Video Of Siamese Crown Prince The Playboy

The Son Of the Khmer Empire said: I see this video is very interesting and it makes me to raise  some questions to Thai people as the followings:

  1. It is just a dog and this fool crown prince celebrates such a huge fest for the dog. With this, I just wonder how many Thai people can afford such a fest for their love ones- father, mother, son, and doughter?
  2. The servants at the celebration walk/kneel on their knees before the prince and princes to serve them. They are treated even cheaper than the dog.
  3. Why is she naked? Is this the culture in the Thai Royal family? If not, so how can Thai people respect such a cheap members of royal family?
  4. Thais claims that they do love and respect their king like a semi-divine. They also believe that their king has all the virtues, compoassion, love, wisdom, knowledge, morlaity, etc., but how can he let his son to act like a ganster, a street gang, a wolf, a womanizer, playboy, or to hit the point to allow his son to become a very uncivilized person/ jungle man? If he can´t even teach his son to be a good king of Thailand so how can he is called as semi-divine? And how can Thai people accept this man to be a king of Thailand? If he is really crowned then Thailand will become a loughing stock of the world again.

Now enjoy the video:


What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

It is interesting to read the article by Jessica Olien on  What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?. The article elaborates how the sex trade pumped millions of dollars into Thai economy affected and how the foreigners felt by the riots when Thailand’s most famous sex districts were banned, barbed with razor-wire and signs designating the area a “live-fire zone, and put under the emergency and curfew regulation like Patphong, Nana Plaza, Go Go Bar, and Pattaya. As one of  old farangs said:

I’ve been coming here for years. I’m 75. Where else am I going to find a 25-year-old girl who will sleep with me?


Where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand. There, he says, there are “beautiful Hispanic-looking women with big boobs,” but goes on to cite a high crime-rate and bad food as reasons for not going. As for other countries: Sex tourism is not permitted in Laos or Malaysia, and neither Cambodia nor Vietnam has, to my knowledge, ever been referred to as the “Land of Smiles,” as the popular Thailand slogan goes. Also, the advanced age of many of the men who come to Thailand for sex also means they need to be close to adequate medical care, which much of the rest of Southeast Asia lacks. Thailand has fantastic hospitals for those who have a heart attack or an erection lasting longer than 48 hours.

This also reminds me of Mr. Tony who recently wrote a very challenging article on The Role of Thai Prostitution and the Thai King in Economic Development, which implies that without prostitution Thailand would never have gain its status as today.

Civil disorder grips central Bangkok



May 20,2010 at 7:15 pm

Photo by: AFP

Thai Red Shirt protesters burst into tears Wednesday as leaders announce from a stage within their heavily fortified camp in central Bangkok that they will surrender to authorities, and that the thousands of remaining demonstrators should end their weeks-long rally.

Best Pics of the Military Crackdown

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 20,2010 at 6:51 pm

Please click HERE.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Best Blogs for Thai Political Crisis

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 18,2010 at 8:21 pm

Military crackdown on RED (AP)

If readers want to follow the hot issues in Thailand today besides Bangkok Post, the NationBBCCNN, andAljezeera, these blogs and twitters provide the very best updated events occurred  in Bangkok. Please follow them:

  1. Bangkok Pundit
  2. Bangkok Pundit Twitter
  3. Thai Political Prisoners
  4. New Mandela
  5. Thai Intelligence News
  6. Tan Network
  7. Absolute Bangkok
  8. Siam Politics

Enjoy reading!!!

Thai royal asks Thai Parliament to stop debate on Khmer-Thai border issue

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 10, 2010 at 4:17 pm

With or without negotiations with Thailand, Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia!

Thailand’s ASTV Manager Online news media reported on 07 May that Princess Walvipa Charoonroj sent a letter to the

Thai Parliament asking the latter not to debate on the Cambodian-Thai border topic. Tith Sothea, mouthpiece of the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of Cambodia’s Council of Ministers, criticized this Thai princess, saying that she is countercurrent to the desire by the two countries that want to see a rapid end to the border dispute.

A Thai royal by the name of Princess (Mam Luong) Walvipa Charoonroj wrote a letter to the Thai Parliament to cancel the debate on the Cambodian-Thai border issue during its plenary session. This information was reported by Thailand’s ASTV Manager Online news media on 07 may 2010.

The Thai princess explained that the Cambodia-Thailand border issue, even though it is abiding by the law, is an issue in which Cambodia has the advantage over Thailand, and at the end, the result will show the trampling on history in the border demarcation at Preah Vihear temple. The temple which was the topic of a lawsuit between Cambodia and Thailand at The Hague International Court of Justice, was given back to Cambodia in 1962.

Regarding the request made by Princess Walvipa Charonroj, Tith Sothea, mouthpiece of the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of Cambodia’s Council of Ministers, commented that the prince is a Thai extremist who is preventing the border resolution negotiations between the two countries. Tith Sothea added that the princess’ action is counterculture to the desire of both the Cambodian and Thai governments which want to see a rapid end to the dispute and a restart of the development and the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Koy Kuong, spokesman for the ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented that the claim that the prince made about Cambodia having the advantage over Thailand is the reality because Cambodia can base on internationally-recognized documents and maps.

It should be noted that there were numerous negotiations between Cambodia and Thailand [on the border dispute]. During these rounds of negotiations, the two sides took note on a number of agreements that Thailand must obtain the approval from its Parliament on the outcome of these discussions. However, since the beginning of the border discussions, no negotiation documents was debated by the Thai Parliament yet, this issue led to a dead end in the border negotiations between the two countries.

To extremist Siamese people who are ignorant of their history!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 01, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Veera Somkwamkid

To day is the day that some Siamese people (the extremist Siameses) whose thought  is blinded by their dreaming history and fake pride under the extremist leader Veera Somkwamkid will lead demonstration to the Khmer-Siamese border to Prasat Ta Moan Khmer in order to remove the border post which they claimed to be installed in Siamese land . The news can be read here, and here.

To know who  the owner of Prasat Ta Moan Thum and Touch is  please read HERE.


If those Siam have the rights to claim that French map is unfair and no longer acceptable, then we KHMER the descedants of the former Khmer Empire, logically must say that the French made-map is also unfair and unacceptable to us since this claim made since the French control stated by our August King Sisowath. Then we can lay claim to recover back all of our provinces that cut off to Siam during the French rule because of that unfair map. Our claim can be justified by the 1906 protest letter of our August King Sisowath sent to French governor during that time.  Please read our King protest HERE.

So if those ignorant and extremist Siameses want to try it, why don’t  we KHMER try it,  too, to claim our lost provinces back,  then let’s see who have the best proof at the international court again?