The Future of Thailand

Thai royalist tries to discover a “New Religion”

Originally posted at: Thai Intelligence News

I never really read Daily News, an odd newspaper of total stupid anti-democratic royalist reactionary crap. But I saw in it, one day, as Thailand went deeper and deeper into the crisis-about how Thailand is slowly closing its doors to the globe.

“The solution is to close Thailand for three years, and fix Thailand’s internal problems,” said a very large and serious analysis of Thailand.

I just laughed and laughed and laughed-but then turned real stupid in recent days.

And that is because the anti-democratic royalist worshipers-are like trashing CNN and BBC and foreigners in Thailand-like very big big times-to the extent that a university recently had a meeting that said CNN is biased-towards non-Thai values.

So like after killing the ethnocentric question in Thailand with bullets and massive numbers of dead and injured-in the Bangkok elite vs the rest of Thailand, it is now total talk about ethnocentric war with the foreigners.

“Democracy and freedom are foreign values to Thailand, said an actress that went to the university gathering.

But it is sort of like a total turning away from global “Commonly Accepted” values-like justice, equality, democracy and freedom.

So since Thailand-when it comes to moral and ethical values-it is Buddhism off course. But Buddhism teaches against killings very strongly. But then the royalist does not even care about that-and went slaughtering hundreds. So then off course-Buddhism is non-Thai as well-as it is imported from India.

So Buddhism is out and non-Thai now.

So the logical conclusion are-is Thailand royalist are just totally fucked up and lost-or is Thailand so cutting edge, the royalist are going to “DISCOVER A NEW RELIGION.”

If it is a new religion or philosophy-it will be amazing. Since the rest of the planet-have sort of realized now-that the only thing left to discover is new technology. A new philosophy and religion these days-wow.

So far this quest for a new religion-got Bangkok burning and an insurgent underground movement going. And also so many death and injured. Then the Thai economy suffered. And much of the planet is against the royalist Thais.

But lets say at the end of the road, the royalist Thais discover a brand new religion-what will it be?

  • Well, Thai Intelligence News has been talking about the love of the Thai royalist now for a long time of the Bhutan Model-a peaceful, subsistence and happy country of absolute monarchy.
  • Well, then since the Thai royalist are mass murderers and total mind control-the Thai royalist are also into the Hitler’s Nazi system as well.
  • Well, the Thai royalist is also led by a commoner Sondhi of the Yellow Shirt who believes in the occult-so it is into the “Voodoo” and “Black Magic” of the Caribbean type of stuff.
  • Well, then as we mentioned before, the royalist are anti-freedom of expression, anti-democracy, anti-social justice, anti-equality, anti-ethics, anti-moral-and about a hundred other modern values and norms.

So just combined them together! I think I am starting to see the final picture here-something like a pure Thai Neanderthal age. Here.

The future of Thailand: A mixture between caveman and technology