Why I Don’t Love the King?

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

Thai king is not loved by all Thais as some of Thai people used to  comment here. They would have some reason to reflect if they  have read the article which posted at Time Up Thailand and Here.

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For Another Regime Change

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 21, 2009 at 8:20pm

លោកបងAbhishit and លោកបងHun Sen

Prime minister Hun Sen is perpetuating an international strategy for a regime change that has time and again brought disasters to Cambodia. He has involved Cambodia in a push for a new government in Thailand. He declares the relations with Thailand will only be normalised if prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is voted out of office. Read more of this post

A Repeated Barbarous Killing of Our Beloved Khmer Committed by the Animal Siamese Soldiers

December 9, 2009 by The Son Of the Khmer Empire 

Animal Siamese Soldiers

Only one week two Cambodians have been killed by the animal siamese soldiers. The news published by DAP News today which reported that animal siamese soldiers shot indiscrimatedly towards 10 Cambodian civilians who illegally crossed the border for making daily living. The man who was killed is known as Phlauk Lai, 58, a villager of Kampongdor, Khum Choybanteay, Srok Prek Prosob, Khet Kratie. The killing happened at 4pm on 8 December 2009 at Ou Mlou area. He  is a new comer to the regoin. The report added that Phouk Lai was  shot death on the spot  while one is still missing and  eight others luckily could escape from the inhuman siamese  soldiers. 

We must bring this inhuman case to Asean,  International Human Rights Watch or UNHCR to show the fake and inhuman face of the civilized-claimed-to-be-nation, called Siam (Thailand). 

Another Beloved Khmer Killed and 9 Arrested by the Animal Siamese Soldiers

December 8, 2009 by The Son Of  the Khmer Empire

Cambodian civilian who ventured to Thai border for food and logging and escaped the killing (Koh)

It is really a sad and heart-breaking news about another case of the inhuman killing of our beloved people by the barbarous Siamese soldiers on 5 December 2009  during their venture to make their living along the border. The reported news posted here, here, here, and here.

I now don´t blame those animal soldiers since we clearly know that they are brutal and inhuman, but I strongly condemn the Cambodian leaders who have shown passively reaction or response to the inhuman killing of their own nationals by a foriegn just at the border gates in fron of our  ears and eyes.

“It seems that Hun Sen is not only physically blind, but he is also heartedly,  thoughtfully, reasonably, consciously, nationally, and mindfully blind when he comes to protect his own people as a leader.”

No more words to say now because such a brutal killing has happened for years and we have asked repeatedly the leader of Cambodia to prevent it, but nothing has changed so far!

Cambodia, Thailand veer closer to collision course

Long-standing dispute escalates dramatically as Phnom Penh hires fugitive former Thai PM as government adviser

Friday, Dec. 04, 2009
Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), KI Media

In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan poured more kerosene on the fire, calling Thailand a failed state and comparing Mr. Abhisit to Benito Mussolini.

PHNOM PENH — The armies of Cambodia and Thailand declared last week that they have no intention of fighting a war with each other. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the escalating dispute between the Southeast Asian neighbours has become so dangerous that such a statement was required. The past 12 months have seen ambassadors expelled, trade disrupted, accusations of espionage and a series of deadly border clashes around an ancient temple in a contested frontier area. Read more of this post

Kasit: Banning Thai workers must be lawful

Bangkok Post

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya insisted on Thursday that everything must be in line with the law after the Cambodian government prohibited Thai nationals from working at Cambodian Air Traffic Services (CATS), which is operated by Thailand’s Samart Corporation.

The Cambodian government ordered the air traffic control company to ban Thai workers from performing their duties and replace them with Cambodian workers. All the company’s tools and equipment were also seized.

The orders must be in accordance with Cambodia’s investment and internal regulations, Mr Kasit said. Read more of this post

Siamese and their Mental Problem: Abhishit´s unrequested request

November 16, 2009 by The son of the khmer Empire

The Nation

Abhisit said, ” He had been informed about a Thai national being  arrested for “spying” in Cambodia


Then he continued that, “ He has told the Foreign Ministry to seek a formal explanation as to why Siwarak Chothipong, 31, a Thai national working for the Cambodia Air Traffic Service (CATS), had been arrested.”

SE: Well, Abhsit knows that the guy was arrested because he is accused as being a spy. But Abhisit keeps asking why  he is arrested.  Abhisit the Kid has already lost his mind?  Funny PM of Thailand!!!

Siamese and their Mental Problem: Abhisit´s Threat

November 16, 2009 by The son of the khmer Empire

The Nation

Here Abhisit threatens Cambodia again:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Monday threatened to take stronger action against Cambodia, including more cutbacks in financial assistant, should the country refuse to abide by the international norms in handling of suspects.

SE: This is just a new threat that siamese leaders just have made it today after they have threathened Cambodia with numerous threats before like the sealing off border with Cambodia, revoking the 2001- MoU uniterally, and suspending the assistand and loan to Cambodia.

It seems that Cambodia is subjected to and getting everything for free from Thailand. And it shows that Thailand can do whatever at  will and ignore all its wrongdoings and blow the blame on Cambodia alone.

It´s true as Abhisit said here : “It was not Thailand that had started it [the current dispute] – it was the Cambodians. Therefore, it is they who have to review their position. Right now, we are adopting a wait-and-see approach.”

SE: If Hun Sen really serves the country and the Khmer people, he must stop dragging our beloved people to be looked down by those Siamese leaders and he should act more diplomatic and act cautiously by stopping flip-flopping with the bilateral talk with those flip-flopping Siamese leaders and push the issues to the international levels in Asean or UN arena. Then the conflicts beteen the two countries will be ended. Please teach this  Abhist the Kid with your real call as  HUN SEN – Mr. STRONG MAN of CAMBODIA.

Siamese and their mental problem: Kasit and Buranat

November 15, 2009 The son of the khmer Empire

Bangkok Post:

Democrat Party spokesman Buranat Samutarak yesterday that, ” Asean members should know well the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia was started by Cambodia, not Thailand.”


Kasit- Siam FM

  And this is another acusastion from Kasit:

“This problem was started by Phnom Penh and has to be ended by Phnom Penh,” he said.

SE: These crazy Thai leaders keep accusing Cambodia all the way that the problem is caused by Cambodian part. They said if Hun Sen of Cambodia didn`t appoint Thaksin as his  advisor, the sour relation between the two countrie would not have been that tense.

However, their statements are always contradicted or upside down. It seems that sometimes these people mentally really don`t know what they are talking about:  Below are  some evident quotes: 

Thepthai said, “It was an internal matter for the  Cambodian government and the Thai government would not try to interfere.”

Attoney-general Chulasingh vasntasingh added, “Cambodia has the legal right to reject Thai requests for the extradition of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra if he sets foot there, but Phnom Penh must justify any such decision.”

SE: So if they think the appointment is the internal affair of Cambodia and Cambodia has the full right to reject the extraition, why they are still crying for this and repeatedly  accusing Cambodia as the provokers. 

Oh alas!!! Here Siamese PM Abhisit said it again and it`s again upsidedown:

The downgraded diplomatic ties is a retaliation by Thailand against the Cambodian government after it appointed Mr Thaksin as personal adviser to Mr Hun Sen and as economic advisor to the Cambodian government.

SE: Frankly, I am not a fan of Hun Sen, but to be fair Cambodia has already explained to the Siamese government and they should have understood it and accept it if they really respect Cambodian soveriegnty and want to be a good neighor.

Never Stop Mockering!

November 14, 2009 by The Son of the Empire


A feats for my eternal firend- BP-cartoon


Sorry, this money is for my King and Qeen. So, you want to survive you must marry the old, west man and become a bair collector