Siam Mental Problem: Siamese effort on Prasat Preah Vihear

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Another Greedy Face: Suwit

It is amazing to know that Thailand  will put its effort to object Cambodia´s management plan at all cost. Read the whole article here.

Government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said cabinet members instructed Mr Suwit to create a better understanding among WHC members before the next meeting about why Thailand objected to Cambodia’s plan.

“We will continue to ask the WHC to postpone consideration of Cambodia’s management plan until Thailand and Cambodia finish demarcating the disputed zone,” Mr Panitan said.

NOTEThe world know that Siamese people are Buddhists who normally must follow the five moral precepts- no killing or harming of sensitive life, no stealing or taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, and no taking of intoxicants, order to lead a good life. But what we see here Siamese people are not, for they are greedy, like stealing, robbing, cheating, flip-flopping, have no compassion, and tolerance.

Furthermore, it seems that the effort of Siamese people on Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer is not the effort towards positive, solidarity, friendship, respect, peace, development, cooperation, and assistantship, but it is about obstruction, creating conflict and war, aggression and invasion without due respect to Cambodian sovereignty and international laws and treaties.

With this, I just want to ask other Siamese people who love peace, respect and friendship among our nations that please call them to stop such a sinful acts and illegitimate claim over Khmer property so that we can live in peace together. We Khmer don´t want war anymore!

And lastly, I just want to tell Abhisit and Suwit that UNESCO has nothing to do with the border issues, so if you really have the will to solve the border conflicts,  please help faster the work of the Joint Border Committees of Cambodia and Thailand so that they can finish their tasks as soon as possible in order to bring about peace and development in those regions.