Siam psychopath: Suthep has just realized that TALK is the best resolution and Abhishit has just waken up that he has not been SINCERE!

The Son Of the Khmer Empire

Being afraid of multilateral party’s intervention, now the Siam psychopaths need urgent bilateral talk, push for endorsement of documents agreed upon by the two countries’ General Border Committees (GBC), but keep refusing for thirdThailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban gesture during a no-confidence vote at the Parliament in Bangkok June 2, 2010. REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom party’s involvementand talk about demand for sincerity in solving the conflicts.


“If Cambodia wants to raise the dispute alone at the multilateral level, this cannot be done. The consent of both  countries involved is needed,” said Mr Suthep.

“I think that the dispute can be solved through talks between the two countries.”


He said the dispute over the contested 4.6 sq km border area around the cliff-top temple is a big issue and that it will take time to settle the problem.

Meanwhile, Mr Abhisit expressed confidence that the border dispute with Cambodia can be settled through diplomatic channels.

“If we handle the negotiations gently the situation will improve, no one will lose and the people of both countries will benefit,” Mr Abhisit said on Thursday.


here were two essential needs in solving the border row. The Thai and Cambodian governments must each show their sincerity in wanting to solve the issue through peaceful means, and people from both countries must work together to ease the tension along the disputed frontier area.

NOTE: I am sure that our readers may have the same thinkings  like me to these  Siamese people, Suthep and Abhishit:

  1. May be before these people never know that TALK is one of the best weapons in finding solution to any problems and that’s why they sent troop to invade our lands around Prasat Preah Vihear allegedly to protect their three arrested national protesters who arrested by our troops when they entered into our country illegally. it’s ridiculous!
  2. Abhishit talks about SINCERITY and the WILL TO SOLVE THE CONFLICTS, but who  should this be referred to?! Isn’t it Thailand, himself and his gangs? Now Cambodia needs multilateral party’s intervention, so why wait? Come on Mr. arrogant and flip-flopping!

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Getting closer: Hun Xen and Abhishit

Copied From: The Son Of the Khmer Empire

To justify this please read Charles Keyes´s opinion, op-ed in Bangkok Post to criticize the impossibility of Abhishit govt’s reconciliation plan. Read the key excerpt below:

A second factor that must be taken into account if there is really to be progress along the path to reconciliation, is the deep split in society along a combination of class and ethno-regional lines…

Negative images, especially of northeasterners, have been used often in films and TV dramas. In the past few years, people of these regions have been branded over and over again by commentators on ASTV, the television network of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), in many Bangkok newspapers, and in hundreds of blogs and Facebook pages as being stupid “buffaloes” and even more vulgar characterisations. Somehow those who generate such media depictions seem to believe that “villagers” are uninformed, and unaware of these characterisations.

On the contrary, they are very much aware of them, and this constant denigration has become one of the primary drivers of the conflict.

The Abhisit government has worked assiduously, although not always successfully, to shut down community radio stations and the websites which promote a red shirt perspective, arguing that such outlets have stirred up violence and hatred. At the same time, it has done nothing about controlling the hate-mongering that takes place on ASTV and in other media. Such is not only directed against the red shirts, but also against Malay Muslims in southern Thailand and Khmer in northeastern Thailand as well as in Cambodia.

Although the government cannot and should not attempt to control the content of the media, it can demonstrate even-handedness by prosecuting clear instances of incitement on both sides. It can also increase social sanctions against hate-mongering by supporting independent, quality media, boycotting media outlets on both sides that continuously spread divisions between Thais, and being more careful to avoid inflammatory language (such as casual use of the word “terrorist”) in official pronouncements.

NOTE: It is impossible for Thailand under Abhisit to carry out its reconciliation plan while its propaganda to paint the red shirt and Thaksin as terrorists and the use of the double standard to treat them are being practiced. Obviously, it took only a few days after the crackdown on the red  for arrest warrant charges against Thaksin, but it is almost  two years now still under investigation process to bring a terrorist charge against PAD who invaded airports and the govt houses 2008.

Actually, Hun Xen and Abhishit do hate each other to the bone arrogantly fueled by their different generation leaderships and background, but they have a common characteristics in leading the countries, ie., brutal, arrogant, stubborn, and biased (double standard). These two leaders have no respect for their citizens as a whole except for their group and cronies. With all these, they are now getting to close to each other in term of their leadership.

For instance in Cambodia; the assassinations of  country´s top and much loved actress Piseth Pilika (6 July 1999), venerable Sam Bunthoeurn ( 6 Feb 2003), senior advisor to Funcinpec leader Norodom Ranariddh Om Radsady (18 Feb 2003), FTUWKC’s president Mr. Chea Vichea (22 Jan 2004),  FTUWKC’ s official of Trinongal Komara garment factory Mr. Ros Sovannaret (7 May 2004), famous popular singer Touch Sreinich (21 October 2003) ), another famous singer Pao Panhapech(23 Feb 2007), FTUWKC’ s affiliates at SunTex garment factory union president, Hy Vuthy(24 Feb 2007), the acid attack on Tat Marina (9 Dec 1999), and the opposition journalists, which so far no criminal or suspect is arrested and brought to trial even some of the case the criminals are known like the cases of Chear Vichea, Tat Marina and Piseth Pilika.

In contrast, the cases will be carried out at a quick sweep if they are seen against the opposition or the poor Cambodians, except the CPP´s members,  like the cases of bomb attack at Cambodian-Viet monument, bomb planting in front of Ministry of National Defense, the charge against Hang Chakra, Mrs Sam Meas, MP Sam Rainsy, and MP Mu Sochau. They just took a few days or  weeks only. Pls observe as well that most of the charges mentioned above the the victims become the accused and vice-versa.

So to achieve the reconciliation plan in Thailand and justice, democracy and human rights respect in Cambodia , Abhishit and Hun Xen must stop their  double standard politics towards their oppositions and the poor citizens of both countries.

Snipers shot RED Shirts!

By The Son Of the Khmer Empire

May 14,2010 at 1:20 pm

Abhishit, the criminal leader of Thailand keeps accusing the RED of being terrorists and plotting to destroy the monarchy in order to justify his violence and power cling. So far what we have seen is that RED SHIRTs have only sticks, staves, and batons, and slingshots and rocks ready to throw towards military.

Snipers aiming gun at red shirts

NOTESo far only the RED who have been killed and they were mostly shot in the heads. With this, we can judge that Abhishit is absolutely like Hun Xen who always cling to power at the cost of people’s life. They are inhuman!

Pls watch CNN report by DAN RIVER.

For Another Regime Change

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 21, 2009 at 8:20pm

លោកបងAbhishit and លោកបងHun Sen

Prime minister Hun Sen is perpetuating an international strategy for a regime change that has time and again brought disasters to Cambodia. He has involved Cambodia in a push for a new government in Thailand. He declares the relations with Thailand will only be normalised if prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is voted out of office. Read more of this post

Siam and Their Mental Problem: Abhishit´s Diplomatic Restoration and International Law

Written by The Son Of the Khmer Empire

December 14, 2009 at 6:19 pm

Bangkok (TNA)


The premier said that the issue should not be politically intensified as Mr Siwarak had pleaded not guilty during the trial and that Thailand had no need for the data as the government had it already.

I want to ask persons who try to magnify the issue what do they need, why they want Thailand to have problems with its neighbour,” said Mr Abhisit. “Mr Siwarak has already been freed and the fact is there, but some people are still trying to politicise the issue“.

The Thai premier added that it is not difficult to restore relations with Cambodia as long as the neighbour listens to Thailand that the problem is caused by Mr Thaksin and solve it at its root.

Mr Abhisit reasserted that Thailand still wants to restore relations with Cambodia, but that relation must be made upon trust and respect between the two kingdoms.

The Thai premier admitted that there is sign from Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urging Thailand to send its ambassador back to Phnom Penh, but Thailand has replied to the Cambodian premier that the diplomatic spat was not caused by recalling the ambassador.

He said Thailand was obliged to express its stance after Cambodia had insulted the Thai judicial process as well as violated international agreement.

SKE: Who else in Siam can  push Siam to have problem with Cambodia if not you and PAD? Read more of this post