Siam psychopath: They are committing an illegitimate act against their country’s law and the international treaty 2000MoU

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Extremist Network of Thai Patriots

NOTEI wonder if the man who holds the banner in the picture which demand the 2000 MoU be revoked understands what the content of the 2000 MoU is about.

Look at them, they are freely holding demonstration which is banned by Emergency Degree declared by Abhisit’s govt since  May 2010 during the Red protest in Bangkok. Judging from this, how can we expect these scambag people to respect the international laws while they ignore  the laws in their own country.

With this, I do agree with former Siamese prime minister Chuan Leekpai who clearly said that: ” Siamese people’s disrespect for laws is the root of all country’s current problem.”