Kick His Head!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

I’ve  just received this picture from our reader as response to Thai picture kicking Hun Xen’s head below.

Thai King Replies To Harry Nicolaides

To the Queen of Thailand – Please Return the Land

thai king

Siamese Crown Prince The Playboy



Playboy Thai Crown Prince

The king of the full moon VS The king of the dog

Khmer kings vs Siamese kings

Why I Don’t Love the King?

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

Thai king is not loved by all Thais as some of Thai people used to  comment here. They would have some reason to reflect if they  have read the article which posted at Time Up Thailand and Here.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

All Thai Kings Have Khmer Blood except Taksin

By Touch Bora

Still in the topic of Khmer Royal Family history. Members of the Khmer

King Narai

Royal Family of Cambodia have quite well recorded by various scholars, but it appears to me that an assertion of a 17th century King Narai (Noreay 1657-88) of Siam that he was a member of the Khmer Royal family has not been studied.

King Narai mentioned his Khmer royal relationship/connection to French Ambassador, De La Loubere when they met in 17th century: See Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam by Monfier De La Loubere, Envoy Extraordinary From the French King [Louis XIV], to the King of Siam in the Years of 1687 abd 1688 (year of publication 1705).

Should we trace Narai’s khmer royal family? or you have already done that? Additionally, Thai King Moha Mongkut (1851-68) told a British scholar that his ancestor, the (Chakrei) Rama I, was also a Khmer, but not from a royal family. The current Thai King is Rama 9 of the Chakrei dynasty–:1782-present. If it is true, then the only Thai king who did not have Khmer blood was King Takin, a Chinese War Lord turned King of Siam, who in turn was murdered by Rama 1 in 1782.

What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

It is interesting to read the article by Jessica Olien on  What Happens to Thailand’s Sex Tourism During the Riots?. The article elaborates how the sex trade pumped millions of dollars into Thai economy affected and how the foreigners felt by the riots when Thailand’s most famous sex districts were banned, barbed with razor-wire and signs designating the area a “live-fire zone, and put under the emergency and curfew regulation like Patphong, Nana Plaza, Go Go Bar, and Pattaya. As one of  old farangs said:

I’ve been coming here for years. I’m 75. Where else am I going to find a 25-year-old girl who will sleep with me?


Where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand. There, he says, there are “beautiful Hispanic-looking women with big boobs,” but goes on to cite a high crime-rate and bad food as reasons for not going. As for other countries: Sex tourism is not permitted in Laos or Malaysia, and neither Cambodia nor Vietnam has, to my knowledge, ever been referred to as the “Land of Smiles,” as the popular Thailand slogan goes. Also, the advanced age of many of the men who come to Thailand for sex also means they need to be close to adequate medical care, which much of the rest of Southeast Asia lacks. Thailand has fantastic hospitals for those who have a heart attack or an erection lasting longer than 48 hours.

This also reminds me of Mr. Tony who recently wrote a very challenging article on The Role of Thai Prostitution and the Thai King in Economic Development, which implies that without prostitution Thailand would never have gain its status as today.

We Thais aren’t better than Khmers

and of hypocricy said

Hi anonymous Thai Newspaper.

We Thais aren’t better than the Cambodians. We are more hypocrite than them and than the rest of the world.

Sirikit appeared with her new blue diamond at Bhumibol's fest

King Richard III was standing trial for being accused of killing his two nephews, but we Thais lost one King, who was shot in cold blood by allegedly his young brother, the current King, we dared not to even ask who did it, but we crawling and crowning him.

Not even that we are forced to worship him like god who does no wrong, he and his family are the world richest and created “Les Majesty Laws” upon us in this 21th century. I don’t know how long the poor people can take this.

If the King and his family are good people then why are they afraid of? Why “Les Majesty Laws” need to be used?

We are taught to look down on the Cambodians, the Laos, the Burmese but our crown prince is a playboy has Aid, and his wife billions around the world saw her naked at the pool party known as a porn star. Our Queen supports and funded PAD against Red shirts who also Thais, and our Queen was famously accused by Saudi for stealing its blue diamond (see the diamond here and the stealing of diamond story here). Many people were killed and disppeared. Humm.. I have no idea that the position of King and Queen are so powerful like that in our land of no-more smile.

I too give up my Thai citizenship from this hour. I am so ashamed for being a Thai. Posted In Here

Abhisit goes down on the Dog and the King

Originally posted at: wdpress

Thai Poor

Abhisit Thai Prime Minister, installed by the military, goes down on the Dog and the King so that he can report to “the dust underneath the King’s feet”.
-Oxford University, St John’s College, please note how alumni Abhisit understands democracy.

TP: Should thai people accept this kind of worship? This king is just a man , his fat, his excrement… has a bad smell like anybody….so why should we crawl or kneel to him like this ? In these px abhishit is worse than na dog.

Never Stop Mockering!

November 14, 2009 by The Son of the Empire


A feats for my eternal firend- BP-cartoon


Sorry, this money is for my King and Qeen. So, you want to survive you must marry the old, west man and become a bair collector