Siam psychopath: Only the map recognized by Thailand!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

There are many provocative and aggressive speeches made by Abhishit these

Abhishit the Fasist

few days regarding to Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer. Below is the excerpt from Bangkok Post today which quoted the unacceptable remark of Abhihsit.

Mr Abhisit also told the activist representatives that his government had never accepted the Cambodian map showing a different border between the two neighbouring countries than that recognised by Thailand.

NOTEAbhishit must understand that:

  • Cambodia doesn’t have her own drawn map. The map that Cambodia uses until today is the product of Siamese-French committees who conducted the border research and survey which agreed and signed upon in 1908 in accordance with Siamese-French treaties 1904 and 1907. So why do you refuse your own product? Legally, this map is legitimate in both national and international levels as justified by ICJ 1962 and proved to be more widely recognized in 2008 by the WHC.
  • If you accepts only the map that unilateral drawn and recognized by Thailand, so how about Cambodia? It’s like you are demanding us to accept your robbery of our land and property without fighting back. And if everyone just thinks the way you are, then there will be no peace.  If so, why do we need to have international treaty? And what is the use to have MoU?
  • In fact, MoU clearly states in its article I that the border resolution of the two countries must be surveyed and demarcated basing on the Siamese-French treaties. And therefore, Thailand must live with the facts. However, if I were the leader of Cambodia today, I would warmly welcome the 2000 MoU revocation and you would have no chance to bully around like this.