Jungle girl goes into training

Source: The PhnomPenhPost


Photo by: Douglas Long Rochom P’nhieng, Cambodia’s “jungle girl”, sits in a hammock in Ratanakkiri province.

CAMBODIA’s “jungle girl” is receiving life skills training from an NGO in her native Ratanakkiri province as she works to reintegrate into society, her purported father said yesterday.

Local residents say Rochom P’nhieng, believed to be 30 years old, spent 18 years living in the wilds of Ratanakkiri after going missing in 1989 while herding buffalo. After being discovered in the jungle in January of 2007, she was taken in by the family of Sal Lou, from O’Yadav district, who claimed her as his long-lost daughter.

Although Rochom P’nhieng was said to have made progress in the years following her return to civilisation, helping out around the house and learning a few words of Khmer and Phnong, a local language, she fled her home briefly in May in an attempt to return to the jungle. She was later discovered stranded in a 10-metre dugout toilet, and Sal Lou said her efforts at reintegration had been largely stunted since then. Read more of this post

Union group threatens to strike

WEDNESDAY, 04 AUGUST 2010 15:02


Garment workers fill the street in front of the National Assembly last month as part of a demonstration organised in response to the recently approved sector minimum wage.Photo by: Uy Nousereimony

ACOALITION of 13 union leaders sent a letter to the Ministry of Labour and the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodiayesterday threatening to organise strikes unless talks are scheduled by August 15 to renegotiate the sector’s newly established minimum wage.

The leaders reiterated their objection to a decision last month by the Labour Advisory Committee, a body made up of government officials and industry representatives, to raise the minimum monthly wage for garment workers by US$11 to $61. Some in the labour movement had been calling for the wage to be increased to as much as $93 per month.

“We don’t want conflict, but we want to find justice for the workers who work hard but receive low wages,” said Cambodian Labour Confederation President Ath Thun.

But Chuon Momthol, the deputy director of the Labour Advisory Committee and president of the Cambodian Union Federation, said the wage had already been finalised and dismissed talk of a strike. The LAC ruled that the wage can next be renegotiated in 2014.

“Ath Thun can do this in the factories where members of his union work, but he can’t do it all over the country,” Chuon Momthol said. “We cannot keep holding negotiations again and again just because they ask for them.”

Chuon Momthol said that “90 percent” of workers were satisfied with the wage increase, which will be instituted in October.

The minimum wage for garment workers was last renegotiated in 2006, when it was increased from $45 per month to $50.

In a series of incidents last month, thousands of workers in the garment sector staged wildcat strikes in protest of the new minimum wage.

GMAC secretary general Ken Loo confirmed having received the letter, but said he could not comment as he had yet to read it. Officials at the Ministry of Labour could not be reached for comment.

Plan to hold an “Anger Day” against Thai invasion

29 June 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Thai troop (AFP)

Cambodian NGOs plan to organize a meeting to commemorate and to express the anger against the 2nd anniversary of the Thai invasion of Cambodia along the border near Preah Vihear temple which took place on 15 July 2008. One high-ranking government official welcomed the plan to hold the “Anger Day” against Thai invasion on Cambodia on 15 July. However, this government official also warned the NGOs not to profit from this occasion to serve the interest of Cambodia’s opposition party.

Rong Chhun, representative of the Cambodia Watchdog Council (CWC) and President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA), announced that 15 July is the date for the Anger Day against the Thai invasion of Cambodia and that it will be held in front of the public park located in front of the old building of the National Assembly which now houses the Supreme Court.

Rong Chhun said that at the beginning of July 2010, he will send a letter to the Phnom Penh city authority to inform about them on the commemoration of this date, although, this is not to ask for an authorization from the city.

NOTE: Such an event should be held against the Viet as well because the Viets are also active in invading our lands just like that of Thailand. Here.

ILO calls for murder inquiries


MONDAY, 21 JUNE 2010 15:02


Sok Sam Oeun (left) and Born Samnang wait at the Appeal Court during a break in proceedings last year.

THE International Labour Organisation has renewed calls to immediately drop charges against two men accused of killing union leader Chea Vichea and for the Supreme Court to “rapidly review” an appeal from a man convicted of the killing of union leader Ros Sovannareth.

In a report released Friday, following a review of Cambodia’s compliance with a convention ensuring workers’ right to form unions without interference from employers or officials, the ILO also urged that the killer of a third unionist, Hy Vuthy, be brought to justice.

As part of two weeks of meetings in Geneva assessing various countries’ levels of compliance with a handful of conventions, the ILO’s Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations earlier this month reviewed Cambodia’s implementation of Convention 87, which concerns workers’ free association and collective-bargaining rights.

The committee last week said that the government had failed to submit a report outlining steps taken to meet the convention’s requirements. The conclusions issued Friday by the Committee on the Application of Standards, however, noted that the report was submitted June 7, but that it had yet to be analysed by ILO reviewers.

“The committee regretted the lack of information relating to the long-awaited independent investigations to be carried out into the assassinations of the trade unionists Chea Vichea, Ros Sovannareth and Hy Vuthy,” Friday’s report says.

The committee “urged the Government … to ensure full and impartial investigations into the murders of the abovementioned Cambodian trade union leaders and to bring, not only the perpetrators, but also the instigators of these heinous crimes to justice.”

Chea Vichea, then-head of the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia, was gunned down in 2004 while buying a newspaper near Wat Lanka. Two men, Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun, were convicted of the crime later that year, but the Supreme Court ordered their provisional release in December 2008, citing contradictory evidence.

Ros Sovannareth, a union leader at the Trinunggal Komara Garment Factory, was shot dead by two assailants while driving his motorcycle on Kampuchea Krom Boulevard in May 2004. Thach Saveth was convicted in that case in 2005 and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Hy Vuthy, FTU president at the Suntex Garment Factory, was shot and killed in 2007. No one has been arrested for that slaying.

Moeun Tola, head of the labour programme at the Cambodian Legal Education Centre, said he agreed that the case against Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun should be dropped immediately.

“The government should drop the charges against the two scapegoats,” he said. “The evidence against both men was not there. The government needs to strengthen the judicial system in Cambodia.”

He expressed hope that the report would prompt the government to pursue all three cases more aggressively, despite the fact that similar calls were issued by the ILO in 2009.

“If the government had a real purpose to arrest the real killers, it is very possible,” he said. “If they escape to Malaysia or Singapore, the government can still find them. It is possible.”

Oum Mean, secretary of state at the Ministry of Labour, declined to comment on the ILO’s report on Sunday.

Why I Don’t Love the King?

Thai prostitutes and Thai king

Thai king is not loved by all Thais as some of Thai people used to  comment here. They would have some reason to reflect if they  have read the article which posted at Time Up Thailand and Here.

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Most Thais are mixed with Khmer blood

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

The statement is right since millions of Khmers who are the descendants of the former Khmer Empire which annexed permanently to Thailand in early 2oth century spread through out the country. This cussess is inspired by the Thai behaviors and attytudes which are always in favor of Khmer culture, arts, tradition etc. which make them unconditionally integrated in the Khmer society.

Parking fees spark complaints


TUESDAY, 08 JUNE 2010 15:02


RESIDENTS and business owners living on a section of Charles de Gaulle Boulevard where parking fees were recently collected as

A group of men sit on parked motorbikes along Charles de Gaulle Boulevard on Monday. The street was recently the site of an experiment in parking fees that has drawn complaints.

part of a one-week experiment are preparing to submit a complaint to Prime Minister Hun Sen, representatives said Monday.

Under the experiment, which ended last Wednesday, customers visiting shops on a 120-metre stretch between Streets 107 and 109 in Prampi Makara district were allowed to park cars and motorbikes for free for up to one hour, but were charged between 500 riels to 20,000 riels (US$4.80) if they stayed for longer.

Huot Chhon, the owner of a shop selling spare motorbike parts, said he did not know when the complaint would be submitted, but that he was trying to collect as many thumbprints as possible. “I’m worried that in the future the city would start this officially along the road. It will affect our business,” he said.

Prampi Makara district governor Som Sovann said Monday that decisions about whether to undertake additional experiments or to impose permanent fees would be made by City Hall, and that there had not yet been any meetings about the experiment that ended last week.
City Hall officials could not be reached for comment on Monday.

A notice dated May 25 said the point of the exercise was to reduce the number of vehicles along Charles de Gaulle and discourage “anarchic parking”.

Masato Koto, an urban planning consultant who came up with the scheme, said last month that the long-term plan is to make Phnom Penh more pedestrian-friendly.

“In other countries, sidewalks are only for pedestrians,” he said. “But Cambodia is different. Here sidewalks are for parking cars, so we have to change this characteristic.”

Sam Rainsy’s speech at Philadelphia, PA on May 23, 2010


Letter of Appreciation from SRP-Pennsylvania

Dear Compatriots,

On behalf of Sam Rainsy Party of Pennsylvania, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone for attending the meeting discussion on May 23, 2010. It was a tremendous opportunity for us to familiarize you and to share our concerns regarding the current and future issues on our native country, Cambodia.

Again, thank you for attending our event. Please click on links below to view web photo album of the event.



R. Visal
SRP of Pennsylvania

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

“Axis of Evil” in connivance with “Evil Dictator”?

The crossed-eye evil twins: Ahmedinejad (L) and Hun Xen (R)

Iran Visit Prompts Warmer Diplomatic Ties

Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Friday, 04 June 2010

“If we have strong relations with Iran, we will receive strong experience in producing oil and drilling for gas and in mining.”

Cambodia is considering increasing formal diplomatic relations with Iran, including establishing an embassy in the capital Tehran, officials said Friday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently considering the “proper time” for a visit to Iran by Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, a ministry spokesman said.

The decision follows the visit of an Iranian delegation of five National Assembly members this week that ended Thursday. The delegation met with high-ranking members of the National Assembly and Senate and with Foreign Affairs officials.

The delegation requested the establishment of an embassy or trade center to promote Iranian investment for oil, gas and mining, said Cheam Yiep, a Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker that met with the delegation.

Kuy Kuong, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said a potential visit by Hor Namhong to Iran would be to discuss “the economy, trade, investment and tourism.” Cambodia was also considering an embassy, he said.

Cambodia restarted diplomatic relations with Iran in 1992, “but we do not have an embassy yet,” he said. “We contact Iran through the Iranian Embassy in Hanoi.”

The Iranian delegation leader, Mohsen Kouhkan, told lawmakers here Iran could offer technical assistance for oil, gas and mining, Kuy Kuong said.

“If we have strong relations with Iran, we will receive strong experience in producing oil and drilling for gas and in mining,” he said.

International censure of Iran for its nuclear policies was not a concern of Cambodia, which is focused on economy, trade, investment and tourism, he said.

Let’s Mourn the 61th Anniversary of our Khmer Krom Loss to Viet

Copy FromThe Son Of the Khmer Empire

Khmer Krom

This land is my land and this land is our land, sure, we hope the world will give this land back to us! But now let’s mourn for this unforgettable loss!

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

“Min Cheh Upama” a Poem in Khmer by Sam Vichea


Cambodian opposition barred from visit to Vietnam border


Son Chhay talks to reporters during his visit to Khmer-Vietnamese border in Chantrea district in Svay Rieng province on 14th December 2009.

Phnom Penh – Armed Cambodian military police prevented a group of 16 opposition lawmakers Thursday from inspecting a new boundary marker on the border with Vietnam, an opposition member said.

Cambodia and Vietnam are in the process of demarcating their shared border, and the placement of some markers has proved contentious with claims they encroach on Cambodian farmers’ fields.

Sam Rainsy Party lawmaker Son Chhay said the legislators had heard that the border markerwas well inside Cambodian territory and went to inspect it but more than a dozen military police tried to prevent them from reaching the site.

“If the government has nothing to hide, they should not work so hard to stop us 5 kilometres away,” he said by telephone.

The group eventually managed to get within 150 metres of the post in the south-eastern province of Takeo before they were again turned back by local police.

The government on Tuesday warned that the trip was illegal and said it would prevent the group from reaching the area.

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy was sentenced in absentia in January to two years jail for his role in uprooting boundary posts in October on the Vietnam border.

That incident riled Hanoi, which has close links to the government in Phnom Penh.

Vietnam also has significant business interests in Cambodia, including investments in agribusiness, aviation, telecommunications and banking.

Parking charges levied in city


FRIDAY, 28 MAY 2010 15:04


Photo by: Sovan Philong A security guard helps guide a motorist into a parking space on Charles de Gaulle Boulevard on Thursday.

CITY Hall on Thursday began charging motorists up to 20,000 riels (US$4.80) to park on the kerb along a small section of Charles de Gaulle Boulevard in Prampi Makara district, kicking off a one-week experiment that, if successful, could be expanded throughout the city in an attempt to reclaim pavement for pedestrians, officials said.

Customers visiting shops along the 120-metre stretch, located between Streets 107 and 109, will be allowed to park cars and motorbikes along the roadside for free for up to one hour, said deputy municipal traffic police chief El Narin, who led Thursday’s operation.

Those driving motorbikes will be charged 500 riels if they park for between one and two hours, 2,000 riels if they park for between two and four hours, and 10,000 riels if they park for longer than four hours.

Steeper charges await car-drivers, who will be forced to pay 20,000 riels if they park for between one and two hours. Any cars left along the road for longer than two hours will be towed, El Narin said.

A notice dated May 25 says the point of the exercise, which runs through June 2, is to reduce the number of vehicles along Charles de Gaulle and discourage “anarchic parking”. Fees are being collected by Sky Security Service.

Masato Koto, an urban planning consultant for the city who dreamed up the scheme, said his long-term vision was to restrict roadside parking along major thoroughfares to designated areas while imposing charges to drive down demand. By doing so, he said, officials could make Phnom Penh more pedestrian-friendly.

“In other countries, sidewalks are only for pedestrians,” he said. “But Cambodia is different. Here sidewalks are for parking cars, so we have to change this characteristic.”

El Narin emphasised that it is just an experiment, and that some components of the system would likely be altered before officials move to expand
it or make it permanent.

The charge of 20,000 riels for car-drivers, he said, was “too high”, a view that was echoed by a handful of motorists and shop owners interviewed Thursday.

Masato acknowledged that the charges had drawn criticism, but said they needed to be high in order to effectively deter parking.
“If the cost is high, then people will no longer want to park here. That’s the point,” he said.

“The number of cars is increasing every day, but the land in the city is limited, so we have to control the demand for parking.”

City nixes Khmer Krom ceremony


THURSDAY, 27 MAY 2010 15:03


CITY officials have rejected a proposal for a June 4 public ceremony marking the 61st anniversary of a French colonial ruling that

Photo by: Tracey Shelton Monks attend a ceremony last year marking the 60th anniversary of a ruling that ceded territory to Vietnam. City Hall has rejected a proposal for a similar ceremony organisers are planning for next month.

formally ceded former Cambodian territories in the Mekong Delta to southern Vietnam, according to a letter dated May 21.

Khmer Krom advocacy groups had planned to hold the ceremony in the park outside Wat Botum, with organisers expecting to attract up to 5,000 people, including 2,000 monks.

The letter, signed by Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema, states that the organisers should send a new proposal to the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, and suggests that they hold the ceremony at Chaktomuk Conference Hall in order to maintain “security and good public order”.

Thach Setha, executive director of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community, which is organising the event, said he has already contacted Minister of Culture Him Chhem, who told him that the Chaktomuk facility is closed for renovations.

He said that he sent another letter to Kep Chuktema on Wednesday, again seeking permission to hold the ceremony. He added that the event had already been organised and would go ahead whether or not City Hall gives its official blessing.

“We cannot miss this because the King has sent his representative to participate in the ceremony. So we must hold the ceremony as planned,” he said.

Kep Chuktema could not be reached for comment on Wednesday, while Koet Chhe, deputy chief of the Municipal Cabinet, declined to comment, saying he had not seen Thach Setha’s follow-up letter to the governor.

ខ្ញុំមានមោទនភាពដែលបានកើតជាពូជខែ្មរ​ និពន្ថដោយពូជខ្មែរ Poem by Pouch Khmer

Originally Posted at: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 25,2010 at 5:27 pm

ឪកូនខែ្មរអើយ កុំភ្លេចទឹកដី​​                           សូមខែ្មរប្រុសស្រី ឃ្មាតឃ្មីការពារ
ដីកេរ្ដិ៍មរតក ខែ្មរទាំងអស់គ្នា                          កុំឲ្យពួកមារ វាមកឈ្លានពាន

ពូជខែ្មរមានសាសន៍ ឃើញច្បាស់ប្អូនបង      ជាតិខ្មែរមិនឆ្កង មានចិត្ដជាទាន
រក្សាវប្បធម៌ កូនខែ្មរគ្រប់ប្រាណ                      ពួកចោរសាមាន្យ វាហ្នឹងរាថយ

ខែ្មរស្រលាញ់ខែ្មរ ប្រែជាប្រយោជន៍             ខែ្មរមិនអសោចន៍ ខែ្មរមិនចុះខ្សោយ
កុំជឿបង្វែ ប្រយ័ត្នថ្លោះថ្លូយ                            ជាតិខ្មែរតែមួយ ជឿខែ្មរដូចគ្នា

ខែ្មរចេះជួយខែ្មរ ទើបខែ្មរចំរើន                     ជាតិខែ្មរយើងកើន ទូទាំងកម្ពុជា
ខែ្មរមិនសាមគ្គី ពិតជាចាញ់មារ                    ខែ្មរជួបវេទនា​​​​​​​​ ដូចសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ

បើខ្មែរចេះយល់​​​​​​​ ​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​ ដល់តម្លៃមខ្លួន                នោះពួកសៀមយួន​ មិនហ៊ានជាន់ជិះ
សូមខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប ទូទាំងប្រទេស                  កុំបីប្រហេះ​​ ​ ប្រយ័ត្នបាត់កេរ្ដិ៍

យើងជាតិខេមរា ដូនតាសាងទុក              ដីកេរ្ដិ៍ឪពុក ​ ជួយរក្សាថែ
កុំជឿអ្នកផ្សេង ក្រៅពីជាតិខែ្មរ                   កុំជឿបង្វែ នាំខែ្មរវិនាស

បើខែ្មរជឿខែ្មរ ខែ្មរពិតគង់្វង់                          ខែ្មរមិនលិចលង់ ខែ្មរមិនព្រាត់ប្រាស់
បើខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប ខំប្រឹងខ្នែងខ្នះ                      ខែ្មរទាំងក្មេងចាស់ បានផុតទម្និញ

លើទឹកដីខែ្មរ ត្រូវខែ្មររស់នៅ                       មិនម៉ែនសត្រូវ រស់នៅទៅវិញ
យួនមានសិទ្ធិ៍ធំ ដេញខែ្មរឲ្យចេញ             ខែ្មរសែនទម្និញ រស់ក្រោមអាណា

ខែ្មរជាម្ចាស់ដី ប្រុសស្រីគ្មានសិទ្ធិ៍               រស់មានកម្រត់ ជាតិខែ្មរខ្លោចផ្សា
យួនរទេស រស់ដោយរដ្ឋា                            ឯជាតិខេមរា រដ្ឋាសម្លាប់

នឹកឡើងហួសចិត្ដ អាណិតឈាមខែ្មរ         យួនវាយដូចឆ្កែ ជាតិខែ្មរចុះអាប់
បើជឿយួនខ្លាំង មិនយូរខែ្មរស្លាប់                  មិនយូរមិនឆាប់ ស្លាបអស់ពូជខែ្មរ។

True History of Youn (Vietnam) and Siam (Thailand)

By The Son OF the Khmer Empire

To read the historical books of the two countries, please click on the links bellow:


NOTE: I would like to express my deep thanks to Preah Neang Saoma for sending these books. More books are being upgraded at: Khmer Heroes Blog

Officials to make call on Kraya handouts


May 14,2010 at 8:03

FFICIALS in Kampong Thom province’s Kraya commune say they will decide this month whether to grant plots of farmland to

Photo by: Heng Chivoan Former residents of a disputed section of land in Kampong Thom province’s Kraya commune sit near an excavator that was burned as part of a demonstration last year.

villagers evicted from their land in December, but affected families remain concerned they will not be able to plant crops ahead of this year’s wet season.

The evicted villagers – many of them military veterans – have been shifted to a relocation site at Kraya’s Thmor Samleang village, where they have built homes, but are still awaiting replacement farmland promised by the authorities.

Kampong Thom Deputy Governor Out Sam On said there had been a delay in the granting of the land because officials were checking to see that prospective plots did not have other owners.

“We have eight committees to study about providing farmland to the villagers,” he said, and added that on May 23, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in Phnom Penh would make a decision as to the size of land to be granted to each family.

On December 15, some 1,700 families were evicted from Kraya commune to make way for a rubber plantation to be developed by the Vietnamese Tin Bien company.

Om Saran, an evictee residing at Thmor Samleang, said that if villagers did not get farmland in the run-up to the rainy season, when farmers typically begin planting rice seedlings, they would have no crops to harvest later in the year.

“We are worried that if authorities do not provide us farmland on time, villagers will not have food for the next year,” he said.

His fellow villager Prum Roth alleged that since the eviction, local officials had treated the residents like “animals”.

“The authorities only cheated us to agree to move to a new place and then abandoned us. They should provide us with farmland as soon as they can, as they know we depend on farmland,” he said.

Poe Oumoete, provincial monitor for rights group Licadho, called on officials to speed up the process of finding the land.

But Pich Sophea, Santuk district governor, said the Kampong Thom provincial council was merely awaiting the decision of MAFF.

“If they approve, our local authorities will start helping the villagers, he said. Ministry officials could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

ការរារាំងពីសំណាក់ប៉ូលីសក្នុងការបញ្ជាំងវីដេអូ” Who Killed Chea ViChea? “


May 04, 2010 at 6:55 pm



Cambodian territory shrunk by 4515 sq.km

Thomson Reuters’ map has shrunk Cambodian territory by 4,515 sq. km

By Khmerization
Source: Kampuchea Thmey

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 21, 2010 at 9:00 am

The Cambodian government is furious thatThomson Reuters Foundation, an international news service, had shrunk Cambodia’s land mass by 4,515 sq. kilometres, reports Kampuchea Thmey.

Thomson Reuters Foundation had listed in its official website the total Cambodian territory as 176,520 sq. kilometres, instead of the official total area of 181,035 sq. kilometres recorded in all official documents.

The Cambodian Council of Ministers (CoM) had written a letter since 12th April requestingThomson Reuters for a correction, but up until now it said it had not received any correspondences from Thomson Reuters yet.

Mr. Tith Sothea, spokesman for the CoM’s Press and Quick Reaction Unit, said the Cambodian government had requested Thomson Reuters to correct the mistake as a matter of urgency. However, up until now the CoM had not received any official reply fromThomson Reuters yet, he said.

Note: Ohhhhh….May be  Thomson Reuters Foundation shrunk the Cambodian territorial size by 4515 sq.km basing on its findings that Cambodia does lose land to neighboring countries for using the illegal treaty 1985 and the illegal supplemental treaty 2005 (READ HERE) which later on publicized by SRP leader.  And i hope that  Cambodian govt under Samdech Moha Batdei Hun Xen will bring legal charge against the members of  Thomson Reuters Foundation like PM Sam Rainsy, too for  disinformation.

Be aware of WAR Mr Strong Men Chea Dara and Hun Xen! Bangkok is ready!!!

The Nation

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 19, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Siamese soldiers station at border near Prasat Preah Vihear Khmer

The rules of engagement are modelled on an emergency plan

after 2003 when the Thai embassy and businesses run by Thai firms in Phnom Penh were burnt down by a rowdy mob.

Thailand was reportedly ready to go to war with Cambodia, with combat units readied and F-16 fighters put on standby for possible aerial attacks.

Note: So it means that the idea of going to war against Cambodia has been prepared long ago even with such a small conflict, but it is not just designed after the last two year effort that Cambodia applied for the listing of Prasat Preah Vihear in 2007 and 2008 for status of the World Heritage Site? Shame on Thailand!!!

About the event in 2003, Thailand itself, as i know and have conversed with some Siameses, keeps claiming that Cambodian accusation over the incident is baseless even no proper  investigation has been conducted so far.  So if it is a rumor as its claim and the investigation is not probed, Thailand should not worry, prepare for war, and keep painting a bad picture of Cambodia with such a minor problem until today if thailand is truly a civilized  nation and prioritizes friendship since Cambodia also agreed to pay all destruction cost.

New Year Zero of Cambodia ឆ្នាំសូន្យសំរាប់កម្ពុជាតាមបែបថ្មី

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

April 17, 2010 at 10 : 30 pm

Hun Xen

It’s was during the KR regime in the 1970s that drove Cambodia back to the primitive, YEAR ZERO in the world history and every one still has the bad memory affected by the regime. Then  the Viet – installed Cambodian govt  has ruled Cambodia and it has driven Cambodia back to the Year Zero again. The claim is understandable because the question is that do we all really own our  own life  and  our country when :

  • Our freedom is deprived by Hun Xen?
  • Our lands and houses can be robbed away by Hun Xen’s clan and cronies anytime?
  • Most properties, land, on land, under the sea, in water belong to Hun xen’s clan and his cronies?
  • Viet still control Cambodia?
  • Viet can come and live in Cambodia freely?
  • Hun Xen has consolidated power in his tight grip and the culture of personality cult to demand his status is nationwide spread?
  • Health care, education, and other social services are not free and everyone is subjected to corruption under Hun Xen’s leadership?
  • Majority of Cambodian people are visibly poor,  working to feed themselves for a daily basis without savings?
  • Law is not enforced. Social security/personal security for everyone in the country is not safe. Everyone is subjected to robbery by day and by night, killing committed by the powerful, violence, assassination, imprison, eviction, corruption, political threat, and freedom deprivation committed by Hun Xen’s govt anytime and anywhere through out the country?
  • Most of these stuff: roads, bridges, toilets, sport competitions, schools, pagodas, institutes, organizations, and humanity programs donated by and belong to dictator Hun Xen and his corrupt, brutal cronies?
  • Military, police,  media, and court belong to Hun Xen and protect only the interest of Hun Xen, his clan and cronies? Read more of this post

Happy Khmer New Year 2010

Written by Unitedkhmer

April 8, 2010 at 10:33 am




Candle Light radio program on 25 March 2010

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

March 26, 2010 at 9:30pm

Please listen to Candle Light radio program

Nominate Theary Seng for Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights award

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

March 23, 2010 at 10:11 pm

Dear All,
I understand from friends that nomination for the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rigths Award has been extended until the end of March 2010 (see information below).
Unfortunately, this award is mainly geared toward activists who are working as part of NGOs and do not have any political connection.
Nevertheless, in thinking about possible candidates for this award, it appears to me that it would a good opportunity to promote younger crop of activists in this field and Theary Seng is one of the possible nominees that comes to my mind. With this is mind, I was wondering if you would help nominate her for this award. By what I undertsand, the process is fairly simple and it requires mainly filling a form about your knowlegde of the nominee. In this regards, I have gathered below information that could facilitate the process.
Link to submit the nomination: http://www.rfkcenter.org/2010hra
Theary’s biography information: http://thearyseng.com/ biography
Theary’s essays:
Love for Sale: Neary Kroup Lak and the Economics of Sex
http://ki-media.blogspot.com/ 2010/02/love-for-sale-neary- kroup-lak-and.html
CIVIL PARTY: Khmer Victim(s) v. Charged KR Senior Leader(s) for Crimes against Humanity (etc.)
http://ki-media.blogspot.com/ 2010/02/civil-party-khmer- victims-v-charged-kr.html
National New Year Resolution: Upholding the Four Freedoms
http://ki-media.blogspot.com/ 2009/12/national-new-year- resolution-upholding.html
HOLOCAUST and CULTURE OF MEMORY: Photo Diary of Cambodian Diaspora and the German Experience
http://ki-media.blogspot.com/ 2009/11/holocaust-and-culture- of-memory-photo.html
Photo diary of a Cambodian democrat during times of repression
http://ki-media.blogspot.com/ 2009/09/photo-diary-of- cambodian-democrat.html
If you can think of anybody that could help, would you please forward the request to them also?Thank you very much!

Touch Bora
Note: I would like to suggest our compatriots to nominate Bang Rong Chhun for award as well for his outstanding sacrifce.

Troops on High Alert!

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

February 10, 2010 at 10:00pm

Cambodian troops now are ordered to be on high alert when the situation has become intensified after Siam keeps reinforcing its troops along the borders at Veal Entry and Prasat  Ta Mean Thom.  The reinforced are the new troops and they are sent to the front lines closer to the border lines.

The siamese commander once this week declared that he wants to declare war against Cambodia in order to conquer the 4.6 sq km near Prasat Preah Vihear. The Cambodian commander on the field said that  no one can predict what is going to happen , but just wait and see until tomorrow.

Please read reports  in Khmer HERE and HERE.


Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 26, 2010 at 8:30pm

On January 25, opposition leader Sam Rainsy took part in a radio call-in show on the border issue. He elaborated on the latest evidence contained in a 15-sheet file (available at http://tinyurl.com/y9d7qho) exposing border encroachment in the commune of Samraong, in Svay Rieng province where he recently pulled out a fake border post that was illegally planted on a Khmer farmer’s rice field, well within Cambodia’s territory.

Many questions were answered as you can hear by clicking at http://tinyurl.com/yce9zoj

SRP Cabinet

PS: With this I would like to express my deep gratitude to Lok Protean Sam Rainsy for his clear answers and  digging out the evidence of the Viet invasion and the true face of Cambodian traitors- Hun Xen, Chea Xim, and Heng Xamrin.

Cambodians and Thai troops clashed near Preah Vihear temple

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 24, 2010 at 6:30pm

Gen. Chea Dara (front) surveying the border areas.By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

Cambodian and Thai troops clashed about 5 minutes at the abandoned border village of Choam Te, 20 kilometres from Preah Vihear temple on the morning of Sunday 24th January, reports Deum Ampil.

Cambodian military sources said two brief clashes erupted when Cambodian troops saw a group of Thai soldiers patrolling 500 metres deep inside Cambodian territory at an abandoned village of Choam Te. Read more of this post

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen ties for people’s sake​​យួន​និងខ្មែរពង្រឹងចំណងមិត្តភាពដើម្បីផលប្រយោជន៍ជនជាតិយួន

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

January 14, 2010 at 7:00pm

The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the Cambodian Ministry of Interior need to strengthen their cooperation for the sake of the two countries’ people, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.PM Dung made the comment during his meeting with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sar Kheng in Hanoi on January 12.

The PM lauded the Cambodian Minister’s working visit and the results of his talks with Minister of Public Security Le Hong Anh earlier the same day.

He said he was delighted at the growing of bilateral traditional friendship and asked the two ministries to work more closely to implement a wide range of agreements reached by the two countries.

Fine cooperation between the two ministries has helped facilitate the development of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and especially between the provinces which share the borderline,” PM Dung said.

Whose people’s benefit? Politically, it’s only Viets’ people’s benefit. Because with such a fine cooperation and traditional friendship, I and other Cambodians have seen only Viet’s consistent invasion and millions of illegal Viets in Cambodia.

It is also boring to hear these useless phrases: “FINE COOPERATION “and “TRADITIONAL FREINDSHIP”,  which  politically means:

  1. To invade more lands along the border without  resistance.
  2. To send more illegal Viets to live illegally in Cambodia with your help.
  3. To ask Cambodia to sign more unequal treaties and agreements on economic cooperation, land conssession, and border demarcation.
  4. To evict poor Cambodians from their own lands for Viets companies.
  5. To pay more gratitude to me, Viet.

Notice: It’s almost every week or month that delegates of the two countries visit each another ranging from the national to local levels in order to strengthen the so-called “Fine cooperation and traditional friendship.” Logically, it seems that the communist Viet does not trust its puppet – the Cambodian communist of Cambodian People’s Party to handle its assigned policy as the above mentions in Cambodia and the puppet – Hun Xen doesn’t trust his master if he would be still in the eyes of Hanoi. And the visit of Sar Kheng is coincident, because recently Hun Xen was claimed to be the next nominated PM candidate for CPP and internally Kheng is always the appreciated and rival candidate for PM against Hun Xen. That’s why Sar Keng is called for a visit in order to  him that Hanoi perfers Hun Xen to him.














For victims, lengthy Khmer Rouge trial painful

Wed Nov 18, 2009
By Martin Petty

Why is it taking so long? many Cambodians peoples are going to kill him.

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) – After six months of testimony in the first U.N.-backed trial of a high-ranking member of the former Khmer Rouge, many Cambodians who suffered from the tyrannical regime have one question: Why is it taking so long?

Closing arguments begin next Monday in the trial of Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, former chief of the notorious S-21 prison, where more than 14,000 “enemies” of the ultra-Maoist revolution died.

Any sentencing will not take place until next year. Four other senior Khmer Rouge cadres are in custody awaiting trial.

Read more of this post