updated events occurred  in Bangkok. Please follow them:

  1. Bangkok Pundit
  2. Bangkok Pundit Twitter
  3. Thai Political Prisoners
  4. New Mandela
  5. Thai Intelligence News
  6. Tan Network
  7. Absolute Bangkok
  8. Siam Politics

Enjoy reading!!!

Snipers shot RED Shirts!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 14,2010 at 1:20 pm

Abhishit, the criminal leader of Thailand keeps accusing the RED of being terrorists and plotting to destroy the monarchy in order to justify his violence and power cling. So far what we have seen is that RED SHIRTs have only sticks, staves, and batons, and slingshots and rocks ready to throw towards military.

Snipers aiming gun at red shirts

NOTESo far only the RED who have been killed and they were mostly shot in the heads. With this, we can judge that Abhishit is absolutely like Hun Xen who always cling to power at the cost of people’s life. They are inhuman!

Pls watch CNN report by DAN RIVER.

Eyewitness on Seh Daeng assassination bid

Originally posted at: Political Prisoners in Thailand

May 14,2010 at 8:40 pm

PPT doesn’t usually post much material that is not in newspapers or other media. However, this note from a reader struck as being of potential interest in the current murky circumstances:

Seh Daeng

Eyewitness account i’ve been sent of sae daeng shooting – please use but don’t mention me

“I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general (Seh Daeng) was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK.

Military officers where seen smiling and shaking each others hands from this killing of this man.

Our party was told by an army officer.

You have seen nothing, go back to your hotel at once or you will be arrested and deported.

He repeated again and again. You’ve seen nothing, nothing to see here. Go back to your hotels.”

RED SHIRT leader get shot!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 14,2010 at 8:32 pm

Seh Daeng (Rueters)

The up-date-news of the RED crack down by the double standard govt is reportedly posted at Political Prisoners in Thailand which interestingly Seh Daeng, the RED SHIRT’S security leader, was seriously shot and now he is being treated at Huachiev Hospital. Please read the collective news here.

They (Siamese elite) call them (RED SHIRT) a terrorist group!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 10, 2010 at 4:27pm

In this picture is the alleged terrorist network the elite and Democrats in Bangkok accused of.

NOTE:  The elite in Bangkok call this network  – the RED NETWORK, as a terrorist group aiming at destroying Thailand.

To my point of view such a negative painting colour to the RED network is unacceptable and will affect Thailand future’s reconciliation since the RED have been deprived of their freedom to democracy, due process before the law, health care, and economic justice, and ignored their dignity. My question is that how can one work without a network? How can this group become  so popular among the majority of Thai people if it is a terrorist group and its oversea branches are not banned by the international communities?  And why don’t  interpol arrest Thaksin if he supports a terrorist group?

The problem today in Thailand is deeply rooted in Thai society created by hierarchical system and monarchism, and the Bangkok elite can’t  solve this issue by accusing its opponent -the RED, of being a terrorist to gain national and international support to justify its handling the country with injustice, violence, and double standard system.  For instance, the crack down on the RED is always carried out with more harsh and violent in both military and legal actions compared to the crack down on the Yellow.

Actually, I am for Thaksin even I am against his friend – Hun Xen of Cambodia, for he did help the North and North Eastern people, not because most of them are descendants of Khmer Empire and Laos, but because he helped improve their living standards and dignity.

Lesson learned: The elite in Bangkok always treat their poor compatriots just like they treat their poorer neighbors – Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.

Thai royal asks Thai Parliament to stop debate on Khmer-Thai border issue

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 10, 2010 at 4:17 pm

With or without negotiations with Thailand, Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia!

Thailand’s ASTV Manager Online news media reported on 07 May that Princess Walvipa Charoonroj sent a letter to the

Thai Parliament asking the latter not to debate on the Cambodian-Thai border topic. Tith Sothea, mouthpiece of the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of Cambodia’s Council of Ministers, criticized this Thai princess, saying that she is countercurrent to the desire by the two countries that want to see a rapid end to the border dispute.

A Thai royal by the name of Princess (Mam Luong) Walvipa Charoonroj wrote a letter to the Thai Parliament to cancel the debate on the Cambodian-Thai border issue during its plenary session. This information was reported by Thailand’s ASTV Manager Online news media on 07 may 2010.

The Thai princess explained that the Cambodia-Thailand border issue, even though it is abiding by the law, is an issue in which Cambodia has the advantage over Thailand, and at the end, the result will show the trampling on history in the border demarcation at Preah Vihear temple. The temple which was the topic of a lawsuit between Cambodia and Thailand at The Hague International Court of Justice, was given back to Cambodia in 1962.

Regarding the request made by Princess Walvipa Charonroj, Tith Sothea, mouthpiece of the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of Cambodia’s Council of Ministers, commented that the prince is a Thai extremist who is preventing the border resolution negotiations between the two countries. Tith Sothea added that the princess’ action is counterculture to the desire of both the Cambodian and Thai governments which want to see a rapid end to the dispute and a restart of the development and the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Koy Kuong, spokesman for the ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented that the claim that the prince made about Cambodia having the advantage over Thailand is the reality because Cambodia can base on internationally-recognized documents and maps.

It should be noted that there were numerous negotiations between Cambodia and Thailand [on the border dispute]. During these rounds of negotiations, the two sides took note on a number of agreements that Thailand must obtain the approval from its Parliament on the outcome of these discussions. However, since the beginning of the border discussions, no negotiation documents was debated by the Thai Parliament yet, this issue led to a dead end in the border negotiations between the two countries.

To extremist Siamese people who are ignorant of their history!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 01, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Veera Somkwamkid

To day is the day that some Siamese people (the extremist Siameses) whose thought  is blinded by their dreaming history and fake pride under the extremist leader Veera Somkwamkid will lead demonstration to the Khmer-Siamese border to Prasat Ta Moan Khmer in order to remove the border post which they claimed to be installed in Siamese land . The news can be read here, and here.

To know who  the owner of Prasat Ta Moan Thum and Touch is  please read HERE.


If those Siam have the rights to claim that French map is unfair and no longer acceptable, then we KHMER the descedants of the former Khmer Empire, logically must say that the French made-map is also unfair and unacceptable to us since this claim made since the French control stated by our August King Sisowath. Then we can lay claim to recover back all of our provinces that cut off to Siam during the French rule because of that unfair map. Our claim can be justified by the 1906 protest letter of our August King Sisowath sent to French governor during that time.  Please read our King protest HERE.

So if those ignorant and extremist Siameses want to try it, why don’t  we KHMER try it,  too, to claim our lost provinces back,  then let’s see who have the best proof at the international court again?

Abhisit goes down on the Dog and the King

Originally posted at: wdpress

Thai Poor

Abhisit Thai Prime Minister, installed by the military, goes down on the Dog and the King so that he can report to “the dust underneath the King’s feet”.
-Oxford University, St John’s College, please note how alumni Abhisit understands democracy.

TP: Should thai people accept this kind of worship? This king is just a man , his fat, his excrement… has a bad smell like anybody….so why should we crawl or kneel to him like this ? In these px abhishit is worse than na dog.

Stop playing cool with Siamese troops

By Khmerization
Source: RFI

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 19, 2010 at 4: 55 pm

Cambodian commander (L) and Thai commander (R) held talk on top of Phnom Trop mountian (EPA)

14 Thai troops who moved in to occupy a strip of Phnom

Trop Mountain on Friday, the 16th, had steadfastly refused to withdraw from the area, despite strong protest from Cambodian troops, reports Radio France Internationale.

Those 14 Thai troops had sneaked in to occupy the area when Cambodian troops were preparing to celebrate the Khmer New Year.

Gen. Chum Socheat, spokesman for the Cambodian Defence Ministry, said local commanders from both sides were holding talks, but up to Sunday afternoon those Thai troops still refused to withdraw. Local Cambodian commanders said they will resolve the issue locally first before sending the case to the national level. Gen. Chum Socheat said those 14 Thai soldiers said they are ready to withdraw if given orders by their top commanders. However, experience in the past show that this is just a ploy, he said.

Note: This act is clearly the act of provoking conflict or invasion. Cambodia soldiers must tighten their stand in protecting the territorial integrity of the country by not allowing the siamese troops to move anywhere at will. So pls stop playing soft or negotiating with them if they trespass into our territory  or any disputed areas without informing us. Just shoot at them since commanders of the two sides have met many times and already made clear conditions and agreements  for  the troop movements and the banned areas along the borders.