Siam psychopath: Abhishit warns Hun Sen to be discreet and not to argue via media

By: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Abhisit: Don't argue via media

It is interesting to read the flip-flopping speech of the shameless MP of theSiamese land.  Without taking responsibility for his stinky speech made he now comes out and warns Hun Sen to be discreet and not to argue via media. Read the whole article here.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has warned his Cambodian counterpart, Hun Sen, to be careful how he interprets information he receives through the media concerning the territorial dispute over the Preah Vihear temple.


…Hun Sen should be careful about interpreting information on such sensitive issues through the media.

He said Thailand would explain the dispute to the global community.

“We want to solve these problems peacefully, without the use of force,” Mr Abhisit said.

However, Mr Abhisit said the government would push out the Cambodian communities who have settled in the 4.6-square-kilometre disputed area surrounding the temple.

NOTE: In fact, I am so tired of giving respsonse to this scumbag PM of Thailand for his endless flip-flopping, irresponsible, and saving face speeches and behaviour.

  • In this sense, Abhishit means that Thai media are unreliable. The Thai media are a source of disseminating the false information, full of sabotage, and uselessness and those who work for the media in Thailand are categorized as cheap, stupid, dumb, troubled-making, untruthful, unprofessional, and irresponsible people, but they (except pro-Red media) are all still permitted to publish for they are  pro-royal family and Bangkok elite. Shame on you Abhishit, Bangkok Post, The nation… Read more of this post

To extremist Siamese people who are ignorant of their history!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 01, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Veera Somkwamkid

To day is the day that some Siamese people (the extremist Siameses) whose thought  is blinded by their dreaming history and fake pride under the extremist leader Veera Somkwamkid will lead demonstration to the Khmer-Siamese border to Prasat Ta Moan Khmer in order to remove the border post which they claimed to be installed in Siamese land . The news can be read here, and here.

To know who  the owner of Prasat Ta Moan Thum and Touch is  please read HERE.


If those Siam have the rights to claim that French map is unfair and no longer acceptable, then we KHMER the descedants of the former Khmer Empire, logically must say that the French made-map is also unfair and unacceptable to us since this claim made since the French control stated by our August King Sisowath. Then we can lay claim to recover back all of our provinces that cut off to Siam during the French rule because of that unfair map. Our claim can be justified by the 1906 protest letter of our August King Sisowath sent to French governor during that time.  Please read our King protest HERE.

So if those ignorant and extremist Siameses want to try it, why don’t  we KHMER try it,  too, to claim our lost provinces back,  then let’s see who have the best proof at the international court again?