The king of the full moon VS The king of the dog

Khmer kings vs Siamese kings

A Group of Arrogant Siam Places Angkor Wat Pic in front of Toilet

Angkor Wat

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 16,2010 at 7:01 pm

Chourn Rithy, President of Trade Union for Sofitel Royal Angkor, told Dap-News that some Cambodian staff working at the hotel disputed with a group of arrogant Thais who stayed at  the hotel for placing Angkor Wat temple in front of toilet and step on it. Those arrogant Thais said they placed it in order to welcome guests, but not to insult on Cambodian heritage. The dispute happened on 16 May 2010 at 10am and later on they removed the Angkor Wat picture away  after a heat of argument. According to report, those arrogant Thais are still staying at the hotel now. Read new in Khmer here.

NOTE: IF those arrogant Thais claimed that to place Angkor Wat picture in fornt of toilet doesn’t mean an insult on Angkor Wat or Cambodians, but just a sign of welcoming guests, then let’s place the picture of Thai King Bhumibol Adoljadej in front of our toilet in order to welcome our guests, too.

We still remember last year that a Thai man was arrested and jailed in Banteaymean Chey for insulting Angkor Wat temple by drawing Angkor Wat temple in front of his toilet and step on it daily. Read it here. With this, I hope Cambodian authority will deal with those arrogant Thais accordingly.

True History of Youn (Vietnam) and Siam (Thailand)

By The Son OF the Khmer Empire

To read the historical books of the two countries, please click on the links bellow:


NOTE: I would like to express my deep thanks to Preah Neang Saoma for sending these books. More books are being upgraded at: Khmer Heroes Blog

Siam and Their Mental Problem: Kasit´s condition

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 12, 2010 at 8:30pm

It will be difficult to improve the ties if Cambodia does not end its relationship with Thaksin,” Mr Kasit said. “No matter what Cambodia said, it cannot change the fact that Cambodia has shown its disrespect for the justice system of Thailand and has interfered in Thailand’s internal affairs.” Read more of this post

Kasit is a cause root of Khmer-Siam Conflicts: A Siamese Professor

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 22, 2009 at 7:10pm


A siamese political science professor at Choulalonkorn University was quoted that Kasit Piromya was the cause root of the deplomatic conflict between Cambodia and Siam for his role with PAD and the irresponsible act in the spy case.

I partly agree with him, but according to what I have observed the Khmer-siam conflict which has come to the lowest downdrade   this years is caused not only by Kasit, but also other key persons involved in like Thakksin, Sondi Boonyaratglin, Samark, Somchai,  Abhisit, PAD Leader, and Hun Sen.

  1. The first provkers is Thaksin and then contiuned by the coup leader. Actually, Cambodia tried to list the temple as Word Heritage Site for the first time in 2006, but failed to be accepted due to siamese objection.Then Cambodia faied it again in 2007 caused by the protest of the siamese coup regime of General Sondi. Read more of this post

Should Siwarak Deserve so or Should Hun Sen Deserve So?

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 14, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Please look at these pictures and think clearly about them.  Should Siwarak deserve such a treatment and should Hun Sen as a leader of a country deserve to treat him so?  Hun Sen should think about his duty as a Prime Minister for he has so much to serve the people esp. if he has such a so much free time he should pay a visit to see how our beloved poor people who live along the Thai-Cambodian and Youn- Cambodi n borders have suffered.

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) leads Siwarak

Chuthipongse by the hand after a meeting at his house in Phnom Penh December 14, 2009 . Siwarak, a Thai engineer working for Cambodian air traffic control who had been found guilty of spying for leaking fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra’s flight details to the Thai embassy, was pardoned last week after a request to Cambodia’s king from Thaksin and others, according to a Cambodian minister speaking at the time. Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan said Siwarak would be officially freed on Monday at Hun Sen’s residence. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea.

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) shakes hands with Siwarak Chuthipongse’s mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom at his house in Phnom Penh December 14, 2009. Siwarak, a Thai engineer working for Cambodian air traffic control who had been found guilty of spying for leaking fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra’s flight details to the Thai embassy, was pardoned last week after a request to Cambodia’s king from Thaksin and others, according to a Cambodian minister speaking at the time. Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan said Siwarak would be officially freed on Monday at Hun Sen’s residence. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea.

Cambodia’s Prime  Minister Hun Sen, fifth from left, poses for a photograph with Siwarak Chothipong, center, a former Thai airline employee convicted of spying on Thailand’s former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, his mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom, fifth from right, and parliament members from the Peua Thai Party at Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009. Cambodia on Monday officially released Siwarak. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen, left, poses for a photograph with Siwarak Chothipong, center, a former Thai airline employee convicted of spying on Thaksin Shinawatra, as his mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom, right, looks on at Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009. Cambodia on Monday officially released Siwarak. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Hun Sen should see how the Siam treats  his people and act as a leader for a nation. Or he thinks that siamese life is more valuable or expensive than that of Cambodian life? If Hun Sen still continues such an idiot act,  he  and Camboddians will be indefinitely looked down by those arrogant Bangkokians.

Now let see how our beloved compatriots treated in Siam. Injustly, they are handcuffed and their feet are chained together like a crimimal. Please be reminded also  that our compatriots´crime is astraying into Siam during their search for daily food in the forsts along the border and illegally went into Siam. More than that, they are sentenced to 5 or seven years in jail jusst for such a minor  mistake.

And no active intervention is carried out by Hun Sen´s government.

Hun Sen should know that, “ If he doesn´t respect and protect  his people, so please don´t hope that his good act with Siwarak is sincerely respected and valued by those Bangkokians.”

Siamese and their mental problem: Kasit and Buranat

November 15, 2009 The son of the khmer Empire

Bangkok Post:

Democrat Party spokesman Buranat Samutarak yesterday that, ” Asean members should know well the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia was started by Cambodia, not Thailand.”


Kasit- Siam FM

  And this is another acusastion from Kasit:

“This problem was started by Phnom Penh and has to be ended by Phnom Penh,” he said.

SE: These crazy Thai leaders keep accusing Cambodia all the way that the problem is caused by Cambodian part. They said if Hun Sen of Cambodia didn`t appoint Thaksin as his  advisor, the sour relation between the two countrie would not have been that tense.

However, their statements are always contradicted or upside down. It seems that sometimes these people mentally really don`t know what they are talking about:  Below are  some evident quotes: 

Thepthai said, “It was an internal matter for the  Cambodian government and the Thai government would not try to interfere.”

Attoney-general Chulasingh vasntasingh added, “Cambodia has the legal right to reject Thai requests for the extradition of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra if he sets foot there, but Phnom Penh must justify any such decision.”

SE: So if they think the appointment is the internal affair of Cambodia and Cambodia has the full right to reject the extraition, why they are still crying for this and repeatedly  accusing Cambodia as the provokers. 

Oh alas!!! Here Siamese PM Abhisit said it again and it`s again upsidedown:

The downgraded diplomatic ties is a retaliation by Thailand against the Cambodian government after it appointed Mr Thaksin as personal adviser to Mr Hun Sen and as economic advisor to the Cambodian government.

SE: Frankly, I am not a fan of Hun Sen, but to be fair Cambodia has already explained to the Siamese government and they should have understood it and accept it if they really respect Cambodian soveriegnty and want to be a good neighor.