Siam psychopath: Siamese MFA accused Cambodia of internationlizing Preah Vihear issues

The Son of the Khmer Empire

Kasit -Siamese MFA

After Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to Asean chair last week asking for Asean mediation, this week Siamese MFA has also sent a letter to Asean, not asking for mediation but protest against Cambodia for sending such a letter and accused Cambodia for internationalizing the Preah Vihear’s conflicts.

The Foreign Ministry has submitted a letter to Vietnam, the current chairman of ASEAN, to protest against the Cambodian government’s attempts to bring a third party into the border dispute surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple.

The Thai government has lodged a letter of protest with Vietnam, the chairman of ASEAN, against the Cambodian government’s attempt to draw international interference in the border dispute surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple.


…Bangkok has expressed its desire for bilateral talks with Cambodia, without any intervention by a third party.

NOTE: Shame on you Siamese people:

  • It’s your people that internationalize this issues by running around to protest against Cambodia since 2005 the first time that Cambodia applied for Preah Vihear’s inscription. And what Cambodia do today is just a commitment to avoid prolonged conflicts and more armed clashes in the future, then Cambodia is accused by your scumbag people.
  • We Cambodians don’t need bilateral talk, and if Hun Sen still prefers this then it is his turn to take responsibility in the future and we will deal with him accordingly.
  • If the commitment for border resolution really for the interests of peace, development, friendship, and respect for the people of the two countries, then please try it with the multilateral party since the bilateral party has not worked so far. So try it  …why afriad Mr. Kasit, unless you, your govt, your gangs are  thieves ?

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Cambodian and Burmese accused of involving in Bangkok bloodshed and arson

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 23,2010 at 1:47 pm

Thai military (Thailand's trouble)

The war between the Redd shirts and the elite Bangkok last week did not paint only a bad picture of   Thailand itself, but it even dragged Cambodia  and Burma to the same level of negative image. The  rumours are palying now in both sites of the Thai factions: The Red accuse the Thai elite govt of having Cambodian mercenaries in the Thai military troops for crashing and killing them and yet the Thai elite govt accuses the Red of having Cambodian mercenaries among them for Bangkok arson. You can read them here,  here, here, and  here. Below I just extract fromThailand’s Trouble:

Cambodian mercenaries were manning army positions protesters told me at Bon Kai and Din Daeng during the afternoon on 18 May. The only evidence they could offer was that some of the troops they had tried to talk to could not speak Thai. A young woman, who was still selling drinks outside the Erawan Hotel while her baby perhaps just a year old lay sleeping on the ground as the army was advancing up Ratchaprasong, called from within the refuge of Wat Pathumwanaram to tell me it was too dangerous to outside as there were Burmese troops. Later when I reached Siam Square, where there had apparently been fighting between armed civilians and troops I only met Thai infantry.

Thailand’s  Trouble also gives  analytic questions  below regarding to the allegation of the RED.

Could the government find enough Burmese or Cambodian mercenaries, put them in Thai uniforms and train them with Thai weapons at short notice? What benefits might there be other than increasing numbers of dependable troops in light of rumours of many junior soldiers being red?

Or might it be that these rumors are without substance but spread and are believed because they relieve people of having to accept that they are facing, and being shot by, soldiers who like themselves are Thai? Some may be comforted if it is Burmese or Cambodians who are there to impose the state’s will and defend its interests because of the generally negative stereotypes attached to these nationalities?

NOTE: I don’t want to add any more idea related to this post since I just reacted in my previous post: Thais spread rumors that Khmer mercenaries among the red shirt, regarding to this issue.

Thai Political unrest: 27 Buildings Under Fire In Bangkok

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 20,2010 at 5:55 pm

Udon Thani government building on fire

Pictures of Udon Thaini Govt Hall after it burnt down HERE.

Central World (the Second biggest Stock Exchange building in Asia is on fire!

Brief on Central World

Originally posted at: Thai Intelligence News

ASEAN second largest shopping complex is near collapse from being set to blaze-but why?

One of the most hate based newspaper that have been single-mindedly urging the Thai government to crackdown on the protester is the Post group.

That relation with the government is so lucrative the Post group got a big chunk of programing air time with the government TV.

The owner of Post and Central World is off course the Chirathivat family-where things are so cordual with the government, Abhisit, the Thai prime minister who ordered the crackdown today, has a cousin is a big boss at Post Today.

Post Today is off course so anti red and Taksin-it calls taksin and the reds  “BUFFALO”  in its front page all the time.

More pics of Central World HERE.

Abhisit goes down on the Dog and the King

Originally posted at: wdpress

Thai Poor

Abhisit Thai Prime Minister, installed by the military, goes down on the Dog and the King so that he can report to “the dust underneath the King’s feet”.
-Oxford University, St John’s College, please note how alumni Abhisit understands democracy.

TP: Should thai people accept this kind of worship? This king is just a man , his fat, his excrement… has a bad smell like anybody….so why should we crawl or kneel to him like this ? In these px abhishit is worse than na dog.